ATI PEDS Exam (ATI RN Nursing Care of Children) Questions and Answers with Explanations, 100% Correct, Download to Score A

The nurse is teaching a nursing student about standard precautions. Which statement made by the

student indicates a need for further teaching?

“I will use precautions when administering oral medications to a school-age child.”

A teen has a scoliosis curve of 35°. What treatment option does the nurse prepare the child and family



A nurse is caring for a child with suspected epilepsy. Which diagnostic test does the nurse facilitate as

the priority for this child?

Electroencephalogram (EEG)

An adolescent child has just had surgery and has an abdominal dressing Which question should the

nurse expect the child to initially ask?

“Will I have a large scar?”

A child, age 3 years, refuses to have his temperature checked by the nurse. What nursing action should

the nurse implement?

Do the procedure quickly as possible, involving the parent, if present.

After returning from cardiac catheterization, the nurse monitors the child’s vital signs. The heart rate

should be counted for how many seconds?


The nurse is planning home care for a 2-year-old child with a tracheostomy. What recommendation

should be included?

Parents are able to change the tracheostomy tube when needed.

What factor is most important for parents implementing do not resuscitate (DNR) orders?

Acknowledgement by health care team of what will and will not be done for the child

The nurse must suction a 6-month-old infant with a tracheostomy. What intervention should be


Perform each pass of the suction catheter for no longer than 5 seconds.

The parents of a young child with heart failure (HF) tell the nurse that they are nervous about giving

digoxin. The nurse’s response should be based on which knowledge?

Parents need to learn specific, important guidelines for administration of digoxin.

According to Erikson, the psychosocial task of adolescence is developing what?


Cognitive development influences response to pain. What age group is most concerned with the fear of

losing control during a painful experience?


Parents ask for help for their other children to cope with the changes in the family resulting from the

special needs of their sibling. What strategy does the nurse recommend?

Invite the siblings to attend meetings to develop plans for the child with special needs.

A 6-year-old child is admitted to the pediatric unit and requires bed rest. Having art supplies available

meets which purpose?

Let’s the child express thoughts and feelings through pictures rather than words

The nurse finds that a 6-month-old infant has an apical pulse of 166 beats/min during sleep. What

nursing intervention is most appropriate at this time?

Report data to the practitioner.

The nurse stops to assist an adolescent who has experienced severe trauma when hit by a

motorcycle. The emergency medical system (EMS) has been activated. The first person who provided

assistance applied a tourniquet to the child’s leg because of arterial bleeding. What should the nurse do

related to the tourniquet?

Leave the tourniquet in place.

The school nurse is informed that a child with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection will be

attending school soon. What is an important nursing intervention to include in the plan of care?

Carefully follow universal precautions.

An 8-year-old child is hit by a motor vehicle in the school parking lot. The school nurse notes that the

child is responding to verbal stimulation but is not moving his extremities when requested. What is the

first action the nurse should take?

Have someone notify the emergency medical services (EMS) system

A school-age child is diagnosed with a life-threatening illness. The parents want to protect their child

from knowing the seriousness of the illness. The nurse should provide which explanation?

Terminally ill children know when they are seriously ill, even when protected from the truth.

The nurse should suspect a child has cerebral palsy (CP) if the parent says what?

“My 4-month-old doesn’t lift his head when on his tummy.”

Because of their striving for independence and productivity, which age group of children is particularly

vulnerable to events that may lessen their feeling of control and power?

School-age children

The nurse is caring for a child with a tracheostomy. What clinical manifestation should the nurse

recognize as an early sign of impending respiratory distress or failure?


The nurse in a community clinic is caring for a 6-month old boy and his mother. Which intervention is

the priority to promote adequate growth?

Monitoring the child’s weight and height

The nurse is caring for a school-age girl who has had a cardiac catheterization. The child tells the nurse

that her bandage is “too wet.” The nurse finds the bandage and bed soaked with blood. What nursing

action is most appropriate to institute initially?

Apply direct pressure above the catheterization site.

The nurse is caring for a school-age child with severe anemia and activity intolerance. What diversional

activity should the nurse plan for this child?

Playing board or card games

An acutely ill child is admitted for a suspected severe urinary tract infection (UTI). Which is the priority

action by the nurse?

Obtain a urine sample for culture and sensitivity.

A 7-year old girl is being seen at a healthcare clinic; the nurse suspects that the child is being neglected

and physically abused at home. Beyond physical markings on the child, which of the following can also

indicate signs of a child being abused or neglected? Select all that apply.

The patient is wearing dirty, poorly-fitted clothes

The patient misses school approximately once per week

The child has body odor and rotting teeth

There is a strict limit setting in the home

The nurse is conducting a physical examination of a child following a comprehensive health history.

What should be the focus of the physical examination?

Chief complaint

The nurse is providing care to a 4-year-old boy with a broken arm and an infected laceration from a fall.

The nurse notes a significant elevation in the child’s heart rate. Which intervention would be

at least appropriate?

Using a defibrillator to reduce heart rate

A 6-year-old child is scheduled for a cardiac catheterization. What consideration is most important in

planning preoperative teaching?

Preoperative teaching should be adapted to his level of development so that he can understand

What is the most common form of child maltreatment?

Child neglect

A nurse is preparing to take a pediatric patient to surgery. She places an identification band on the

child’s wrist. Which of the following statements by the nurse is most appropriate when explaining the ID

band to the child and his parents?

“This band tells us who you are so that you are not mixed up with anyone else.”

The potential effects of chronic illness or disability on a child’s development vary at different ages.

What developmental alteration is a threat to a toddler’s normal development?

Hindered mobility

The nurse is performing a physical assessment on a 3-year-old child. The parents state that the child

excessively rubs the eyes and often tilts the head to one side. What visual impairment should the nurse


Myopia, or nearsightedness

What nursing consideration is most important in the care of a child on a mechanical ventilator?

Positioning the child for comfort and optimum ventilation is necessary.

An infant’s parents ask the nurse about preventing otitis media (OM), what information should be


Avoid tobacco smoke

Which would be least effective in gaining the cooperation of a toddler during a physical examination?

Tell the child that another child the same age wasn’t afraid.

A 7-year-old child has just had a cast applied for a fractured arm with the wrist and elbow immobilized.

What information should be included in the home care instructions?

Elevate casted arm when both upright and resting.

An 18-month old child is seen in the clinic with otitis media (OM). Oral amoxicillin is prescribed. What

instructions should be given to the parent?

Administer all of the prescribed medication.

A 6-year-old child has patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) for pain measurement after orthopedic

surgery. The parents are worried that their child will be in pain. What should your explanation in the

parents include?

The pump can deliver baseline and bolus dosages.

The parents of a preterm infant in a neonatal intensive care unit are concerned about their infant

experiencing pain from so many procedures. The nurse’s response should be based on which

characteristic about preterm infants’ pain?

They perceive and react to pain in much the same manner as children and adults

A child with severe anemia requires a unit of red blood cells (RBCs). The nurse explains to the child that

the transfusion is necessary for which reason?

Increase her energy so she will not be so tired.

A nurse is attempting to assess a toddler, who is being uncooperative. What action by the nurse would

be best to accomplish this task?

Visit the parent for a short while.

A nurse is caring for a 5-year-old who broke his arm and is complaining of pain. What statement by the

nurse to the child would be most helpful?

“You didn’t do anything wrong that caused the hurt”

A mother tells the nurse that she does not want her infant immunized because of the discomfort

associated with injections. What should the nurse explain?

A Topical anesthetic can be applied before injections are given.

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Category ATI
Release date 2021-08-31
Pages 317
Language English
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