Gizmo Lab 2_ Earthquake Determination of Epicenter - Honors
M2L2: Earthquake 2 – Determination of Epicenter - Honors Name: Mia Anguiano Date: [NOTE TO STUDENTS: This exercise assumes that you have a data table a nd graph made while using the Earthquakes 1 – Recording Center Gizmo™. If you do not have those, or have never used that Gizmo before, do that first.] Vocabulary: body wave, earthquake, epicenter, fault, focus, P wave, S wave, seismic wave, seismogram, seismograph Prior Knowledge Questions (Do these BEFORE using the Gizmo.) Three dogs meet in a park. Each dog is attached by a leash to its owner (triangles). What does each colored circle represent? Each colored circle represents the distance that each dog could walk. The leash would define the radius Where could all the dogs meet in one place? c Is there another spot where all three dogs could meet? no Explain: It only intersects at one area Gizmo Warm-up When you used the Earthquakes 1 – Recording Station Gizmo™, you learned how to find the distance from a recording station to the epicenter. With the Earthquakes 2 – Determination of Epicenter Gizmo, you will use data from three recording stations to find the exact location of the epicenter. Click Play ( ), and then click Pause ( ) when the seismograms are complete. Compare the three seismograms. Which recording station is closest to the epicenter? c How do you know? the lag phase between p and s waves is the shortest Which recording station is farthest from the epicenter? b How do you know? the lag phase between p and s waves is the longest
Version | 2021 |
Category | GIZMOS |
Authors | qwivy.com |
Pages | 7 |
Language | English |
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