1) Marines had to develop which method to achieve speed and dispersion on a potentially atomic battlefield? [objective81] vertical envelopment beachhead assault tentative landings fleet dispersion 2) Which of the following is the Coast Guard motto? [objective88] "Semper Fideles" "Semper Paratus" "Anchors Aweigh" 3) The following Reserve Components have both a Federal (Title 10) mission and a State (Title 32) mission, and therefore can be used to enforce State laws. [objective92] [Remediation Accessed :N] Air National Guard and Army National Guard Army Reserve and Army National Guard Navy Reserve and Marine Corps Reserve Air Reserve and Air National Guard 4) Which of the following options represent the Statutory Advisors of the National Security Council? [objective63] [Remediation Accessed :N] Chief of Staff to the President, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the Director of National Intelligence Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Director of National Intelligence President, Vice President, Secretary of State, and Secretary of Defense Secretary of the Treasury and Secretary of Homeland Security 5) During the early 1990s, what event shifted the focus of the Army's activities toward the stopping old rivalries and conflicts? [objective79] [Remediation Accessed :N] the end of the Cold War the rise of global terrorism the breakup of the Soviet Union into smaller states the collapse of the Warsaw Pact 6) What is the role of the U.S. Armed Forces today? (Select all that apply.) [objective72] [Remediation Accessed :N] to organize forces to train forces to retain forces to equip forces 7) The first step in solving a problem is to _____. [objective58] [Remediation Accessed :N] gather multiple perspectives on the problem report the problem to the commanding officer define the problem draft an action plan 8) Regardless of when or where employed, the Armed Forces of the United States abide by U.S. values, the standards for the profession of arms, and _____. [objective96] [Remediation Accessed :N] uniformed code of military justice constitutional principles Geneva convention military law 9) Which reserve mobilization authority provides the President a means to activate, without a declaration of national emergency, not more than 200,000 reservists for not more than 365 days to meet the support requirements of any operational mission? [objective90] selective mobilization (SM) SECDEF call-up (SCU) presidential reserve call-up (PRC) partial mobilization (PM) 10) There are eight distinct domains within the Total Force Fitness (TFF) Program. This one refers to the ability to physically accomplish all aspects of the mission while remaining healthy and uninjured. [objective105] Environmental Fitness Behavioral Fitness Social Fitness Physical Fitness 11) The term "scuttlebutt" is a Navy word referring to the kitchens of the ship. [objective85] True False 12) Ice Operations and Marine Environmental Protection fall under which role of the Coast Guard? [objective77] [Remediation Accessed :N] maritime stewardship maritime safety maritime security 13) Flexibility in aerospace power allows forces to exploit mass and maneuver simultaneously to a far greater extent than surface forces can. [objective76] True False 14) The multinational force commander must resolve or mitigate sovereignty through which of the following? (Select all that apply.) [objective70] [Remediation Accessed :N] compromise communication consensus coordination 15) _____ is key to successful employment, readiness, and use of Reserve Component forces. [objective91] Adaptability Transformation Predictability Training 16) Leaders at all levels should be vigilant and consistent in the prevention, identification, and fraud, waste, and abuse (FWA). [objective102] False True 17) Which of the following are among Marine Corps customs, courtesies and traditions? (Select all that apply.) [objective86] addressing enlisted Marines Marine Corps birthday ball hail and farewell Dining-In and Mess Night 18) Marine Corps forces exploit the Total Force concept, employing combinations of active duty and reserve Marines to ensure that missions are effectively and efficiently executed. [objective75] True False 19) Leaders should look for which of the following warning signs that are suggestive of trauma spectrum disorders? [objective103] [Remediation Accessed :N] nightmares all of the answers are correct memory loss depression 20) Special Operations Forces are a valuable asset for the joint planner; however, they comprise only a small part of the total force, a little over _____ percent of the total force. [objective95] 15 2 5 10 21) The non-operational chain of command runs directly from the President to the Secretary of Defense and then to the _____. [objective60] combatant commanders via the Service chiefs Secretaries of the military departments and then to the Service chiefs Secretaries of the military departments and then to the combatant commanders Service chiefs via the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff 22) Risk assessment, risk management, and recommending mitigating measures to the commander or others, are all steps that must be taken in order to properly mitigate risk. [objective100] False True 23) The Cooperative Strategy for 21st Century Seapower is the application of maritime forces to support the United States' Security Strategy. [objective74] [Remediation Accessed :N] False True 24) _____ are operations require independent actions involving a high degree of professionalism, selfdiscipline, flexibility, patience, and tact. [objective101] Support for civil authorities Major combat operations Humanitarian assistance operations Peacekeeping operations 25) _____ presents fundamental principles that guide the employment of U.S. military forces in coordinated and integrated action toward a common objective. It represents what is taught, believed, and advocated as what is right (i.e., what works best). [objective59] [Remediation Accessed :N] Operational design Strategic direction Law of warfare Joint doctrine 26) Units that support military commanders by working with civil authorities and civilian populations in the commander's area of operations during peace, contingency operations, and war are known as _____ teams. [objective94] civil affairs foreign area officers special forces political advisors 27) Who is considered the "Father of the Coast Guard?" [objective83] Douglas Munro Ida Lewis Sumner Kimball Alexander Hamilton 28) Under what circumstances may the Coast Guard be transferred to and operate as a service of the Navy? (Select all that apply.) [objective78] [Remediation Accessed :N] when directed by the President when ordered by the Secretary of Defense upon a declaration of war 29) National Security Agency (NSA) provides the following support: (Select all that apply.) [objective57] [Remediation Accessed :N] signals intelligence timely, relevant, and accurate geospatial intelligence solutions, products, and services information systems security 30) Joint _____ prepares individual members and units of the Armed Forces to field a joint force that integrates service capabilities in order to execute assigned missions. [objective97] [Remediation Accessed :N] force development force planning force training doctrine 31) Which of the following would be initiated into the "Top 3"? [objective87] Sgt. Maj. Master Sgt. Col. 32) What are the key criticisms of the interagency process? (Select all that apply.) [objective62] no one is in charge it can be cumbersome it is often time-consuming it is rarely effective 33) The Department of State assigns a ______ to combatant commanders, and increasingly to Join Task Force commanders, to provide foreign policy perspective and to establish linkage with U.S. embassies in the area of responsibility or joint operations area and the Department of State. [objective64] [Remediation Accessed :N] Chief of Mission (COM) Political Advisor (POLAD) Liaison Officer (LNO) Joint Interagency Coordination Group (JIACG) 34) _____ is the authority to perform those functions of command over subordinate forces involving organizing and employing commands and forces, assigning tasks, designating objectives, and giving authoritative direction necessary to accomplish the mission. It includes authoritative direction over all aspects of military operations and joint training necessary to accomplish missions assigned to the command. Combatant Command (COCOM) Administrative Control (ADCON) Operational Control (OPCON) Tactical Control (TACON) 35) A group or person is honor-bound to do which of the following upon receiving a limerick at mess? [objective84] [Remediation Accessed :N] return the embarrassment in kind refute the remark prior to the close of the dinner hour ignore it as any self-generated entertainment 36) The Army aids in shaping the international environment through an extensive forward presence in which of the following? [objective73] Europe, Southwest Asia, the Korean Peninsula, and Japan Balkans, Middle East, Europe, Southwest Asia, the Korean Peninsula, and Japan Europe, Asia, the Korean Peninsula, and Japan 37) In the Chairman's White Paper, "Mission Command" (2012), the Joint Force of the future will find themselves operating in a security environment that is _____. [objective98] segregated ill-prepared dynamic predictable 38) Because not every nation will agree with proposed coalition actions, what is an acceptable workarounds to accomplish the mission without offending other nations? [objective71] [Remediation Accessed :N] Rotating coalition partners through lead roles to promote their own political agendas Establish a basis for coalition members to easily accept and advocate preferred coalition options Openly show favoritism towards one nation over another nation Establish temporary consensus through personal and professional relationships 39) Reserve Components now comprise almost what percent of the Total Force and are an integral part of the Armed Forces of the United States? [objective89] [Remediation Accessed :N] 50 percent 60 percent 30 percent 40 percent 40) Reconnaissance and surveillance actions normally conducted in a clandestine or covert manner to collect or verify information of strategic or operational significance, employing military capabilities not normally found in conventional forces are called _____. These actions acquire information concerning the capabilities, intentions and activities of an enemy. [objective93] [Remediation Accessed :N] foreign internal defense strategic reporting unconventional warfare special reconnaissance 41) Unlike the military, most U.S. Government agencies and nongovernmental organizations are _____ to create separate staffs at the strategic, operational, and tactical levels, with the result that Joint Task Force personnel interface with individuals who are coordinating their organization's activities at more than one level. [objective65] [Remediation Accessed :N] not equipped and organized usually willing, but hesitant not educated and trained not eager 42) Joint force commanders must perform an analysis of the adversary, known as a _____, to know what actions will be an effective deterrent. This continuous analytical process is used by joint intelligence organizations to produce intelligence estimates and other intelligence products in support of the commander's decision-making process. [objective67] [Remediation Accessed :N] joint intelligence preparation of the battlefield commander's estimate joint intelligence preparation of the operational environment national intelligence estimate 43) Which technological advancements turned the tide on the U-boats? (Select all that apply.) [objective80] escort carriers anti-submarine weapons direction-finding equipment long-range reconnaissance planes destroyers equipped with advanced sonars 44) Successful teamwork requires _____ commensurate with responsibility. [objective99] [Remediation Accessed :N] delegation of authority experience maturity rank 45) The complexity and challenges associated with planning for and executing an operation includes: (Select all that apply). [objective66] [Remediation Accessed :N] interagency intergovernmental multinational partners military 46) The DoD Reorganization Act of 1958 _____. [objective56] [Remediation Accessed :N] eliminated the position of Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff separated the Unified/Specified Commands from the Military Departments placed the Services directly under the President combined the Unified/Specified Commands during times of war 47) Resilience-based training contributes to the overall mission readiness of the Armed Forces. [objective104] True False 48) Which of the following represent highlights of Air Force history? [objective82] design of a doctrine of strategic bombing and one of organizational independence expansion into space all of the answers are correct development of the Strategic Air Command 49) Factors that enhance interoperability are _____. [objective69] [Remediation Accessed :N] varying levels of experience among coalition partners conflicting personalities a command atmosphere that permits positive criticism and reward the sharing of information lack of coalition security teams 50) The purpose of the _____ principle of joint operations is to prepare clear, uncomplicated plans and concise orders to ensure thorough understanding. [objective68] [Remediation Accessed :N] security simplicity clarity objective 1) The end strength of the U.S. Coast Guard Reserve is _____ percent of the total Coast Guard. [objective92] [Remediation Accessed :N] 10 20 50 30 2) The National Security Council comprises of which three levels of formal interagency committees for coordination and making decision on national security issues? [objective63] principals, deputies, and interagency policy principals, deputies, and interagency working group executive, deputies, and interagency coordination strategic, operational, and tactical 3) By the time of the Mexican-American War, U.S. soldiers were technologically equivalent to those of Europe due to advances in_____. [objective79] standardization of the potency of field artillery mobility, flexibility, and potency of field artillery training and standardization 4) The primary function of the Air Force is to provide prompt and sustained offensive and defensive air operation. [objective72] False True 5) Which of the following are keys to success in joint assignments? (Select all that apply.) [objective58] Knowing how to solve problems Checking the work of members from other Services Knowing the people around you Having competence in your area of the Service 6) The term _____ refers to the aggregate of features and traits that form the individual nature of a person. In the context of the profession of arms, it entails moral and ethical adherence to our values. It is at the heart of the relationship of the profession with the American people, and to each other. [objective96] leadership competence character justice 7) The abilities of the Coast Guard to operate in severe weather conditions, 24 hours a day, year round, are called? [objective77] [Remediation Accessed :N] Search and Rescue missions Marine Safety missions Defense Readiness missions Deepwater missions 8) Factors affecting military capabilities of nations include _____. [objective70] the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) leader development and national interests nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) religion and culture 9) Service members with good psychological health contribute to force readiness by being focused, alert, prepared for new tasks, able to engage in critical thinking, and behave responsibly and ethically. [objective103] False True 10) These capabilities comprise the core of U.S. maritime power and reflect an increase in emphasis on those activities that prevent war and build partnerships: [objective74] forward presence, deterrence, sea control, power projection, maritime security, humanitarian assistance and disaster response (HA/DR) readiness, preparedness, technical prowess, and training peacekeeping and contingency operations forward presence, deterrence, sea control 11) The _____ is the primary vehicle through which the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS) exercises responsibility to provide for the preparation of joint operation plans. It provides guidance and direction from the CJCS to the combatant commanders and the Service chiefs for preparation of contingency plans. [objective59] Unified Command Plan Guidance for Employment of the Force National Military Strategy Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan 12) Upon a declaration of war the Coast Guard may be transferred to and operate as a service of the U.S. Navy? [objective78] True False 13) Which branch of the armed forces operates within the Department of Homeland Security? [objective57] Navy Army Coast Guard Air Force Marines None of the branches 14) U.S. Law, Title 10, USC Section 153, gives the _____ authority regarding joint force development, specifically providing authority to develop doctrine for the joint employment of the Armed Forces, and to formulate policies for the joint training of the Armed Forces to include policies for the military education and training of members of the Armed Forces. [objective97] Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Secretary of Defense Service Chiefs Joint Chiefs of Staff 15) The ______ is an interagency staff group that establishes or enhances regular, timely, and collaborative working relationships between other government agency (e.g., CIA, DOS, FBI) representatives and military operational planners at the combatant commands. [objective64] JIACG HAST CMOC POLAD 16) The offering of ceremonial toasts is a traditional Army custom at a formal Dining-In, which includes passing the wine, "over the water," an historical reference to King James I, who was exiled by Oliver Cromwell. [objective84] True False 17) _____ and _____ are two key structural enhancements that should improve the coordination of multinational forces. [objective71] Liaison network, coordination centers Rationalization, training Interoperability, liaison network Training, interoperability 18) There are a total of how many Reserve Components in the Armed Forces of the United States? [objective89] [Remediation Accessed :N] 6 5 8 7 19) Special operations forces are organized under the _____, a functional unified command responsible for providing mission capable special operations forces to the geographic combatant commanders. [objective93] United States Northern Command (USNORTHCOM) United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) United States Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM) United States Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) 20) Nongovernmental organizations are usually willing to quickly align themselves with intervening military forces in order to ensure their ability to achieve their objectives and for their physical security. [objective65] [Remediation Accessed :N] False True 21) Operations designed to demonstrate U.S. resolve and involve the appearance of a credible military force in an attempt to defuse a situation that, if allowed to continue, may be detrimental to U.S. interests are known as _____ operations. [objective67] enforcement nation assistance economy of force show of force 22) The foremost value of joint force leaders is _____. [objective99] physical courage integrity experience competence 23) The difficulty some units face adapting their mindset to vastly changed conditions on their third or fourth deployment to the same location is known as _____ challenges. [objective66] rotation transition situational awareness influence 24) Under the U.S. Constitution, the Congress has the power to _____. [objective56] provide tanks and other equipment of war for Canada and Mexico declare war, support allied armies, and provide ships for allied navies close the U.S. borders declare war, raise and support Armies, provide and support a Navy, make rules for the government and regulation of the land and naval forces 25) Security cooperation activities include _____. [objective69] foreign military training individual training exercises domestic community support restricted navigational exercises 26) The purpose of the _____ principle of joint operations is to concentrate the effects of combat power at the most advantageous place and time to produce decisive results. [objective68] offensive mass objective maneuver Pre Test Here is the test result.Correct answers are shown by * next to the choice or given below the question. The highlighted questions are the questions you have missed. Remediation Accessed shows whether you accessed those links.'N' represents links not visited and 'Y' represents visited links. Back to Status page contains 50 Questions 1) The cornerstone of ARSOAC, the _____, is organized into four like battalions and provides nighttime, all-weather, medium range insertion, extraction, and resupply capability in hostile or denied areas. [Remediation Accessed :N] 106th Special Operations Helicopter Regiment 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (correct) 3rd Combat Aviation Brigade 2) To accomplish U.S. objectives, the national security strategy guides the coordination of the instruments of national power which include _____. (Select all that apply.) [Remediation Accessed :N] information (correct) economics (correct) diplomacy (correct) the military (correct) 3) Today, the U.S. and its partners find themselves in an era in which they are unlikely to be fully at war or fully at peace. False True (correct) 4) The _____ is a joint force that is constituted and so designated by the Secretary of Defense, a combatant commander, a subordinate unified commander, or an existing Joint Task Force commander to accomplish missions with specific, limited objectives and which do not require overall centralized control of logistics. It is dissolved when the purpose for which it was created has been achieved or when it is no longer required. [Remediation Accessed :N] Service component command combatant command joint task force (correct) subordinate unified command 5) Within joint command organizations, leadership and ethics considerations require us to _____ and consider not only personal experiences, but also the lessons learned from others' experiences - both positive and negative. critically think about (correct) acknowledge our own prejudice seek out professional assistance know all of the facts 6) Special operations involve the use of small units of specially trained personnel using specialized tactics and equipment to achieve _____ objectives. [Remediation Accessed :N] tactical insignificant strategic or operational (correct) intermediate 7) What are the peacetime roles of the Coast Guard? (Select all that apply.) [Remediation Accessed :N] maritime stewardship around the U.S. and U.S. territories maritime stewardship around the globe (correct) maritime safety (correct) maritime security (correct) 8) During the 1930s, which essential building blocks for an effective air force fell into place? (Select all that apply.) [Remediation Accessed :N] a comprehensive doctrine of air warfare (correct) a vision of a long-range, four-engine bomber that became reality with the first B-17 (correct) clear tactics, techniques, and organization for air-ground cooperation 9) The statutory members of the National Security Council are _____. [Remediation Accessed :N] President, Vice President, Secretary of Defense, and Secretary of State President, Vice President, Secretary of Defense, and Secretary of Homeland Security President, Vice President, Secretary of State, Secretary of Defense, and Secretary of Treasury President, Vice President, Secretary of State, Secretary of Defense, and Secretary of Energy (correct) 10) Key considerations involved in planning and conducting multinational operations are affected by _____. motives and values of the organization's members (correct) media influence non-military organizations financial resource constraints 11) The Coast Guard was officially created in 1915 when which two services were combined? (Select all that apply.) [Remediation Accessed :N] Steamboat Inspection Service Revenue Cutter Service (correct) Life-Saving Service (correct) Bureau of Navigation 12) Leaders at all levels must understand, establish, and support a Total Force Fitness program within their organizations. True (correct) False 13) Under what circumstances may the Coast Guard be transferred to and operate as a service of the Navy? (Select all that apply.) [Remediation Accessed :N] when ordered by the Secretary of Defense upon a declaration of war (correct) when directed by the President (correct) 14) Through which of the following strategies has the Navy adopted, which advanced the concept of combat operations in littoral waters? "From the Sea" and later "Forward from the Sea" (correct) Sea power concept U.S. Containment Policy 15) Deliberations involving the possible use of force must include the Reserve Component at what point in the planning process? late in the planning process after all of the planning is completed somewhere - early, mid, or later - as long as they are included early in the planning process (correct) 16) Simultaneous and parallel operations are the most effective use of aerospace power in producing which of the following? shock, confusion, and paralysis within the adversary's system (correct) initiative, situational responsiveness, and tactical flexibility confusion, situational responsiveness, and paralysis within the adversary's system 17) Which of the following is a technical or personal risk when using social media? [Remediation Accessed :N] espionage all of the answers are correct (correct) network security intrusions personal identity theft and impersonation none of the choices are correct 18) With over half of its forces in the Reserve Components, the Army relies heavily on _____. [Remediation Accessed :N] the Army National Guard the Army Reserve none of the answers are correct both the Army National Guard and Army Reserve (correct) 19) Reserve Components now comprise almost what percent of the Total Force and are an integral part of the Armed Forces of the United States? [Remediation Accessed :N] 50 percent (correct) 60 percent 40 percent 30 percent 20) _____ presents fundamental principles that guide the employment of U.S. military forces in coordinated and integrated action toward a common objective. It represents what is taught, believed, and advocated as what is right (i.e., what works best). [Remediation Accessed :N] Strategic direction Operational design Joint doctrine (correct) Law of warfare 21) Use of joint capabilities in _____ helps shape the operational environment and keeps the day-to-day tensions between nations and groups below the threshold of armed conflict, while maintaining U.S. global influence. [Remediation Accessed :N] strikes and raids military engagement, security cooperation, and deterrence activities (correct) major combat operations forcible entry operations 22) In crisis response and limited contingency operations, having an understanding of the political objective helps to _____. [Remediation Accessed :N] prevent the commander from having to explain the plan to the President avoid actions that may have adverse effects (correct) assure friends and allies and dissuade adversaries ensure the integration and synchronization of maneuver and interdiction 23) The offering of ceremonial toasts is a traditional Army custom at a formal Dining-In, which includes passing the wine, "over the water," an historical reference to King James I, who was exiled by Oliver Cromwell. True (correct) False 24) It is imperative that the combatant commander or Joint Task Force commander coordinate closely with the ______ on military activities in a particular country because, while not authorized to command military forces, he or she can deny military actions. [Remediation Accessed :N] Foreign Policy Advisor National Security Advisor Ambassador (correct) Secretary of State 25) Which core value does the following tenet represent: Make decisions in the best interest of the Navy and the nation, without regard to personal consequences? [Remediation Accessed :N] honor commitment courage (correct) 26) Receiving realistic training, understanding the types of situations encountered in war, eating well, getting enough rest, and having meaningful relationships and friendships are all helpful in building _____ to the challenges and strains of military service. resilience (correct) opposition vulnerability indifference 27) The _____ is the principal forum to advise the President with respect to the integration of domestic, foreign, and military policies relating to national security and for coordinating these policies among various government agencies. National Security Council (correct) Homeland Security Council Foreign Affairs Council National Economic Council 28) Marine Corps forces exploit the Total Force concept, employing combinations of active duty and reserve Marines to ensure that missions are effectively and efficiently executed. True (correct) False 29) The first step in solving a problem is to _____. [Remediation Accessed :N] report the problem to the commanding officer gather multiple perspectives on the problem draft an action plan define the problem (correct) 30) Marines had to develop which method to achieve speed and dispersion on a potentially atomic battlefield? [Remediation Accessed :N] fleet dispersion tentative landings vertical envelopment (correct) beachhead assault 31) The Joint Task Force (JTF) commander cannot dictate cooperation among other governmental agencies, intergovernmental organizations, and nongovernmental organizations. In the absence of a formal command structure, JTFs are required to build consensus to achieve _____. [Remediation Accessed :N] synchronization unity of effort (correct) command and control authority unity of command 32) What is the purpose of sending someone to the Grog Bowl? as punishment for violating the rules of the mess (correct) as a reward for attendance recognition for a job well done 33) Recognizing potentially hazardous or negative situations in advance is crucial to being prepared to prevent them from occurring to begin with. With experience and maturity, the ability to instinctually recognize signs of potential trouble increases. True (correct) False 34) To the greatest extent possible coalition members should _____. consider the ramifications of labeling information about operational areas as intelligence (correct) prevent the sharing of relevant intelligence about the situation and adversary occasionally seek the necessary authorization for foreign disclosure of information disseminate information freely without a tear line 35) Within the joint environment, cooperation requires team players, and the willingness to share _____ with all team members. [Remediation Accessed :N] ideas credit (correct) effort workload 36) _____ is key to successful employment, readiness, and use of Reserve Component forces. [Remediation Accessed :N] Transformation Training Adaptability Predictability (correct) 37) A _____ is the principal joint Special Operations Forces organization tasked to meet all special operations requirements in major operations, campaigns, or a contingency. [Remediation Accessed :N] Civil-Military Operations Center (CMOC) Joint Special Operations Task Force (JSOTF) Special Operations Joint Task Force (SOJTF) (correct) Theater Special Operations Command (TSOC) 38) The primary function of the Air Force is to provide prompt and sustained offensive and defensive air operation. False True (correct) 39) Historically, the practice of keeping pets onboard may have started when cats were brought onboard to combat the rat population, the practice continued to help keep the crew's morale high. False True (correct) 40) Service members with good psychological health contribute to force readiness by being focused, alert, prepared for new tasks, able to engage in critical thinking, and behave responsibly and ethically. False True (correct) 41) While it is appropriate and strongly recommended to greet a person by name and grade, if you are unsure of an enlisted Marine's name or grade, "Marine" is as appropriate as, "Good morning, Sir," in the case of an officer. False True (correct) 42) What WWII conference established the Joint Chief of Staff? [Remediation Accessed :N] First Moscow Conference (RIVIERA) U.S.-British Staff Conference (ABC-1) First Washington Conference (ARCADIA) (correct) Casablanca Conference (SYMBOL) 43) Army Special Operations missions can include which of the following? (Select all that apply.) [Remediation Accessed :N] training of foreign militaries (correct) cyberspace operations major combat operations (correct) humanitarian assistance (correct) 44) The joint force commander has the operational authority and responsibility to tailor forces for the mission at hand, selecting those that most effectively and efficiently ensure success. False True (correct) 45) The U.S. Army was originally formed to fight in which war? World War II (correct) Mexican-American War World War I American Civil War 46) The difficulty some units face adapting their mindset to vastly changed conditions on their third or fourth deployment to the same location is known as _____ challenges. [Remediation Accessed :N] transition rotation (correct) situational awareness influence 47) When employing local national support, appropriate security measures should be taken to _____. [Remediation Accessed :N] only validate cross-cultural communications skills of select coalition partners ensure that contracted linguists do not jeopardize operations through espionage (correct) utilize contracted linguists with general knowledge of some areas but no specific knowledge of any one location ensure that contracted linguists promote only U.S. interests 48) In the Chairman's White Paper, "Mission Command" (2012), the Joint Force of the future will find themselves operating in a security environment that is _____. [Remediation Accessed :N] predictable dynamic (correct) ill-prepared segregated 49) One of NATO's goals is to promote democratic values. False True (correct) 50) The concept of "Jointness" must be advanced through continual joint force development efforts. What does that statement imply? [Remediation Accessed :N] Joint force development is a "one time" occurrence in one's career. Joint staff leaders do not endorse joint force development. "Jointness" is not an automatic service state of being. (correct) Service members naturally embrace "Jointness."
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