Indiana Cosmetology State Board Test
Study Guide (verified)
Do not massage or manipulate a client's scalp if you detect the presence of - ✔✔Abrasions
A kneading movement that is performed by lifting, squeezing, and pressing tissue with light, firm
pressure is: - ✔✔Petrissage
The infestation of the hair and scalp with head lice is known as: - ✔✔Pediculosis Capitis
An acute staphylococci infection of a hair follicle that produces constant pain is: - ✔✔Furuncle
A disease that is transmitted from one person to another is: - ✔✔Communicable
Implements requiring disinfection should be places in a covered container large enough for implements
to be: - ✔✔Completely immersed
Any client with an infectious disease should not be serviced and should be referred to a: - ✔✔Physician
Chemical products that destroy all bacteria, fungi, and viruses (but not spores) on surfaces are: -
The federal agency that requires that the ingredients of cosmetic preparations be available to
employees is: - ✔✔OSHA
If you draw blood during a manicure, the implement should be: - ✔✔Cleaned and disinfected
The product information on safe-handling guidelines, first aid, and proper storage is contained in: -
✔✔Material Safety Data Sheets
A substance that is particularly good conductor of electricity is: - ✔✔Copper
The conversation where the practitioner finds out what the client is looking for is the: - ✔✔Client
Elevation creates graduation and layers and is usually described in - ✔✔Degrees
The angle at which the fingers are held when cutting is referred to as the: - ✔✔Cutting line
The process of removing excess bulk without shortening hair length is: - ✔✔Texturizing
Curved lines that are used to blend and soften horizontal or vertical lines are: - ✔✔Transitional lines
The lines used to remove weight to create graduated or layered haircuts: - ✔✔Vertical
The guideline where a small slice of a previous subsection is move to the next position and becomes the
new guideline is a: - ✔✔Traveling Guide
A texturizing technique performed on the ends of hair using the tips of the shears remove bulk is: -
✔✔Point Cutting
The lines used to remove weight to create graduated or layered haircuts are: - ✔✔Vertical
Thinning hair using a sliding movement, with the blades of the shears partially opened, in order to
reduce volume and create movement is: - ✔✔Slithering
How many members of the Indiana State Board of Cosmetology may be of the same political party? -
A cosmetology license is valid for how many years? - ✔✔Four
Combs, brushes, rollers and any other implement used to serve the needs of clients should be stored in
what type of container? - ✔✔In a clean and closed container
What is the State Board of Cosmetology required to furnish each person licensed to operate a
cosmetology school or salon? - ✔✔A list of sanitary requirements
When must a cosmetology patron wear a clean towel or neck strip under their cape? - ✔✔Always
A waste container must be present for every __________ work stations. - ✔✔Four
Where should sanitary requirements be posted? - ✔✔In a conspicuous place
Where must soiled towels be stored? - ✔✔In a closed hamper
Colors that can look deeper than their actual level are: - ✔✔Cool tones
All hair coloring products require a patch test with the exception of: - ✔✔Temporary colors
The process where the hair is pre lightened and then toned is: - ✔✔Double-process color application
A color obtained by mixing equal parts of two primary colors is a: - ✔✔Secondary color
Overlapping hair color on previously tinted hair can cause breakage and a visible line of: -
What is used to restore the hair and scalp to their normal acidic pH? - ✔✔Normalizing lotion
When processing is complete for a soft curl permanent, what is done after rising the hair thoroughly
with warm water? - ✔✔Each curl is towel-blotted
Sodium Hydroxide relaxers are commonly called: - ✔✔Lye relaxers
Relaxers, which are ionic compounds formed by a metal combined with oxygen and hydrogen, are
known as: - ✔✔Metal Hydroxide relaxers
After saturating the rods with neutralizer in a soft curl perm and processing according to directions, the
next step is to: - ✔✔Remove rods carefully
What is one safety precaution that must be followed with all chemical hair relaxing services? -
✔✔Wearing protective gloves
The combination of a thio permanent wrapped on large tools is called a: - ✔✔Soft curl permanent
To check relaxer processing, smooth and press a strand to the scalp using the back of the comb or your
finger. If the curl returns, _____________________ - ✔✔Continue processing
When performing a sodium hydroxide retouch, where is the product applied first? - ✔✔To the new
growth only
The most commonly used methods of hair relaxing are the sodium hydroxide method and the
_______________ method - ✔✔Thio
When the hair has been sufficiently straightened, the hair is rinsed rapidly and thoroughly with
______________ water - ✔✔Warm
Inspecting the action of the relaxer by stretching the strands to see how fast the natural curls are being
removed is called: - ✔✔Periodic strand testing
Version | LATEST 2023 |
Category | Exam (elaborations) |
Release date | 2023-01-01 |
Included files | |
Authors | |
Pages | 18 |
Language | English |
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