Learn2Serve Food Safety Management Principles Lesson Assessments Examination Questions and Answers with Complete Solution
Learn2Serve Food Safety Management Principles Lesson
Assessments Examination Questions and Answers with Complete
A food handler's duties regarding food safety include all of the following EXCEPT ✔✔
Periodically test food for illness causing microorganisms.
What is the most direct cause of customer loyalty? ✔✔ High food safety standards
What is the best way to prevent poor food safety? ✔✔ Employee training
Which one of the following duties in management's responsibility to ensure food safety?
✔✔ Preventing infected employees from contaminating food
All of the following are the most common Critical Control Points (CCPs) EXCEPT ✔✔
Customer service
Which agency publishes food code? ✔✔ FDA
Which one of the followings steps is NOT one of the seven HACCP steps? ✔✔ Create a
cost analysis
Creation of which of the following quality programs is a management responsibility? ✔✔
Local health codes establish requirements for all of the following EXCEPT ✔✔ Price
Why must the manager sign the inspection document after the inspector has completed
the investigation? ✔✔ To confirm that the inspection has taken place.
An organism that lives in or on another organism, often with harmful side effects - but
without benefits ✔✔ Parasite
The viral infection Hepatitis A can be most effectively controlled if ✔✔ All food personnel
practice personal hygiene, such as thorough hand washing.
What is the easiest way to recognize food contaminated with spoilage bacteria? ✔✔
Change in color and smell
Which one of the following situations would most likely promote bacterial
contamination? ✔✔ Touching raw chicken and then cooked chicken without changing
One of the most important reasons for using only reliable water sources is to reduce ✔✔
The number of parasites, such as Cyclospora Cayetanesis, that can infest foods.
Which bacteria cause the greatest harm in the food industry? ✔✔ Pathogenic
All of the following bacteria can cause food borne illness EXCEPT ✔✔ Acidophilus Milk
Which of the following food contaminations would be suspected if the end of a can of
tomatoes had begun to swell? ✔✔ Botulism
Which one of the following food contaminations is usually associated with undercooked
chicken? ✔✔ Salmonella
Which of the following food contaminations is best prevented by cooking to safe
temperatures? ✔✔ E. Coli
Contamination of food items by other living organisms is known as ✔✔ Biological
Because they are living organisms, which one of the following methods would be both
effective and safe to help reduce biological contaminations. ✔✔ Heat
Perhaps the most common vehicle of contamination in the food industry is ✔✔ Hands,
and so should be washed often.
The contamination that results from the spread of bacteria from meat to vegetables is
called ✔✔ Cross
Which one of the following contaminates is a physical contamination? ✔✔ Hair
You notice a food handler trim excess fat from a T-bone steak and then move towards a
bowl of potatoes to begin peeling them with the same knife. ✔✔ Caution the food
handler that she must clean and sanitize the knife.
An employee brings you a bag of oatmeal in which he has found black specks. What is
the most likely cause of those specks? ✔✔ Pests have gotten into the bag and left
waste secretions in the oatmeal.
Checking the dining areas of an eating establishment for the evidence of flaking paint,
broken light bulbs, and wood damage will reduce the changes of what? ✔✔ Physical
Toxins from seafoods, mushrooms, and mold presents the greatest potential for ✔✔
Chemical contamination
Although all of the following methods will promote the prevention of food contamination,
which one has the most continuous effect? ✔✔ Educating employees about clean,
responsible, and legal food handling.
Food preservation does all of the following except ✔✔ Promote the growth of
In degrees Fahrenheit, what is the temperature range of the Danger Zone? ✔✔ 41 to
Reheated food items must be heated for a minimum of 15 seconds to at least ✔✔ 165F.
The preservation technique that attempts to remove moisture is ✔✔ Dehydration
"Chilling" is most commonly practiced by ✔✔ Commercial food distributors
All of the following are Time/Temperature Control for Safety Foods (TCS) except ✔✔
Processed garlic oil mixtures.
Bacterial contamination can spread quickly because if the conditions are right, bacteria
can multiply in ✔✔ 10 to 20 minutes
It is important for the food servers are trained to know food ingredients because ✔✔
They will need to help customers who have food allergies.
The best temperature for short-term refrigeration storage is ✔✔ 34F to 40F
Which preservation technique involves heating foods to mid temperatures and then
cooling them down immediately. ✔✔ Pasteurization
You see that the food handler you assigned to prepare the salad has a small cut on her
hand. You should ✔✔ Have her put a watertight bandage over the cut and wear gloves.
Gabe fries chicken at the Country Boy Restaurant. Gabe wears gloves as he preps raw
chicken in flour. Today during the lunch rush, you tell him to fill chicken orders for
impatient customers. Gabe immediately begins putting cooked chicken in boxes and on
plates. What are the hazards created by Gabe's actions, and what action should you
take? ✔✔ Although he is wearing gloves, Gabe has created a cross-contamination
hazard by touching raw chicken and the touching cooked chicken. You should stop
Gabe, dispose of any orders he has just filled, and then have Gabe wash his hands and
changes gloves before continuing to fill orders.
You have a staff that is thoroughly trained in proper hand washing; however, in which
one of the following situations would you need to speak to an employee. ✔✔ You are in
the dining area and you see a salad bar attendant pet a service animal.
If all proper hand washing steps are followed, how long should the entire process take?
✔✔ At least 20 seconds
Because of the risk of spreading Staphylococcus Aureus, which area of their bodies
should employees be trained to avoid touching. ✔✔ Mouth and noses.
Why should you stock only brightly colored bandages for first aid supplies? ✔✔ So they
can be more easily found should they fall into food.
Near the end of an interview with a person you decide to hire, she discloses to you that
she is infected with HIV. What action should you take? ✔✔ Consider her to be a
disabled person and continue with your decision.
Corrective action needs to be taken immediately if you see a food handler. ✔✔ Using
hand sanitizer instead of washing their hands.
The important reason for having food handlers wear hair restraints is to ✔✔ Prevent
food handlers from contaminating their hands by touching their hair.
If an employee is properly trained, he should be able to demonstrate all of the following
competencies except ✔✔ Identify by price and quality the most desirable suppliers.
An effective way to choose reputable suppliers is to ✔✔ Visit their warehouses
Which of these food items upon receiving should be given priority in storage? ✔✔
Frozen items
A shipment of frozen fish arrives at your food establishment. You see that the outside
bottoms of the shipping cartons have too much ice and the fish fillets held within the
cartons have brown edges. These are signs of ✔✔ Thawing and refreezing.
Employees trained to receive foods properly will complete all of the following except ✔✔
Label and date rejected items.
Your latest shipment of chicken has some items with USDA stickers on it and some
items with USDA GRADE stamps. What is the difference in these items? ✔✔ Stamps
mean the chicken's quality has been rated.
The best place to store grains to reduce the risk of cross-contamination is ✔✔ Next to
the canned peaches
Rotating stock so that the oldest items move first is often referred to as ✔✔ FIFO
Labels should include all of the following except ✔✔ Possible contaminants.
To ensure proper protection for foods during storage, the bottom shelf should be. ✔✔ At
least six inches off the floor.
According to the Food Code, proper food labels should NOT contain ✔✔ The date that
frozen preparation-needed foods are to be consumed.
Cross-contamination occurred when ✔✔ The same unwashed gloves are used to
handle different meats.
Sanitation can be done by all of the following except ✔✔ Air drying
Which of the following steps comes last? ✔✔ Rinse
If steam is used to sanitize, it must be at ✔✔ 145F for 30 seconds
It is very important to sanitize all of the following except ✔✔ Handles
The presence of growth of microorganism is a type of ✔✔ Biological hazard
To prevent cross-contamination, you should take corrective action if you notice a
receiving employee did not ✔✔ Wash off rubber boots before entering storage areas.
Food surfaces and equipment are not fully cleaned and sanitized until ✔✔ They have
been treated with heat or chemicals.
Most of your cooking equipment is copper and your utensils are silver, so which
sanitizer would you not want to use ✔✔ Iodine-based
Which one of the following conditions in an outside waste disposal area needs to be
corrected immediately ✔✔ Containers without lids.
Pest infestations must be controlled for all of the following reasons except ✔✔ They
tend to be overlooked by loyal employees who know the food is good.
A food preparer brings you a bag of rice with a few black things among the grains. You
suspect mouse droppings, but you are not sure. What should you do? ✔✔ Dispose of
the bag and check all other bags in store.
The best eradication method for a major infestation is ✔✔ Chemical
Which method is the best for the prevention of pest infestation? ✔✔ Regular cleaning
and monitoring.
Since pests are living organisms requiring four basic needs for survival, which one of
these needs, if their access to it is eliminated, will drastically reduce pests in your
establishment. ✔✔ Food
Employees must be trained to notice signs of pests, which include all of the following
except ✔✔ Traps that have no been tripped, bait that has not been eaten, but it might.
Whenever a trap has spring and caught a pest, you will want to ✔✔ Check for biological
contamination from blood and dispose of any possibly contaminated foods.
To prevent chemical contamination from rodenticides, always ✔✔ Place pest baits and
bait stations outdoors.
Maintaining an integrated pest management program (IPM) best serves ✔✔ Business
Should you become aware of a pest problem in your establishment, all of your
measures to eradicate the pests should conclude with ✔✔ Schedule regular, routines
visits from the pest control operators (PCOs)
Which one of the following situations requires management to contact the local
regulatory authority. ✔✔ Water service interrupted for two hours
All toilets in a food service establishment must have ✔✔ Hot running water
A well-designed building should have all of the following except ✔✔ Locker room with
Which one of the following materials must not be used in the construction of food
preparation and storage areas? ✔✔ Indoor/Outdoor carpeting.
Which of the following types of floor are least suited for food prep areas. ✔✔ Floors that
are leveled and flat.
Which one of the following purposes is non-potable water approved? ✔✔ Mopping
Which are is not required to have a conveniently located hand washing facility? ✔✔
Food storage
If all of the following items were stored on the same rack on the same wall, which item
would be stored closest to the ground? ✔✔ Beef
Effective ventilation systems ✔✔ Maintain proper humidity
It is important that all wooden utensils be ✔✔ Made of maple or closed-grained
Which of the following steps is one of the seven HACCP principles? ✔✔ Determine the
The purpose of a hazard analysis is to ✔✔ Exame processes for quality
Critical controls points are hazards that can be ✔✔ Controlled or eliminated
Critical limits set ✔✔ Minimum standards for processes
Once CCP limits have been determined, the next step is to establish ✔✔ Monitoring
To ensure the success of any HACCP, management must ✔✔ Educated employees
What is the first line of defense against all contaminations? ✔✔ Prevention
To reduce dramatically all potential contamination, the most highly critical training for all
employees is ✔✔ Personal Hygiene
The best method for training employees how to clean a slicer is to how the skill and then
✔✔ Have them do it for you
The best supervisors set ✔✔ Personal examples
The FDA's food safety system is known as ✔✔ Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point
The HACCP management system is a ___ system that helps prevent problems before
they occur ✔✔ Proactive
How can a HACCP plan best be implemented ✔✔ By the commitment of the
management to the plan and by training employees.
Prerequisite programs, the foundation of a successful HACCP system, include all of the
following except ✔✔ Personnel Control
A properly implemented linear product flow and traffic control process is most effective
in minimizing ✔✔ Cross-Contamination
Of the five preliminary tasks management should complete before implementing a
HACCP plan, the first task is ✔✔ Assembling a HACCP team.
A HACCP plan that is developed totally by outside experts runs the risk of lacking ✔✔
Employee support
When designing a diagram of the work flow process, it is important that the diagram be
✔✔ Clear, providing a simple outline of each major step in the process.
The success of HACCP implementation depends most heavily upon ✔✔ Employee
Before the HACCP team is ready to implement the seven principles of an HACCP plan,
they should verify the accuracy and completeness of the flow diagram by ✔✔
Performing an on-site review.
What are the initial responsibilities of the HACCP team? ✔✔ Develop an initial plan and
coordinate its implementation.
When developing and implementing a successful HACCP plan, teams never ignore ✔✔
Before implementing the HACCP plan, the team should develop an initial
implementation ✔✔ Flow Chart
Implementation of a HACCP plan involves all of the following except ✔✔ Voting on
Effectiveness of a HACCP system depends on ✔✔ Regular verification activities.
HACCP team members conducting a hazard analysis must be concerned mainly with
✔✔ Safety
After identifying potential hazards, the HACCP team conducts a hazard evaluation to
decide which potential hazards must be addressed in the HACCP plan based on all of
the following criteria except ✔✔ Dietary effects of the potential hazard
The term "control measure" refers to the fact that ✔✔ Most food-related hazards should
be controlled.
When is a CCP decision tree used? ✔✔ After a hazard analysis
All of the following records are part of a HACCP except ✔✔ Employee hiring records.
Bacteria, viruses, parasites, natural toxins, and chemical contaminants are identified as
✔✔ Hazards
Which of the following vendors must follow additional rules? ✔✔ Molluscan Shellfish
How many countries import seafood into the U.S.? ✔✔ 135
NOAA stands for ✔✔ National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Seafood plans that receive NOAA certification have good ✔✔ Quality
Seafood processors with official marks on products are ✔✔ Federally inspected
Histamine, which causes scombroid poisoning, is a(n) ✔✔ Chemical
Decomposition of fish is identified by ✔✔ Organoleptic techniques
A safe seafood seller should be ✔✔ Wearing disposable gloves, hair covering, and
clean clothes.
A load of fish arrives, and after a quick inspection, you know it is not fresh because ✔✔
It's flesh doesn't spring back when pressed.
Where should you consider buying seafood? ✔✔ Reputable sources.
If cooked fish is displayed next o raw fish ✔✔ Cross-contamination can occur
What guidelines should recreational fishers follow in order to prevent food-related
hazards? ✔✔ Fish in areas where the fish is safe for comsumption
A shipment of frozen fish arrives and there are froze and ice crystals on the outside of
the packaging. What do you know immediately? ✔✔ The fish has been thawed and refrosted.
Fresh fish brought to cook the next day can be safely kept ✔✔ In the refrigerator
If shellfish is alive it ✔✔ Will close up when the shell is tapped.
Unless it is cooked immediately, the best way to prepare frozen fish prior to cooking is
to defrost it ✔✔ Overnight in the refrigerator
What happens when cooked and uncooked seafood come in contact? ✔✔ Crosscontamination
A cooked shellfish's shell ✔✔ Opens
Hot seafood should be kept at ✔✔ 135F
You handle a lot of seafood and mushrooms on the job. The toxins you may encounter
pose a high risk of which kind of contamination? ✔✔ Chemical
What is the first step in the preliminary tasks management process completed before
implementing a HACCP plan? ✔✔ Assembling an HACCP team.
A trap has caught a mouse in your kitchen. What do you do? ✔✔ Check for biological
contamination from blood and dispose of any possible contaminated food.
You should call the local regulatory authority when you run into which of the following
problems? ✔✔ Water service interrupted for two hours.
Which problem would best be address by implementing linear product flow and traffic
control processes? ✔✔ Cross-contamination
You receive an order from a seafood processor whose products have official marks.
What does this mean? ✔✔ The seafood has been federally inspected.
A busy restaurant is short staffed, so Tom is tasked with the duties of two people. He
just trimmed steaks in record time and then hurries over to dice six potatoes with the
same knife. What should he do first? ✔✔ Clean and sanitize the knife.
You notice that raw fish is displayed next to cooked fish. What does this tell you? ✔✔
Cross-contamination can occur.
Selling which kind of seafood would mean that a vendor has to follow additional rules?
✔✔ Molluscan shellfish.
How far from the floor should a bottom shelf be to ensure proper protection for foods
during storage? ✔✔ 6 inches.
What is the point of using a brightly colored bandage for a cut on your finger? ✔✔ It is
easily found if it falls into food.
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