lOMoAR cPSD|7225888

lOMoAR cPSD|7225888 1


Xerostomia, what is it & how do you treat it = feeling of oral dryness-treat w/ sugarless candy or gum

Labs to check for pernicious anemia = B12

Contraindication for the use of combination oral contraceptives = HYPERtension (↑ BP)

Sign of mild anxiety = Extreme focus

What is remote memory loss = Inability to remember things from YEARS ago

Heart failure dietary teaching = Low sodium & fluid restriction

Diverticulitis dietary teaching = Low fiber

Diverticulosis dietary teaching = High fiber

IBS dietary teaching = High fiber

Urine Culture on baby = straight catheter

Parents are nervous about how their 3-year-old will act when newborn arrives. What can they do = Provide gift

from the infant to the sibling

Methylprednisolone sodium succinate lab to watch for? Serum glucose (because glucocorticoids cause


At 14 weeks' gestation, what should the patient report to the MD = Swelling of the face (sign of preeclampsia)

A patient is 14 weeks pregnant, where do you check to find the FHR = below the pubs symphysis area.

Change of shift report should include = The blood lost

Patient teaching for colostomy care = patient doesn't need to change the bag every day (only needs to be changed

every 4-7 days)

Scoliosis manifestation = Lateral curvature of the spin & asymmetrical hips/ribs

Lab values that are elevated for Cushing's disease = ↑ Cortisol, ↑sodium, ↑ glucose

Cushing disease Sx: Moon face

Administering medications through an NG tube =

* Administer meds separately

* DO NOT mix with enteral feedings

* Dissolve crushed tablets in 15-30mL of water

* Flush tubing before & after each medication with 10-30mL of water

Tobramycin adverse reaction = Ototoxicity (hearing damage & loss of balance) & Cloudy/bloody urine


Anorexia expected finding = pre-albumin 10 (normal is 3.5-5)

Amniocentesis patient teaching = empty bladder before the procedure (S/E: can cause contractions)

Expected finding during cardiac catheterization = Patient will feel warmth and flushed when dye is inserted

lOMoAR cPSD|7225888


Retinoblastoma = white eye reflex

What action should you instruct the patient to do prior to postural drainage? Administer a bronchodilator or

nebulizer prior to treatment, postural drainage should be done 1 hour before meals or two hours after meals

(perform twice daily)

IV phlebitis =Discontinue IV & apply a warm/moist compress

IV is infiltrated = Discontinue IV & apply a cool compress

Female is to undergo an NST = Doppler transducer placed around abdomen

When a patient is receiving mannitol, what should the nurse monitor for = Hypovolemia

Co-worker is impaired, what do you do = Report it to the charge nurse

Fine hair is a result of this disease = HYPERthyroidism

How do you draw blood out of a PICC line = Draw 10mL of blood and discard it, then draw another 10mL of blood

for sample, and then flush with 10mL of 0.9% sodium chloride

Crohn’s disease = LOW fiber diet

latex allergy if they have a sensitivity to what food = Bananas

Buddhist patient = vegetarians

Food Label = greatest weight islisted first.

Child with positional plagiocephaly = Child will wear a molded helmet for 23 hours a day

Pregnant women should eat more of what to prevent neural defects = Folate/folic acid

A caregiver states they are becoming tired when caring for their parent with Alzheimer's disease, what can the

nurse suggest = Respite care (care to give caregivers a break)

Cleft palate teaching for feeding = don’t use a spoon, Position infant upright while cradling head & burp them


A wound that would heal by primary intention = A surgical incision

Sign of glaucoma is loss of = Peripheral vision loss

Baby w/reflux = small frequent meals, thicken formula with rice cereal, HOB 30

Radiation implant precautions =

* Private room with radiation sign

* Wear dosimeter film badge

* Limit visitors to 30 min and to remain 6ft away from the patient

* Keep lead container in room and tongs

* No pregnant ladies or anyone under the age of 16 should come into contact with the patient

Discharge teaching for a patient who is going home with HIV/AIDS =

* Good hygiene & frequent hand washing

* Avoid crowds

* Avoid cleaning litter boxes

lOMoAR cPSD|7225888


* Avoid raw foods such as veggies or meats

Adolescent nutrition = 1300mg of calcium

Priority nursing care for a patient who has been sexually assaulted = Assess their anxiety

Identifying a need for hearing evaluation =

* Absence of talking by 7 months

* Uses gestures rather than talking by 15 months

* Speaks in monotone

* Speaks loudly for the situation

Compartment syndrome = client with cast and has white extremity (6 P’s assessment)

NG placement in the Jejunum = X-ray

How should you confirm the placement of an NG tube = Aspirate gastric contents (pH less than 4)

Methylphenidate patient teaching = It's Ritalin, so take once daily in the morning

Simvastatin reaction that you report to the MD = Muscle aches/pain (rhabdomyolysis)

Diabetic foot care patient teaching = Cut toe nails straight across, No lotion between toes, wear clean socks made

of cotton or wool

Where should you insert a peripheral catheter = Distal veins in the non-dominant hand

Who receives Rhogam = an O- women following a spontaneous abortion

Losartan adverse effect = Angioedema

Patient teaching for dabigatran = Report bleeding (it's an anticoagulant)

Pacemaker teaching = Take pulse at same time each day & report if HR is less than 5bpm below the pacemaker

rate, Report dizzy, fatigue, hiccups or palpitations

EKG that has no P wave, has a wavy baseline and increased HR = Atrial fibrillation

Newborn genetic screening = Heel-stick test done 24 hours after birth and the infant must be fed within those 24

hours for accurate results

Acupuncture contradiction: Herpes Zoster

What medication is given for an ectopic pregnancy = Methotrexate

Washing hands for a patient who is immunosuppressed = use chlorohexidine

Betamethasone causes HYPERglycemia in the mom & HYPOglycemia in the neonate

Betamethasone = used to promote fetal lung maturity

NG Tube feeding = suction gas residuals every 4 hours.

A client who has a history of domestic abuse = discuss an escape plan

Cleansing a radiation area = Clean with mild soap or water, Avoid use of powders/lotions/creams

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Furosemide & gentamicin drug interaction causes = Kidney problems & dehydration

What can you expect after ECT treatments = Temporary short term memory loss

When a group strep B culture is obtained during the 35-36 week of gestation and is positive, what do you do =

Administer penicillin every 4 hours during labor

List some ways to prevent or treat supine hypotension syndrome = Left-lateral side lying, Semi-fowlers, Wedge

under one hip while supine

Long term use of Protein Pump Inhibitors causes = osteoporosis

Magnesium Sulfate = Is an anticonvulsant, Reduces the seizure threshold, Secondary effect - lowers BP***

Administering Magnesium Sulfate = Restrict fluids to 100-125mL/hour, Maintain urine output of 30mL/hour

S/S of Magnesium Sulfate Toxicity:

C - Cardiac dysrhythmias

O - Output less than 30mL/hour

R - Respirations less than 12/min

A - Absent deep tendon reflexes (HYPOREFLEXIA)

L - LOC is decreased

Prednisone adverse reaction = Infection, Fluid retention, Hyperglycemia

SIDS Prevention = Place babies on their backs to sleep, Pacifier when sleeping, Breastfeeding

Sumatriptan is used for = Migraines

Pregnant adolescent with no financial help = refer to case manager

Absence Seizure = Brief sudden lapse in attention, patient may appear to be day dreaming or staring into space

Valporic Acid levels to watch for = This med can cause hepatic toxicity - monitor serum liver enzymes

Kidney donor contraindication = Diabetes

Situational Crisis example = Lost a grandparent in a MVC (unexpected event)

Coarctation of the aorta symptoms = Diminished pulses in extremities (weak femoral pulses)

Cocaine patient Signs/Sx = ↑ Temp

Patient teaching for parents taking child home after circumcision = Petroleum jelly with diaper changes (change

diaper every 4 hrs)

Screening test done at 16 weeks' gestation = alpha-fetoprotein (AFP)

3-year-old child can do what? = ride a tricycle

Stimulant withdrawal symptom = fatigue

Patient teaching for patient with peripheral artery disease = apply lotion to feet to prevent dry, cracked skin.

Patient experiencing mania = give a PB&J for a portable snack

Patient has diarrhea with enteral feeding, what should you do = administer at slower rate (admin. at room

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