ATI CAPSTONE COMBO ASSESSMENT A:B. / Chamberlain College of Nursing - MED SURG 324 ATI CAPSTONE COMBO ASSESSMENT Parts A and B / Latest Spring 2020/2021, A+ Help

ATI CAPSTONE COMBO ASSESSMENT A:B. / Chamberlain College of Nursing - MED SURG 324 ATI CAPSTONE COMBO ASSESSMENT Parts A and B / Latest Spring 2020/2021, A+ Help


1. what is montelukast (singular) for?

a. a leukotriene modifier, and is taken on a regular basis, once a day, and

not prn, and is not used for exercise induced asthma

2. what does advance directives contain?

a. written instructions regarding end of life care

3. what is the greatest risk to a pt receiving hemodialysis?

a. disequilibrium syndrome as a result of rapid loss of fluids and decrease


4. what is the clinical manifestation of disequilibrium?

a. restlessness and decreased level of consciousness

5. what are expected findings in hemodialysis?

a. elevated temp

weight loss

decreased bp

6. what should the nurse do when a pt feels lightheaded and begins to fall?

a. spread feet apart and extend one leg for the pt to slide down while

lowering the pt to the floor

7. what are the characteristics of a pt with dependent personality disorder?

a. they have problems making everyday decision without input from others

8. a pregnant pt who is bleeding is always?

a. priority

9. what should a pregnant pt with urgency and frequent urination do?

a. should perform kegel exercises

10.what should a pregnant pt with odorless vaginal mucus do?

a. practice good hygiene, use perineal pads

11.a pregnant pt with edema of the ankles do?

12.avoid prolonged standing, to wear support hose, and rest through out the day

with legs/hip elevated

13.when should a colostomy bag be changed?

14.when is 1/3 -1/2 full large should the opening of the stoma pouch be? larger than 1/4 inch

17.what should the pt with a colostomy avoid?

18.the use of moisturizers, which will decrease the adherence of the pouch to the


19.what should the pt do with the pouch removing it?

20.they should empty the pouch to avoid spilling the effluent on to the skin

21.where should drops be instill into?

22.into the conjuctival sac

23.what is a positive way of dealing with a terminal illness?

24."remembering things they used to do together"

25.what are normal findings after a colonoscopy?

26.abd cramping


passage of liquid stools

27.what are unexpected finding after a colonoscopy?

28.guarding- can indicate bowel perforation

29.what do you do if an order is questioned?

30.the nurse should record seeking clarification from the provider

31.what should pt with gastritis eat?

32.a well balanced diet, they should keep a record of foods that cause discomfort,

pts can modify their diet accordingly

33.what is the cause autonomic dysreflexia?

34.bladder distention

35.what are s/s of icp?


change in LOC

37.what is late s/s of ICP?

38.widening pulse

decerebrate posturing

39.when can a child with varicella(chickenpox) return school?

40.the child can return to school when the blisters are dry and no longer drained

(scabbed over)

41.what is an appropriate behavior of a pt with hx of violence? will avoid violence provoking situations

43.what is a skin cancer prevention?

44.pts should use sunscreen that protects against uva and uvb

45.what is the first thing you should do with excessive lochial discharge?

46.perform a fundal massage

47.what is the nurse responsibility of the nurse when witnessing the pts signature on

an informed consent?

48.that the pt is fully informed and understands the procedure befor signing the

consent form

49.who are at greater risk for std?

50.females because of increased vascularity to the vagina

51.does trichomonas vaginalis increased the risk for cervical cancer?


53.Gonorrhea can lead to?

54.pelvic inflammatory disease and tubal scarring and can result in infertility

55.what should you do with postmortem care?

56.always check about religious practices prior to body preparation in order to honor

fam wishes

57.what can you not give to a pt with thickened liquids? ice chips

no water

no icepops

59.what can a pt with thickened liquids have?


61.what should a pt do with incentive spirometer?

62.they should elevate the cylinder by inhaling deeply

assume semi fowlers or high fowlers position order to maintain sterile technique what should the nurse do?

64.should open all sterile packages prior to donning sterile gloves

65.what is psycho-motor learning?

66.have the pt demonstrate back the procedure

67.what places a newborn at risk for respiratory depression?

68.administration of an opioid analgesic

exa: fentanyl (sublimaze)

69.what is an effective method of bowel retraining?

70.anal stimulation with a gloved finger after the evening meal, it will help stimulate

the gastrocolic reflex

71.when inserting an NG tube?

72.the nurse should insert the tube into the airway that is patent and has greater


73.what technique should be NG tube insertion?

74.clean technique

75.if NG tube meets resistance?

76.the nurse should rotate the tube without forcing it past the area of resistance

77.what kind of lubricant should be used during NG tube insertion?

78.water- based lubricant NOT petroleum jelly

79.what is pediculosis capitis management? child's clothing in a separate cubicle at school

boil brushes and combs in water for 10 mins

dry bed lines and clothing in a hot dryer for at least 20 mins

81.what can visual disturbances indicate?


83.what is expected 24 hrs after surgery?

84.hypo active bowel sounds


85.what is an abnormal finding 24 hrs after surgery?

86.low HGB

87.what must be done in bucks traction?

88.the pt must be in proper alignment

boots are secured by 3 straps, around pt leg

weights must hang freely

footplate is resting 15.24 cm (6inches) from the footboard

89.what does pts with delirium demonstrate?

90.a fluctuating LOC often at night or in am with dementia demonstrate?

92.difficulty finding correct words to use with anxiety disorders demonstrate?

94.obsessive behavior would the nurse determine progression of ascites?

96.abdominal girth should be measured daily

97.what is a food high in potassium?


99.what is an indication of peripheral venous disease?

100. brown pigmentation around ankles

101. what is indication of peripheral arterial disease?

102. intermittent, leg muscle pain

103. what is some skin care for pts on radiation therapy?

104. pat area when drying

use hand to wash

do not use sunscreen

105. what can hydromorpone cause?

106. urinary retention

107. what does bethanechol (urecholine) causes?

108. it stimulates urinary out put

109. how is nystatin best absorb?

110. if given 1 hour before or after a feeding

111. what is a sign that a newborn has finished eating?

112. a slowed suck/swallow pattern is a sign that the newborn is

finished eating

113. what not to do when breastfeeding?

114. is not necessary for the entire areola be in the mouth

each feeding should start at the opposite breast

do not push back of newborns head-toward the nipple

115. what should be included in a stool specimen?

116. visible blood, pus, or mucus

117. what is the first action in an infiltrated IV?

118. to d/c the saline lock

119. what is the first action when preparing to do a dressing


120. to determine the pts level of pain

121. what should a with hemonymous hemionopsia with right visual

field, what will help pt eat better?

122. the pt should turn head to the right to see all food on tray

123. what are some side effect for theophylline (theo-dur)?

124. is used to prevent wheezing,sob, chest tightness in asthma

irregular pulse and dysrhythmias



urinary frequency




125. what should you do when given enoxaparin (lovenox)?

126. it should be injected SUBQ

do not aspirate

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Category ATI
Release date 2022-02-15
Latest update 2022-02-17
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Pages 96
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