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Hesi Leadership and Management
1. Newly hired UAP expresses fear to collect a sputum from HIV patient
Determine the UAP’s knowledge about HIV transmission.
2. RN, PN, UAP are working as a team
The UAP obtains an oxygen saturation level while RN reports finding to the health care
3. The most immediate follow-up
An UAP is assigned to check a client for fecal impaction.
4. Nurse receives a prescription over the telephone
Administer a nebulizer breathing treatment.
5. Patient uses the call system alarm
Ask a coworker to respond to the client whose call bell is alarming.
6. Emergency room, who to take care first
A female client with severe right lower abdominal pain who is febrile and vomiting.
7. No heroic measures
Give detailed report to accepting nurse.
8. Evaluate cardiac monitor system
Organize a committee of ICU nurses to identify potential problems of the new
monitoring system.
9. Client has reported feeling of being constipated
Assist the client to drink warm prune juice.
10. Sequential compression devices
Report any change in color in the client’s feet or legs.
11. Respiratory therapist cross-trained avoiding HIV positive client
Provide the employee with feedback about the observed behavior.
12. Medication error remains unchanged
Examine medication administration data to determine use of new policy by nursing
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13. Increase of nurse-to-patient ratio by 25%
Disseminate factual information to all nursing staff to avoid misinformation and rumors.
14. Calculation: 10080FTEs / 72 hours= 17.5 round to the nearest tenth =18
15. Respiratory rate decreases 14/ min -> 6/ min -> 4/min
The decision regarding when to call the health care provider
16. Glucometer checks post 2 days consistently 50-60 mg/dl higher
Evaluate calibration of glucometer in use per manufacturer guidelines.
17. Receptionist is responsible for taking client calls. Who to call back first?
Casted right leg has a funny feeling tingling sensation.
18. Two clients in one room. One client has MRSA the other one neutropenia. What
intervention should the nurse implement?
Transfer client with neutropenia to a private room.
19. Signed witnessed DNR
Confirm current resuscitation wishes with client and family
20. Staffing formula based on what?
Skills of staff and client acuity.
Leadership/Management Exit HESI
Finding a client sitting on the floor, nurse calls for help from UAP
Get a BP cuff
Assigning a UAP to assist client with personal care
Prescribed activity level
The ICU is full and short staffed, so nursing super informs charge nurse in the med dept that one nurse
must float to the ICU
Staff nurse who was cross-trained to work in the critical care dept
Charge nurse developing guidelines for a coronary care unit
The scope of standards of practice from the American nurses association
Which patient should be assigned to a nurse that is floated from maternity unit
Post op hysterectomy
There has been a major disaster. Triage nurse should give which patient priority
Cut over eye
Delegate to LPN
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Version | 2021 |
Category | HESI |
Pages | 2 |
Language | English |
Comments | 0 |
Sales | 0 |
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