Assessment & Evaluation Strategies
Section A: Formative Assessment Blueprint
Criteria Task
A1. Assessment overview (type, purpose,
and expected outcomes of the
Type: Online discussion board. A formative assessment will help evaluate the
learner's comprehension of current course content. Utilizing an online discussion
board promotes learning and sharing of knowledge. Then, the learner will answer
three questions regarding their understanding of the community and public health
nurse's roles and responsibilities and their relationships.
Purpose: This formative assessment aims to identify each learners' current
knowledge related to their roles and responsibilities to the community as it relates to
population-centered nursing. Likewise, a formative assessment is designed to assess
the student’s progress during the instructional process. This assessment will prompt
an evaluation of the learners’ current skills and understanding of community health
nursing (Dennison, Dempsey, & Rosselli, 2014).
Furthermore, this formative evaluation aims to collect student-specific data to assess
progress towards their achievement. There is no grade assigned. Instead, the student
is expected to achieve the learning outcome. Discussion boards are an active learning
strategy to promote communication by having students answer a series of educatorguided questions (Dennison et al., 2014).
Expected outcomes: Learners will be expected to distinguish the community health
nurse's roles and responsibilities clearly. The learner will also be expected to identify
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aspects of population-centered nursing. Lastly, the learner will be expected to
interpret and articulate their research findings clearly and concisely to the online
forum. Students will be expected to maintain academic integrity for every aspect of
the course.
A2. Module title (C920 material) Population-centered Nursing
Course objectives (C920 material) After completing the course, the students will be able to:
1. Analyze the professional nursing roles in community health nursing's diverse
practice and identify three health promotion goals.
2. Assess populations for health status and identify five health-related needs
within a community.
3. Evaluate the effectiveness of nursing interventions toward meeting the desired
population outcomes.
Student learning outcomes (C920
By the end of the module, the student will be able to:
1. Demonstrate an ability to coordinate care plans and provide three quality
nursing interventions for communities based on the population-focused
nursing process.
2. Identify three levels of prevention to improve the health outcomes of diverse
populations in the community.
A2a. Assessment Activity Alignment (i.e.,
align your selected assessment activity
with course objective and student
learning outcomes)
Course objectives 1-3: The course objectives align with this formative assessment
because it requires a higher order of thinking. Incorporating an online discussion
board as the formative assessment will encourage critical thinking, knowledge
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sharing, and reflection. The learner will be challenged to analyze, assess, and evaluate
their roles as a community health nurse. Furthermore, the discussion board aligns
with the course objectives because it will promote an organization of thoughts and an
interpretation of findings. Communication and any subsequent dialog amongst
students will help solidify knowledge to ensure course objectives are met.
Student learning outcomes 1-2: Through an online discussion board's utilization, the
learner can demonstrate competency in the required areas. Moreover, this formative
assessment aligns well with each student learning outcome because it promotes a
demonstration of the learners' ability to coordinate care plans to disseminate
throughout the community. Also, the identified formative assessment aligns with
SLO#2 because it will allow the learner to recall learning content to help identify
three levels of prevention.
A3. Cognitive level to be measured by the
formative assessment.
Analysis – With the interpretation of knowledge, information, and findings, the
learner will utilize the analysis's cognitive level. The learner will demonstrate
competency of this cognitive level by identifying associations and interpreting
research findings to support a community health nurse's role. Likewise, the learner
will differentiate between the public health nurse and community nurses’ roles and
responsibilities. Learners who can articulate responses to the discussion forum will
have demonstrated competency in the analysis's cognitive level.
A4. Item Types (i.e., multiple-choice
items, fill in the blanks, etc.)
Discussion board. The discussion board requires students to formulate a wellconstructed response to submit to the online forum. The online discussion board will
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assist learners in identifying, interpreting, translating, and sorting information.
Therefore, learners will provide several constructed responses to meet the course
A5. Number of Items (on formative
3 Items - Formative assessment: 3 questions total (2 analysis & 1 reflective).
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Category | Exam (elaborations) |
Pages | 55 |
Language | English |
Comments | 0 |
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