Health Assessment HESI Review #2
Characteristics of palpable nodes
Myxedema (Hypothyroidism)
A deficiency of the thyroid hormone. This reduces metabolic rate, and when severe
causes non pitting edema or myxedema.
Symptoms: fatigue, cold intolerance, coarse/dry hair and skin, and weight gain.
What is the best indicator of Parathyroid Problems?
Decrease in client's calcium compared with preoperative value.
Grave's Disease (hyperthyroidism)
Increased production of thyroid hormones causes an increased metabolic rate.
Symptoms: exophthalmos, fatigue, nervousness, weight loss, cramps, and heat
Cushing Syndrome
Excessive secretion of ACTH and chronic steroid use.
Symptoms: "moon like" face, Buffalo hump, hirsutism
Enlargement of lymph nodes greater than 1 cm. This occurs from infection, allergy, or
Contusion (Bruise)
1. Red, blue, or purple
2. Blue to purple
3. Blue- green
4. Yellow
5. Brown to disappearing
Serous Exudate
Clear or straw colored.
Normal part of healing process.
Serosanguineous Exudate
Pink colored due to blood mixed with serous drainage.
Normal part of healing process.
Sanguineous Exudate
Red drainage from trauma to a blood vessel. May occur with wound cleansing or put her
trauma to the wound bed. Abnormal to the wound healing process.
Hemorrhage Exudate
Frank blood leaking from a blood vessel. May require emergency treatment to control
And a normal part of the healing process.
Purulent Drainage
Yellow, gray, or green drainage due to infection in the wound
Category | HESI |
Release date | 2021-09-09 |
Pages | 16 |
Language | English |
Comments | 0 |
Sales | 0 |
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