Student Exploration:Natural Selection Directions: Follow the instructions to go through the simulation. Respond to the questions and prompts in the orange boxes. Vocabulary : biological evolution, camouflage, Industrial Revolution, lichen, morph, natural selection, peppered moth Prior Knowledge Questions (Do these BEFORE using the Gizmo .) The peppered moth ( Biston betularia ) is a common moth found in Europe, Asia, and North America. It is commonly found in two forms, or morphs : a dark morph and a light, speckled morph. Birds are a frequent predator of the peppered moth. 1. Which morph do you think would be easier to see on a dark tree 2. Which morph do you think would be easier to see on a light tree Gizmo Warm-up The Natural Selection Gizmo allows you to play the role of a bird feeding on peppered moths. The initial population of 40 moths is scattered over 20 tree trunks. Click on moths to capture them. Click the Next tree button (or the spacebar on your keyboard) to advance to the next tree. 1. Check that LIGHT TREES is selected. Click Play ( ), and hunt mo
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Category | GIZMOS |
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