WGU C207 OA Partial test Questions with Answers

C207 OA Partial test Questions with Answers

What are the two potential uses of analytics?

 To turn information into insight

 To develop fact-based strategies

Which two tools help users to understand processes?

 Control charts

 Flow charts

A scale is used to measure the thickness of randomly selected steel rods used in

construction. It is accidentally programmed to add 1mm to each rod. What is the

resulting mistake representative of?

 Systematic error

Which type of result is produced from an analysis performed on a data set that has

missing or omitted values?

 Distorted

Which kind of data error is easier to check for when the data are organized in

spreadsheets and relational databases?

 Calculation error

Which result could stem from using a quality control tool other that a control chart?

 Minimizing errors through the process of collecting data

Analytics is a broad term that refers to a variety of tools that inform managerial


- Prescriptive

What are two reasons for the increasing use of analytics in organizational decision


- Relatively lower cost of computer storage

-Higher computer processing power

In what way does probability theory inform decision-making for managers?

- By quantifying risk

Which type of data are the Olympic medals of gold, silver, and bronze examples of?

- Ordinal data

What are some of the aspects of data quality management?

- It cleans data

-It reduces the amount of incomplete data.

Which two attributes indicate potential data quality issues when evaluating a set of

nominal data?

- Missing data

-Misspelled data

When conducting a study that measures an individual's weight, all scales are calibrated

prior to use in measurement. Which type of error should this procedure significantly


- Systematic error

An advertising manager creates a research study by presenting low, medium, or high

frequency of the same ad in matched markets. The manager reports on sales in each

market location. What is the term for the different sales in this study?

- The response variable

A healthcare study follows a particular sample over time to identify how the health

habits of teenagers impart their likelihood of acquiring various diseases later in their life

in the hope that the healthcare organization will be able to create early prevention

programs. Which type of research design does this study describe?

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