Investigate own skills in the form of skills audit The following are some of the most common formats for skills auditing: Likert scale The likert scale is usually involved in research that involves questionnaires. It is the most widely used approach to scaling responses in survey research, such that the term is often used interchangeably with rating scale, although there are other types of rating scales. When answering a Likert item, the people who respond must specify their level of agreement or disagreement on a symmetric agree-disagree scale for a series of statements. A scale can be created as the simple sum or average of questionnaire answers over the set of individual questions. Likert scaling assumes distances between each choice are equal. Many researchers employ a set of such items that are highly correlated. Semantic differential scale The Semantic Differential Scale is a seven-point rating scale that can be used to derive the respondent’s attitude towards the given object or event by asking them to choose an appropriate position on a scale between two contrasting adjectives such as warm or cold or powerful or weak, etc. Semantic differential scaling is another way to make questions to an event’s attendees about the performance of the organiser; this table can include adjectives such as organised and disorganised, well managed or badly managed, excellent communicator or poor communicator, and well presented or badly presented. Observation Observation is another common way to gain feedback. An observation is when an individual is asked to watch and analyse what an event organiser is doing to consequently judge and get their own conclusions about their performance. Observation is a good method to evaluate how someone is performing in real time. One of the observers' tasks is to write down some notes about what the event organiser is doing well as well as what they need to improve. Observation may be done without the person who is being observed knowing until after they have been observed; this is known as mystery shopping and after the organiser has been observed they are given feedback straight away. Questionnaire