ATI Nursing Care of Children Proctored exam



ATI Nursing Care of Children Proctored exam

Science Medicine Pediatrics

Terms in this set (283)

What is a dictorial or

authoritarian parenting style?

parents try to control the child's behaviors and

attitudes through unquestioned rules and


What is an authoriatitive

parenting style?

also known as democratic, parents direct the child's

behavior by setting rules and explaining the reson

for each rule setting

What is passive parenting?

parents are uninvolved, indifferent, and emotionally


ATI Nursing Care of Children Proctored exam Study

A nurse manager on a pediatric

floor is preparing an education

program on working with

families for a group of newly

hired nurses. Which of the

following should the nurse

include when discussing the

developmental theory?

A. describes that stress is


B. emphasizes that change with

one member affects the entire


C. provides guidance to assist

families adapting to stress

D. Defines consistencies in how

families change


A nurse is assisting a group of

parents of adolescents to

develop skills that will improve

communication. The nurse

heads one parent states "my

son knows he better do what I

say". Which of the parenting

styles is he exhibiting?

A. Authoritarian

B. Permissive

C. Authroitative

D. Passive


ATI Nursing Care of Children Proctored exam Study

A nurse is performimg family

assessment. Which of the

following should the nurse

include? (select all that apply)

A. medical history

B. parents' education level

C. child's physical growth

D. Support systems

E. Stressors

A, B, D, E

What is the expected pulse

rate of a newborn?

80 to 180/min

What is the expected pulse of

a baby 1 week to 3 months?

12 to 180/min

What is the expected pulse of

a child 3 months to 2 years?

70 to 150/min

What is the expected pulse of

a child 2 to 10 years?

60 to 110/min

What is the expected pulse of

a child 10 years and older?

50 to 90/min

What are the expected

respirations fo a newborn to

one year?

30 to 35/min

What are the expected

respirations of a 1 to 2 year


25 to 30/min

ATI Nursing Care of Children Proctored exam Study

What are the expected

respirations of a 2 to 6 year


21 to 25/min

What are the expected

respirations of a child 6 to 12

years old?

19 to 21/min

What are the expected

respirations of a 12 year old

and older?

16 to 19/min

What are the normal vitals of

an infant?

HR: 80-180

RR: 30-35

BP: 65-80/40-50


should be flat and soft, posterior closes between 6

and 8 weeks, anterior closes between 12 and 18



6 to 8 teeth by 1 year of age, 20 baby teeth and 32

permanent teeth

How long is the Moro reflex


until 4 months of age

How long is the Tonic neck

reflex present?

until 3 to 4 months of age

How long does the Babinski

reflex last?

usually until a year

ATI Nursing Care of Children Proctored exam Study

Expected findings of the

olfactory (I) nerve in infants ,

children, and adolescents

Infants: difficult to test

Children and Adolescents: indentifies smell through

each nostril individually

Expected findings of optic

nerve (II)?

Infants: looks at face and tracks with eyes

Children and adolescents: has intact visual acuity,

peripheral vision, and color vision

Expected findings for

trigeminal nerve?

infants: has rooting and sucking relfex

children and adolescents: is able to clencg teeth

together and can detect touch on face with eyes


A nurse is preparing to assess a

preschool-age child. Which of

the following is an appripirate

action by the nurse to prepare

the child?

A. Allow the child to role play

using miniature equipment

B. use medical terminology to

describe what will happen

C. separate th child from her

parents during examination

D. keep medical equipment

visible to the child


ATI Nursing Care of Children Proctored exam Study

A nurse is checking the vital

signs of a 3-year-old during a

well child visit, which of the

following findings should the

nurse report to the provider?

A. temperature 37.2C (99.0F)

B. Heart rate of 106/min

C. Respirations 30/min

D. Blood pressure 88/54



A nurse is assessing a child's

ears. Which of the following is

an expected finding?

A. Light reflex is located at the

2 o clock position

B. Tympanic membrane is red

in color

C. bone landmarks are not


D. Cerumen is present



A nurse is assessing a 6-monthold infant. Which of the

following reflexes shoudl the

infant exhibit?

A. Moro

B. Plantar grasp

C. Stepping

D. Tonic necl


ATI Nursing Care of Children Proctored exam Study

A nurse is performing a

neurological assessment on an

adolescent. Which of the

following is an appropriate

reaction by the adolescent

when the nurse checks the

trigeminal cranial nerve?

(select all that apply)

A. clencing the teeth together


B. recognizing a sour tast

C. identifying smells through

each nostril

D. detecing facial touches

when eyes closed

E. Looking down and in with

the eyes

A, D

What happens to a baby's birth


it should double by 6 months and triple by 1 year

How do infants grow?

1 inch per month (2.5cm) for 6 months, then by 12

months, height/length should be doubled

When do the first teeth arupt? between 6 and 10 months

Gross and fine motor by 3


only have slight head lag

Gross and fine motor by 4


should be able to roll from back to side

Gross and fine motor by 5


should be able to roll from front to back

ATI Nursing Care of Children Proctored exam Study

Gross and fine motor by 6


should be able to roll from back to fron and hold a


Gross and fine motor by 7


move object from hand to hand

Gross and fine motor by 8


sit unsupported

Gross and fine motor by 9


crude pincer grasp

Gross and fine motor by 10


prone to sitting positiion and grasp a ratty by the


Gross and fine motor by 11


puts objects into a container and have a neater

pincer grasp

Gross and fine motor by 12


tries to build a 2 block tower and won't succeed

What Piaget congitive

development stafe are infants


Sensorimotor stage, birth to 24 months, separation,

object permanence around 9 months, mental


How many words should the

infant know?

3-5 words and has concept of numbers by 1 year

What is the Erikson's stage of

development for infants?

Trust vs. Mistrust, birth to 1 year, caretake meeteing

the needs of the infant

When does separation anxiety

begin to occur?

between 4 and 8 months

ATI Nursing Care of Children Proctored exam Study

When is there stranger fear in


6 to 8 months

What toys should be used for

an infant?

rattles, blocks, brightly colored toys, mirrors, patty


Infant Immunizations

Birth: hep B

2 months: hep B, IPV, RV, PCV, dtap, HIB

4 months: all of the 2m, hep B

6 month: all the previous

Flu shots: 6m to 1 year

Infant Nutrition

breast milk first 6 months, solids 4 to 6 months and

first solid is usually iron fortified rice ceral, no juice

or water is needed for first year, foods introduced

one at a time over 4-7 day period to monitor for


What are infant safety concers?

choking/aspiration (grapes, coins, candy)

burns (sunscnreen, handles turned away from stove,

electrical outlets are covered), drowning, rear

facing care seat until 2 years, crib slats are no more

than 6cm, no pillows, and sleep on back

A nurse is assessing a 12

months old infant during a

well-child visit. Which of the

following findings should the

nurse report to the provider?

A. closed anterior fontanel

B. eruption of 6 teeth

C. Birth weight doubled

D. Birth length increased by 50



ATI Nursing Care of Children Proctored exam Study

A nurse is performing a

developmental screening of a

10-month old infant. Which of

the following fine motor skills

should the nurse expect to

find? (select all that apply)

A. grasp a raddle by the handle

B. try building a two-block


C. use a crude pincer grasp

D. Place objects into a


E. Walkes with one hand held

A, C

A nurse is conducting a wellbaby visit with a 4 motnh old

infant. Which of the following

immunizations should the nurse

plan to administer? (select all

that apply)




D. varicella


B, C, E

ATI Nursing Care of Children Proctored exam Study

A nurse is providing education

about introducing new foods

to the parents of a 4 months

old infant. The nurse should

recommend that the parents

introduce which of the

following foods first?

A. Strained yellow vegetables

B. Iron fortified cereals

C. Pureed foods

D. Whole Milk


A nurse is providing teaching

about dental care and teething

to the parent of a 9-month-old.

Which of the following

statements by the parent

indicates an understanding of

the teaching?

A. I can give my baby a warm

teething ring to relieve


B. I should clean my baby's

teeth which a cool, wet


C. I can give Advil for up to 5

days while my baby is teething

D. I should place diluted juice

in the bottle my baby drinks

while falling asleep


Weight gain of todder 4x their birth weight by 30 months

Height gain of toddler 3 inches per year (7.5cm)

ATI Nursing Care of Children Proctored exam Study

Head and chest growth of


head and chest circumference are abotu equal,

compared to when they are born, and their head is

wider than their chest

gross and fine motor skills of a

15-month toddler

expect walking without help, should be able to

build a 2 block tower

gross and fine motor skills of

18-month toddler

can throw a ball over head

gross and fine motor skills of 2

year old toddler

can walk up and down stairs by placing feet on

each step and build a 6-7 block tower

gross and fine motor skills of

2.5 year old toddler

can jump with both feet and draw circles

Language of a toddler

1 year = 1 word senteces/hollow phrases

2 year = 2-3 word senteces

Erikson's stage of Toddlers

autonomy vs shame and doubt, independence,

begin to express selves by saying no a lot, thrive on

rituals, maintian routines

Toddler appropirate activities blocks, push pull, thick crayons, puzzle

Bathroom needs of toddlers

toilet training begins when they have recognized

the sensation that they need to go potty

Immunizations of a toddler

12-15 month: IPV, PCV, MMR, varicells, HIB

12-23 months: Hep A 2 doses 6 months apart

15-18months: dtap and annual flu

ATI Nursing Care of Children Proctored exam Study

Nutrition of a toddler

breast milk or formula through 1 year, 1-2 year whole

milk, after 2 can transition to low fat, limit juice

consumption to 4-6oz per day, prevent choking,

nuts, grapes, hot dogs, peanut butter, raw carrots,

tough meat, popcorn

What are safety hazards of


burns, drowning, falls, aspiration, prevention

A nurse is assessing a 2.5-yearold toddler at a well-child visit.

Which of the following findings

should the nurse report to the


A. height increased by 7.5cm or

3inches in the past year

B. Head circumference

exceeds chest circumference

C. anterior and posterior

fontanels are closed

D. current weight equals four

times the birth weight


A nurse is performing a

develomental screening on an

18 month old. Which of the

following skills should the

toddler be able to perform?

(select all that apply)

A. build a tower with 6 blocks

B. Throw a ball overhead

C. walk up and down stais

D. draw circles

E. use a spoon without rotation

B, E

ATI Nursing Care of Children Proctored exam Study

A nurse is providing teaching

about age-appropriate

activities to the parent of a 2

year old. Which of the

following statemetns by the

parent indicates an

understanding of the teaching?

A. I will send my child's favorite

studdef animal when she will

be napping away from home

B. My child should be able tot

stand on one foot for a second

C. The soccer team my child

will be playing on starts next


D. I should expect my child to

be able to draw circles


A nurse is providing

anticipatory guidance to the

parents of a toddler. Which of

the following should the nurse

include? (select all that apply)

A. Develop food habits that will

prevent dental caries

B. Metting caloric needs

resulting in an increased


C. expression of bedtime fears

is common

D. Expect behaviors associated

with negativism and ritualism

E. Annual screenings for

phenylketonuria are important

A, C, D

ATI Nursing Care of Children Proctored exam Study

Growth of preeschoolers

4.5-6.5 pounds per year

2.3-3.5 inches per year or 6-9cm

Gross motor skills of 3 year old


can ride tricycle and jump off bottom step on stairs

Gross motor skills of 4 year old


can skip and hop on one foot and throw the ball

over head

Gross motor skills of 5 year old


can jump rope

Cognitive development of the


Piaget, preoperational phase 4-7 years, moving

from preconceptual phase to the phase of intuitive

thought, magical thinking, animisim, centration, time

Erikson, initiative vs guilt


in preschoolers, another baby in the family can

cause the preschooler to regress to bed wetting or

thumb sucking, to be expected

What are appropirate activities

for a preschooler?

playing ball, puzzles, tricyles, dress up, role playing

Immunizations of preschooler 4-6 years, dtap, mmr, IPV and annual flu

What does the sleep schedule

of a preschooler look like?

12 hours of sleep, bedtime routine

Teeth of preschooler

eruption of primary teeth is finalized by the

beginning of the preshool years

ATI Nursing Care of Children Proctored exam Study

What may be a safety initiative

for preschooler?

protective gear with tricycles

A nurse is providing teaching

to the parent of a preschool

age shcil about methods to

promote sleep. Which of the

following statements by the

parent indicated an

understanding of the teaching?

A. I wil sleep in the bed with

my child if she wakes up during

the night

B. I will let my child stay up and

additional 2 hours on weekend


C. I will et my child watch

television for 30 minutes nust

before bedtime each night

D. I will keep a dim lamp on in

my child's room during the



A nurse is conducting a well

child visit with a 5 year old

child. Which immunizations

shoudl the nurse plan to

administer to the child? (Select

all that apply)





E. Hib

A, B, C

ATI Nursing Care of Children Proctored exam Study

A nurse is preparing an

education program for a group

of parents of preschool-age

children about promoting

optimum nutrition. Which of the

following information should

the nurse include in the


A. saturated fats should equal

20% of total daily caloric intake

B. Average calorie intake

should be 1800 calories per


C. dailyintake of fruits and

vegetables should total 2


D. Healthy diets include a total

of 8g of protein each day


A nurse is performing a

developmental screening on a

3 year old child. WHich of the

following skills should the

nurse expect the child to


A. ride a tricycle

B. Hop on one foot

C. jump rope

D. throw a ball overhead


ATI Nursing Care of Children Proctored exam Study

A nurse is caring for a

preschool age child who says

she needs to leave the hospital

because her doll is scared to

be at home alone. Which of the

following characteristics of

preoperational thought is the

child exhibiting?

A. Egocentrism

B. Centration

C. Animism

D. Magical thinking


Growth of school age children

4-6 pound weight gain per year and grown 2 inches

(5cm) per year, permanent teeth start to come in

Piaget cognitive development

of school age children

concrete operations, perceptual to conceptual

thinking, learsn to tell time, see other perspectives,

solve problems

Erikson's stage of school age


industry vs inferiority, trying to make meaning

contributions to society and cooperative and

compete with others, peer groups important,

competitive and cooperative play

What types of activites are

appropriate for school age


board games, hop scotch, bikes, jump rope,

organized sports

Immunizations of school age


11-12 years: DTaP, HPV vaccine (series of 3 shots)

ATI Nursing Care of Children Proctored exam Study

How much sleep is

recommended for a 12 year


9 hours of sleep

What is a safety measure for

school age children?


A nurse is discussing

prepubesence and

preadolescen with a group of

parents of school-age children.

Which of the following

information should the nurse

include in the discussion?

A. initial phsyciologic changes

appear during early childhood

B. changes in heigh and weight

occur slowly during this period

C. growth differences between

boys and girls become evident

D. signs of sexual maturation

become highly visible in boys


ATI Nursing Care of Children Proctored exam Study

A nurse is conducting a well

child visit with a child who is

scheduled to recive the

recommended immunizations

for 11 to 12 year olds. Which of

the following immunizations

should the nurse administer?

(select all that apply)




D. Tdap


A,C, D

A nurse is teaching a course

about safety during the school

age years to a group of

parents. Which of the following

information should the nurse

include in the course? (select

all that apply)

A. gating stairs at the top and


B. wearing helmets when riding

bicyles or skateboarding

C. riding safely in bed of

pickup trucks

D. implementing firearm safety

E. wearing seat belts

B, D, E

Growth in adolescents

girls stop growing 2-2.5 years after their period

starts, boys stop growing abotu 18-20

Sexual maturation is

adolescent girls

breast development, pubic hair growth, underarm

hair, period

ATI Nursing Care of Children Proctored exam Study

Sexual maturation in

adolescent boys

testicular enlargement, pubic hair, penil

enlargement, underarm hair growth, facial hair,

vocal changes

Piaget cognitive stage of

development for adolescents

formal operations

Erikson's stage of development

for adolescents

identity vs role confusion

What are appropriate activites

for adolescents

video games, music, sports, pets, reading

Immunizations for adolescents flu, 16-18 years, meningitis before college

Injury prevention for


helmet use, seat belts, driving, susbtance abuse

Safe medication administration

for children

oral is preferred, smallest measuring device

possible, dont mix oral meds in formula, put in side

of mouth, hold cheeks, and stroke chin to swallow

Administration of ear drops pinna down and back

IM injections

preffered route is vastus lateralis, then the ventral

gluteal or in the deltoid, 22-25 guage with half inch

to 1 inch needle

IV safe administration

procedure room, away from bed, EMLA cream to

numb area is recommneded, avoid terms like bee

stink or stick, keep stuff out of sit, parents can stay,

swaddle the infant, non-nutritive sucking is offered

before, during, and after to infants

ATI Nursing Care of Children Proctored exam Study

A nurse is providing teaching

about expected changes

during puberty to a gorup of

parents of early adolescent

girls. Which of the following

statements by one of the

parents indicates and

understanding of the teaching?

A. girls usually stop growning

abotu 2 years after menarche

B. girsl are expected to gain

about 65 pounds during


C. girls experience menstartion

prior to breast development

D. Girls typiucaly grow more

than 10 inches during puberty


A nurse is providing

anticipatory guidance to the

parent of a 13 year odl

adolescent. Which of the

following screenings shoudl

the nurse reccomend for the

adolescent? (select all that


A. body mass index

B. blood lead level

C. 24 hour dietary recall

D. Weight

E. Scoliosis

A, D, E

ATI Nursing Care of Children Proctored exam Study

A nurse is caring for an

adolescent whose mother

expresses ocncersn about her

child sleeping such long hours.

Which of the following

conditions shoudl the nurse

inform the mother as requiring

additional sleep during


A. sleep terrors

B. rapid growth

C. elevated zinc levels

D. slowed metabolism


A nurse is teaching class about

puberty in boys. Which of the

following should the nurse

include as the first

manifestation of sexual


A. pubic hair growth

B. voval changes

C. testicular enlargement

D. facial hair growth


ATI Nursing Care of Children Proctored exam Study

A nurse is planning to

administer the influenza

vaccine to a toddler. Which of

the following actions should

the nurse take?

A. administer subq to the


B. use a 20guage needle

C. Divide the medicaiton into

two injections

D. place the child in supine



A nurse is preparing to

administer an IM injection to a

child. Which of the following

muscle gorups is


A. Deltoid

B. ventrogluteal

C. vastus lateralus

D. dorsogluteal


ATI Nursing Care of Children Proctored exam Study

A nurse is teaching a parent of

an infant about administration

of oral medications. Which of

the following should the nurse

include in the teaching? (select

all that apply)

A. use a universal dropper for

medication administration

B. as the pharamacy to add

flavoringto the medication

C. add the medication to a

formula bottle before feeding

D. use the nipple of a bottle to

administer the medication

E. hold the infant in a

semireclining position

B, D, E

A nurse is preparing to

administer medication to a

toddler. Which of the following

actions should the nurse take?

(select all that apply)

A. identiy the toddler by asking

the parent

B. tell the parent to administer

the medication

C. calculate the safe dosage

D. ask the toddler what toy he

wants to hold during


E. offer juice after the


C, D, E

ATI Nursing Care of Children Proctored exam Study

A nurse is caring for an infant

who needs otic medicatioin.

Which of the following is an

appropirate action for the

nurse to take?

A. Hold the infant in an upright


B. pull the pinna downward and

straight back

C. hyperextend the infants


D. ensyure that the medication

is cool


Pediatric pain management

self report is only used for children 4 and older,

FLACC scale is 2m to 7 years, pain rate ona scale of

0-10 assessing behaviors of the child

FACES: 3 years and odler

Oucher scale: 3-13

Numeric scale: 5 and older

use play therapy to epxlain procedures

ive medications to kids routinely versus prn

combining opioid and non-opioid medications

EMLA cream, apply 1 hour prior to small stick or 2.5

hours before a big stick, occlusive dressing over it

A nurse is competing a pian

assessment of an infant. Which

of the following pian scales

should the nurse use?



C. Oucher

D. Non-communicating

childrens pain checklist


ATI Nursing Care of Children Proctored exam Study

A nurse is planning care for

achild following a surgical

procedure. Which of the

following interventions dhoul

the nurse incldue in the plan of


A. administer NSAIDS for a

pain grater than 7 on a scale fo

0 to 10

B. administer intranasal

analgesics PRN

C. Administer IM analgesics for


D. administer IV analgesics on a



A nurse is assessing an infant.

Which of the following are

manifestations of pain in an

infant? (select all that apply)

A. Pursed lips

B. loud cry

C. lowered eybrows

D. Rigid body

E. pushes away stimulus


ATI Nursing Care of Children Proctored exam Study

A nurse is planning care for an

infant who is experincing pain.

Which of the following

interventions should the nurse

include in the plan of care?

(select all that apply)

A. offer a pacifier

B. use of guided imagery

C. use swaddling

D. initiate a behavioral contract

E. encourage kangaroo care


A nurse is preparing a toddler

for an IV catheter insertion

using atraumatic care. Which of

the following actions shoudl

the nurse take? (select all that


A. explain the procedure using

the child's favorite toy

B. ask the paretns to leave

during the procedure

C. perform the procedure with

the child in his bed

D. allow the child to make on

choice regarding the


E. apply lidocaine and

prilocaine cream to three

potential insetion sites

A, D, E

Hospitalization, illness, and

play for the infant

stranger anxiety 6 to 18 months

ATI Nursing Care of Children Proctored exam Study

Hospitalization, illness, and

play for the toddler

behavior may regress, separtion anxiety, intense

reaction to procedure, parallel play

Hospitalization, illness, and

play for the preschooler

magical thinking, they may think they caused an

illness to happen, still experience separtion anxiety,

explain the procedure in very simple clear

language, give them a choise if possible (cup or

spoon), associate play, paly together without much


Hospitalization, illness, and

play for the school age child

describe pain and increased ability to understand

cause and affect, give factual info, tell the truth,

encouage contact with peer groups, and express

feelings, cooperative play, play in groups, more


Hospitalization, illness, and

play in the adolescent

body image disturbance, feels isolated from peers,

give factural info, tell the truth, encoruage contact

with peer group, and express feelings, friends can

come visit

A nurse is caring for a

preschooler. Which of the

following is the expected

behavior of a preschool-age


A. Describing manifestations of


B. relating fears to magical


C. understanding cause of


D. awareness of body



ATI Nursing Care of Children Proctored exam Study

A nurse on a pediatric unit is

caring for a toddler. Which of

the following behaviors is an

effect of hospitalization?

(select all that apply)

A. believes the experience is a


B. experiences separtion


C. displays intense emotions

D. axhibits regressive behaviors

E. Manifests disturbance in

body image

B, C, D

A nurse is teaching a parent

about parallel play in children.

Which of the following should

the nurse include in the


A. children sit and observe

others playing

B. Children exhibit organized

play when in a group

C. the child plays alone

D. The child plays

independently when in a group


ATI Nursing Care of Children Proctored exam Study

A nurse is teaching a group of

parents about separation

anxiety. Which of the following

information shoudl the nurse

include in the teaching?

A. it is often observed int the

school age child

B. detachment is the stage

exhibited in the hospital

C. it results in prolonged issues

of adaptibility

D. kicking a stranger is an



anticipatory grief when death is expected or a possible outcome

complicated grief extends for more than 1 year following the loss

parenteral grief intense, long lasting, and complex

sibling grief

differs from adult/parenteral; depend on age and

developmental stage

Infant/toddler view of


no concpet of death

Preschoolers(3-6) view of


magical thinking, may feel guilt or shame, views

dying as temporary

School age (6 to 12) view of


adult concept of death, express fear through

uncooperative behavior

ATI Nursing Care of Children Proctored exam Study

Adolescent (12-20) view of

death and dying

adult concept of death, resul of peers vs parents,

stressed out by changes in physical appearance

Physical manifestations of


senstaion of heat when body feels cool, decreased

sentation, loss of sesnes, decrease LOC, swallowing

issues, bradycardia, hypotension, Cheyne stokes


Nursing responsibilty after


allow family to stay with body, rock infant/todderl,

assist in post-mortem care

A nurse is caring for child who

is dying. Which of the following

are findings of impending

death? ( select all that apply)

A. heightened sense of hearing

B. tachycardia

C. difficulty swallowing

D. sensation of being cold

E. cheyne-stokes respirations

C, E

A nurse is teaching a parent

about complicated grief. Which

of the following statements

should the nurse make?

A. it is considred complicated

gried if you are still grieving

after 6 months

B. personal acitciites are

affected wehn expericining

complicated grief

C. parents will expeirce

complicated grief together

D. complicated grief selfresolved in 12 months


ATI Nursing Care of Children Proctored exam Study

A nurse is teaching a parent of

a preeschol child about factors

that affect the child's

perception of death. Which of

teh following factors should

the nurse include in the


A. Preschool children have no

concept of death

B. Preschool children percieve

death as temporary

C. preschool children often

regress to an earlier stage of


D. preschool children

experience fear related to the

disease process

ATI Nursing Care of Children Pr B octored exam Study