Manager's Food Handler's License- Texas, Learn2Serve Food Safety Management Principles Lesson Assessments, Food Manager Exam, Food Manager Practice Exam, servsafe 7th edition 2017, 7th Edition SERVSAFE Exam, Learn2Serve Food Handler Training Course (Questions and Answers with Complete Solution) Quiz Bank
Manager's Food Handler's License- Texas, Learn2Serve Food Safety
Management Principles Lesson Assessments, Food Manager Exam, Food
Manager Practice Exam, servsafe 7th edition 2017, 7th Edition SERVSAFE
Exam, Learn2Serve Food Handler Training Course (Questions and Answers
with Complete Solution) Quiz Bank
A food handler's duties regarding food safety include all of the following practices
EXCEPT: ✔✔ Periodically test food for illness causing microorganisms
What is the most direct cause of customer loyalty? ✔✔ High food safety standards
What is the best way to prevent poor food safety? ✔✔ Employee training
Which one of the following duties is management's responsibility to ensure food safety?
✔✔ Preventing infected employees from contaminating food.
All of the following are the most common Critical Control Points (CCPs) EXCEPT: ✔✔
Customer service
Which agency publishes the food code? ✔✔ fda
Which one of the following steps is NOT one of the seven HACCP steps? ✔✔ create a
cost analysis
Creation of which one of the following quality programs is a management responsibility?
✔✔ assurance
Local health codes establish requirements for all of the following subjects EXCEPT ✔✔
price controls
Why must the manager sign the inspection document after the inspector has completed
the investigation? ✔✔ To confirm that the inspection has taken place.
An organism that lives in or on another organism, often with harmful side effects—but
without benefits is: ✔✔ parasite
The viral infection Hepatitis A can be most effectively controlled if: ✔✔ All food
personnel practice personal hygiene, such as thorough handwashing.
What is the easiest way to recognize foods contaminated with spoilage bacteria? ✔✔
Changes in color and smell
Which one of the following situations would MOST LIKELY promote bacterial
contamination? ✔✔ Touching raw chicken and then cooked chicken without changing
One of the most important reasons for using only reliable water sources is to reduce ✔✔
The number of parasites, such as Cyclospora Cayetanensis, that can infest foods.
Which bacteria cause the greatest harm in the food industry ✔✔ pathogenic
All of the following bacteria can cause foodborne illness EXCEPT: ✔✔ Acidophilus milk
Which one of the following food contaminations would be suspected if the end of a can
of tomatoes had begun to swell ✔✔ botulism
Which one of the following food contaminations is usually associated with undercooked
chicken ✔✔ salmonella
Which one of the following food contaminations is best prevented by cooking to safe
temperatures ✔✔ e. coli
Contamination of food items by other living organisms is known as ✔✔ biological
Because they are living organisms, which one of the following methods would be both
effective and safe to help reduce pathogenic contaminants in food? ✔✔ heat
Perhaps the most common vehicle of contamination in the food industry is ✔✔ hands,
so they should be washed often
The contamination results from the spread of bacteria from meat to vegetables is called
✔✔ cross
Which one of the following contaminants is a physical contaminant? ✔✔ hair
You notice a food handler trim excess fat from a T-bone steak and then move toward a
bowl of potatoes to begin peeling them with the same knife. What action should you
take ✔✔ Caution the food handler that she must clean and sanitize her knife.
An employee brings you a bag of oatmeal in which he has found black specks. What is
the MOST LIKELY cause of those specks? ✔✔ Pests have gotten into the bag and left
waste secretions in the oatmeal.
Checking the dining areas of an eating establishment for evidence of flaking paint,
broken light bulbs, and wood damage will reduce the chances of ✔✔ physical
Toxins from seafoods, mushrooms, and molds present the greatest potential for ✔✔
Although all of the following methods will promote the prevention of food contamination,
which one has the most continuous effect? ✔✔ Educating employees about clean,
responsible, and legal food handling.
Food preservation does all of the following EXCEPT ✔✔ promotes the growth of
In degrees Fahrenheit, what is the temperature range of the Danger Zone? ✔✔ 41 to
Reheated food items must be heated for a minimum of 15 seconds to at least ✔✔ 165
The preservation technique that attempts to remove moisture is ✔✔ dehydration
"Chilling" is most commonly practiced by ✔✔ commercial food distributers
All of the following are Time/Temperature Control for Safety Foods Except ✔✔
Processed garlic mixtures
Bacterial contamination can spread quickly because if the conditions are right, bacteria
can multiply in ✔✔ 10 to 20 minutes
It is important that food servers are trained to know food ingredients because ✔✔ they
will need to help customers who have food allergies
The best temperature for short-term refrigeration storage is ✔✔ 34 to 40
Which preservation technique involves heating foods to mild temperatures and then
cooling them down immediately ✔✔ Pasteurization
You see that the food handler you assigned to prepare the salad has a small cut on her
hand. You should: ✔✔ Have her put a watertight bandage over the cut and wear gloves
Gabe fries chicken at Country Boy Restaurant. Gabe wears gloves as he preps the raw
chicken in flour. Today during the lunch rush, you tell him to fill chicken orders for
impatient customers. Gabe immediately begins putting cooked chicken in boxes and on
plates. What are the hazards created by Gabe's actions, and what action should you
take? ✔✔ Although he is wearing gloves, Gabe has created a cross-contamination
hazard by touching raw chicken and then touching cooked chicken. You should stop
Gabe, dispose of any orders he has just filled, and then have Gabe wash his hands and
change gloves before continuing to fill orders.
You have a staff that is thoroughly trained in proper hand washing; however, in which
one of the following situations would you need to speak to an employee ✔✔ You are in
the dining area and you see a salad bar attendant pet a service animal
If all proper hand washing steps are followed, how long should the entire process take
✔✔ at least 20 seconds
Because of the risk of spreading Staphylococus aureus, which area of their bodies
should employees be trained to avoid touching ✔✔ mouth, nose, and throat
Why should you stock only brightly colored bandages for first aid supply ✔✔ So they
can be easily found if they fall into food
Near the end of an interview with a person you have decided to hire, she discloses to
you that she is infected with HIV. What actions should you take? ✔✔ Consider her to
be a disabled person and continue with your decision
Corrective action needs to be taken immediately if you see a food handler ✔✔ Using
hand sanitizer instead of washing their hands
The most important reason for having food handlers wear hair restraints is to ✔✔
prevent food handlers from contaminating their hands by touching their hair
If an employee is properly trained, he should be able to demonstrate all of the following
competencies except ✔✔ identify by price and quality the most desirable suppliers
An effective way to choose reputable suppliers is to ✔✔ visit their warehouses
Which of these food items upon receiving should be given priority in storage ✔✔ frozen
A shipment of frozen fish arrives at your food establishment. You see that the outside
bottoms of the shipping cartons have too much ice and the fish fillets held within the
cartons have brown edges. These are signs of ✔✔ thawing and refreezing
Employees trained to receive foods properly will complete all of the following steps
except ✔✔ not- check order completion
Your latest shipment of chicken has some items with USDA stickers and some items
with USDA GRADE stamps. What is the difference in these items ✔✔ Stamps mean
the chicken's quality has been rated
The best place to store grains to reduce the risk of cross-contamination is ✔✔ Next to
the canned peaches
Rotating stock so that the oldest items move first is often referred to as ✔✔ FIFO- first
in, first out
Labels should include all of the following except ✔✔ not- the best way to store the food
To ensure proper protection for foods during storage, the bottom shelf should be ✔✔ At
least six inches off the floor
According to the Food Code, proper food labels should NOT contain ✔✔ not- the
period of time ready-to-eat foods were refrigerated before being frozen
Cross-contamination has occurred when ✔✔ the same unwashed gloves are used to
handle different meats
Sanitization can be done by all of the following except ✔✔ air drying
Which of the following steps comes last ✔✔ air dry
If steam is used to sanitize, it must be at ✔✔ 200 for 5 minutes
It is very important to sanitize all of the following items except ✔✔ hair
The presence or growth of microorganisms is a type of ✔✔ biological hazard
To prevent cross-contamination, you should take immediate corrective action if you
notice a receiving employee did not ✔✔ wash off rubber boots before entering food
storage areas
Food surfaces and equipment are not fully cleaned and sanitized until ✔✔ they have
been allowed to air dry completely
Most of your cooking equipment is copper and your utensils are silver, so which
sanitizer would you not want to use ✔✔ iodine-based
Which one of the following conditions in an outside waste disposal area needs to be
corrected immediately ✔✔ containers without covers
Pest infestations must be controlled for all of the following reasons EXCEPT: ✔✔ They
tend to be overlooked by loyal employees who know the food is good.
A food preparer brings you a bag of rice with a few black things among the grains. You
suspect mouse droppings, but you are not sure. What should you do? ✔✔ Dispose of
the bag and check all other bags in storage.
The best eradication method for a major infestation is ✔✔ chemical
Which method is the best for the prevention of pest infestations? ✔✔ Regular cleaning
and monitoring
Since pests are living organisms requiring four basic needs for survival, which one of
these needs, if their access to it is eliminated, will drastically reduce pests in your
establishment ✔✔ food
Employees must be trained to notice signs of pests, which include all of the following
EXCEPT: ✔✔ Traps that have not been tripped, bait that has not been eaten, but it
Whenever a trap has sprung and caught a pest, you will want to: ✔✔ Check for
biological contamination from blood and dispose of any possibly contaminated foods.
Where should you put pest baits and bait stations to prevent chemical contamination
from rodenticides ✔✔ outside
Maintaining an integrated pest management program (IPM) best serves ✔✔ Business
Should you become aware of a pest problem in your establishment, all of your
measures to eradicate the pests should conclude with ✔✔ Schedule regular, routine
visits from the pest control operators (PCOs).
Which one of the following situations requires management to contact the local
regulatory authority? ✔✔ Water service interrupted for two hours
All toilets in a food service establishment must have ✔✔ hot running water
A well-designed building should have all the following except ✔✔ locker rooms with
Which one of the following materials must not be used in the construction of food
preparation and storage areas ✔✔ indoor/outdoor carpeting
Which of the following types of floors are least suited for food prep areas ✔✔ floors
made of hard, non-porous material
For which one of the following purposes is non potable water approved ✔✔ mopping
Which area is not required to have a conveniently located hand washing facility ✔✔
food storage
If all of the following items were stored on the same rack on the same wall, which item
would be stored closest to the ground ✔✔ beef
Effective ventilation systems ✔✔ minimize odor
It is important that all wooden utensils be ✔✔ made of maple or close-grained
The HACCP system has seven principles ✔✔ 1. Conduct a hazard analysis
2. Determine the CCPs
3. Establish critical limits
4. Establish monitoring procedures
5. Establish corrective actions
6. Establish verification procedures
7. Establish record keeping and documentation procedures
Which of the following steps is one of the seven HACCP principles ✔✔ determine the
The purpose of a hazard analysis is to ✔✔ examine work areas for potential dangers
Critical control points are hazards that can be ✔✔ controlled or eliminated
Critical limits set ✔✔ minimum standards for processes
Once CCP limits have been determined, the next step is to establish a ✔✔ monitoring
To ensure the success of any HACCP, management must ✔✔ educate employees
What is the first line of defense against all contaminations ✔✔ prevention
To reduce dramatically all potential contamination, the most highly critical training for all
employees is ✔✔ personal hygiene
The best method for training employees how to clean a slicer is to show the skill and
then ✔✔ have them do it for you
The best supervisors set ✔✔ personal examples
The FDA's food safety system is known as ✔✔ Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point
The HACCP management system is a ____ system that helps prevent problems before
they occur ✔✔ Proactive
How can a HACCP plan best be implemented ✔✔ By the commitment of the
management to the plan and by training employees
Prerequisite programs, the foundation of a successful HACCP system, include all of the
following except ✔✔ personnel control
A properly implemented linear product flow and traffic control process is most effective
in minimizing ✔✔ cross-contamination
Of the five preliminary tasks management should complete before implementing a
HACCP plan, the first task is ✔✔ assembling an HACCP team
A HACCP plan that is developed totally by outside experts runs the risk of lacking ✔✔
employee support
When designing a diagram of the work flow process, it is important that the diagram be
✔✔ clear, proving a simple outline of each major step in the process
The success of HACCP implementation depends most heavily upon ✔✔ employee
Before the HACCP team is ready to implement the seven principles of an HACCP plan,
they should verify the accuracy and completeness of the flow diagram by ✔✔
performing an on-site review
What are the initial responsibilities of the HACCP team ✔✔ develop and initial plan and
coordinate its implementation
When developing and implementing a successful HACCP Plan, teams never ignore ✔✔
Before implementing the HACCP plan, the team should develop an initial
implementation ✔✔ time line
Implementation of a HACCP plan involves all of the following EXCEPT ✔✔ voting on
Effectiveness of a HACCP system depends on ✔✔ regular verification activities
HACCP team members conducting a hazard analysis must be concerned mainly with
✔✔ safety
After identifying potential hazards, the HACCP team conducts a hazard evaluation to
decide which potential hazards must be addressed in the HACCP plan based on all of
the following criteria EXCEPT ✔✔ dietary effects of the potential hazard
The term "control measure" refers to the fact that ✔✔ Most food-related hazards should
be controlled.
When is a CCP decision tree used ✔✔ After a hazard analysis
All of the following records are part of a HACCP except ✔✔ employee hiring records
Bacteria, viruses, parasites, natural toxins, and chemical contaminants are identified as
✔✔ hazards
Which of the following vendors must follow additional rules? ✔✔ Molluscan shellfish
How many countries import seafood into the U.S.? ✔✔ 135
NOAA stands for ✔✔ National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Seafood plants that receive NOAA certification have good: ✔✔ quality
Seafood processors with official marks on products are ✔✔ federally inspected
Histamine, which causes scombroid poisoning, is a(n) ✔✔ chemical
Decomposition of fish is identified by ✔✔ organoleptic techniques
A safe seafood seller should be ✔✔ Wearing disposable gloves, hair covering, and
clean clothes.
A load of fish arrives, and after a quick inspection, you know it is not fresh because ✔✔
Its flesh doesn't spring back when pressed.
Where should you consider buying seafood ✔✔ reputable sources
If cooked fish is displayed next to raw fish ✔✔ cross-contamination can occur
What guidelines should recreational fishers follow in order to prevent food-related
hazards ✔✔ Fish in areas where the fish is safe for consumption.
A shipment of frozen seafood arrives and there are frost and ice crystals on the outside
of the packaging. What do you know immediately? ✔✔ The fish has been thawed and
Fresh fish bought to cook the next day can be safely kept _______. ✔✔ in the
If shellfish is alive it: ✔✔ Will close up when the shell is tapped.
Unless it is to be cooked immediately, the best way to prepare frozen fish prior to
cooking is to defrost it: ✔✔ overnight in the refrigerator.
What happens when cooked and uncooked seafood come in contact ✔✔ crosscontamination
A cooked shellfish's shell ____ ✔✔ opens
Hot food should be kept at ____ ✔✔ 135
A food handler's duties regarding food safety include all of the following EXCEPT ✔✔
Periodically test food for illness causing microorganisms.
What is the most direct cause of customer loyalty? ✔✔ High food safety standards
What is the best way to prevent poor food safety? ✔✔ Employee training
Which one of the following duties in management's responsibility to ensure food safety?
✔✔ Preventing infected employees from contaminating food
All of the following are the most common Critical Control Points (CCPs) EXCEPT ✔✔
Customer service
Which agency publishes food code? ✔✔ FDA
Which one of the followings steps is NOT one of the seven HACCP steps? ✔✔ Create
a cost analysis
Creation of which of the following quality programs is a management responsibility? ✔✔
Local health codes establish requirements for all of the following EXCEPT ✔✔ Price
Why must the manager sign the inspection document after the inspector has completed
the investigation? ✔✔ To confirm that the inspection has taken place.
An organism that lives in or on another organism, often with harmful side effects - but
without benefits ✔✔ Parasite
The viral infection Hepatitis A can be most effectively controlled if ✔✔ All food
personnel practice personal hygiene, such as thorough hand washing.
What is the easiest way to recognize food contaminated with spoilage bacteria? ✔✔
Change in color and smell
Which one of the following situations would most likely promote bacterial
contamination? ✔✔ Touching raw chicken and then cooked chicken without changing
One of the most important reasons for using only reliable water sources is to reduce ✔✔
The number of parasites, such as Cyclospora Cayetanesis, that can infests foods.
Which bacteria cause the greatest harm in the food industry? ✔✔ Pathogenic
All of the following bacteria can cause food borne illness EXCEPT ✔✔ Acidophilus Milk
Which of the following food contaminations would be suspected if the end of a can of
tomatoes had begun to swell? ✔✔ Botulism
Which one of the following food contaminations is usually associated with undercooked
chicken? ✔✔ Salmonella
Which of the following food contaminations is best prevented by cooking to safe
temperatures? ✔✔ E. Coli
Contamination of food items by other living organisms is known as ✔✔ Biological
Because they are living organisms, which one of the following methods would be both
effective and safe to help reduce biological contaminations. ✔✔ Heat
Perhaps the most common vehicle of contamination in the food industry is ✔✔ Hands,
and so should be washed often.
The contamination that results from the spread of bacteria from meat to vegetables is
called ✔✔ Cross
Which one of the following contaminates is a physical contamination? ✔✔ Hair
You notice a food handler trim excess fat from a T-bone steak and then move towards a
bowl of potatoes to begin peeling them with the same knife. ✔✔ Caution the food
handler that she must clean and sanitize the knife.
An employee brings you a bag of oatmeal in which he has found black specks. What is
the most likely cause of those specks? ✔✔ Pests have gotten into the bag and left
waste secretions in the oatmeal.
Checking the dining areas of an eating establishment for the evidence of flaking paint,
broken light bulbs, and wood damage will reduce the changes of what? ✔✔ Physical
Toxins from seafoods, mushrooms, and mold presents the greatest potential for ✔✔
Chemical contamination
Although all of the following methods will promote the prevention of food contamination,
which one has the most continuous effect? ✔✔ Educating employees about clean,
responsible, and legal food handling.
Food preservation does all of the following except ✔✔ Promote the growth of
In degrees Fahrenheit, what is the temperature range of the Danger Zone? ✔✔ 41 to
Reheated food items must be heated for a minimum of 15 seconds to at least ✔✔
The preservation technique that attempts to remove moisture is ✔✔ Dehydration
"Chilling" is most commonly practiced by ✔✔ Commercial food distributors
All of the following are Time/Temperature Control for Safety Foods (TCS) except ✔✔
Processed garlic oil mixtures.
Bacterial contamination can spread quickly because if the conditions are right, bacteria
can multiply in ✔✔ 10 to 20 minutes
It is important for the food servers are trained to know food ingredients because ✔✔
They will need to help customers who have food allergies.
The best temperature for short-term refrigeration storage is ✔✔ 34F to 40F
Which preservation technique involves heating foods to mid temperatures and then
cooling them down immediately. ✔✔ Pasterization
You see that the food handler you assigned to prepare the salad has a small cut on her
hand. You should ✔✔ Have her put a watertight bandage over the cut and wear gloves.
Gabe fries chicken at the Country Boy Restaurant. Gabe wears gloves as he preps raw
chicken in flour. Today during the lunch rush, you tell him to fill chicken orders for
impatient customers. Gabe immediately begins putting cooked chicken in boxes and on
plates. What are the hazards created by Gabe's actions, and what action should you
take? ✔✔ Although he is wearing gloves, Gabe has created a cross-contamination
hazard by touching raw chicken and the touching cooked chicken. You should stop
Gabe, dispose of any orders he has just filled, and then have Gabe wash his hands and
changes gloves before continuing to fill orders.
You have a staff that is thoroughly trained in proper hand washing; however, in which
one of the following situations would you need to speak to an employee. ✔✔ You are in
the dining area and you see a salad bar attendant pet a service animal.
If all proper hand washing steps are followed, how long should the entire process take?
✔✔ At least 20 seconds
Because of the risk of spreading Staphylococcus Aureus, which area of their bodies
should employees be trained to avoid touching. ✔✔ Mouth and noses.
Why should you stock only brightly colored bandages for first aid supplies? ✔✔ So they
can be more easily found should they fall into food.
Near the end of an interview with a person you decide to hire, she discloses to you that
she is infected with HIV. What action should you take? ✔✔ Consider her to be a
disabled person and continue with your decision.
Corrective action needs to be taken immediately if you see a food handler. ✔✔ Using
hand sanitizer instead of washing their hands.
The important reason for having food handlers wear hair restraints is to ✔✔ Prevent
food handlers from contaminating their hands by touching their hair.
If an employee is properly trained, he should be able to demonstrate all of the following
competencies except ✔✔ Identify by price and quality the most desirable suppliers.
An effective way to choose reputable suppliers is to ✔✔ Visit their warehouses
Which of these food items upon receiving should be given priority in storage? ✔✔
Frozen items
A shipment of frozen fish arrives at your food establishment. You see that the outside
bottoms of the shipping cartons have too much ice and the fish fillets held within the
cartons have brown edges. These are signs of ✔✔ Thawing and refreezing.
Employees trained to receive foods properly will complete all of the following except ✔✔
Label and date rejected items.
Your latest shipment of chicken has some items with USDA stickers on it and some
items with USDA GRADE stamps. What is the difference in these items? ✔✔ Stamps
mean the chicken's quality has been rated.
The best place to store grains to reduce the risk of cross-contamination is ✔✔ Next to
the canned peaches
Rotating stock so that the oldest items move first is often referred to as ✔✔ FIFO
Labels should include all of the following except ✔✔ Possible contaminants.
To ensure proper protection for foods during storage, the bottom shelf should be. ✔✔
At least six inches off the floor.
According to the Food Code, proper food labels should NOT contain ✔✔ The date that
frozen preparation-needed foods are to be consumed.
Cross-contamination occurred when ✔✔ The same unwashed gloves are used to
handle different meats.
Sanitation can be done by all of the following except ✔✔ Air drying
Which of the following steps comes last? ✔✔ Rinse
If steam is used to sanitize, it must be at ✔✔ 145F for 30 seconds
It is very important to sanitize all of the following except ✔✔ Handles
The presence of growth of microorganism is a type of ✔✔ Biological hazard
To prevent cross-contamination, you should take corrective action if you notice a
receiving employee did not ✔✔ Wash off rubber boots before entering storage areas.
Food surfaces and equipment are not fully cleaned and sanitized until ✔✔ They have
been treated with heat or chemicals.
Most of your cooking equipment is copper and your utensils are silver, so which
sanitizer would you not want to use ✔✔ Iodine-based
Which one of the following conditions in an outside waste disposal area needs to be
corrected immediately ✔✔ Containers without lids.
Pest infestations must be controlled for all of the following reasons except ✔✔ They
tend to be overlooked by loyal employees who know the food is good.
A food preparer brings you a bad of rice with a few black things among the grains. You
suspect mouse droppings, but you are not sure. What should you do? ✔✔ Dispose of
the bag and check all other bags in store.
The best eradication method for a major infestation is ✔✔ Chemical
Which method is the best for the prevention of pest infestation? ✔✔ Regular cleaning
and monitoring.
Since pests are living organisms requiring four basic needs for survival, which one of
these needs, if their access to it is eliminated, will drastically reduce pests in your
establishment. ✔✔ Food
Employees must be trained to notice signs of pests, which include all of the following
except ✔✔ Traps that have no been tripped, bait that has not been eaten, but it might.
Whenever a trap has spring and caught a pest, you will want to ✔✔ Check for
biological contamination from blood and dispose of any possibly contaminated foods.
To prevent chemical contamination from rodenticides, always ✔✔ Place pest baits and
bait stations outdoors.
Maintaining an integrated pest management program (IPM) best serves ✔✔ Business
Should you become aware of a pest problem in your establishment, all of your
measures to eradicate the pests should conclude with ✔✔ Schedule regular, routines
visits from the pest control operators (PCOs)
Which one of the following situations requires management to contact the local
regulatory authority. ✔✔ Water service interrupted for two hours
All toilets in a food service establishment must have ✔✔ Hot running water
A well-designed building should have all of the following except ✔✔ Locker room with
Which one of the following materials must not be used in the construction of food
preparation and storage areas? ✔✔ Indoor/Outdoor carpeting.
Which of the following types of floor are least suited for food prep areas. ✔✔ Floors that
are leveled and flat.
Which one of the following purposes is non-potable water approved? ✔✔ Mopping
Which are is not required to have a conveniently located hand washing facility? ✔✔
Food storage
If all of the following items were stored on the same rack on the same wall, which item
would be stored closest to the ground? ✔✔ Beef
Effective ventilation systems ✔✔ Maintain proper humidity
It is important that all wooden utensils be ✔✔ Made of maple or closed-grained
Which of the following steps is one of the seven HACCP principles? ✔✔ Determine the
The purpose of a hazard analysis is to ✔✔ Exame processes for quality
Critical controls points are hazards that can be ✔✔ Controlled or eliminated
Critical limits set ✔✔ Minimum standards for processes
Once CCP limits have been determined, the next step is to etablish ✔✔ Monitoring
To ensure the success of any HACCP, management must ✔✔ Educated employees
What is the first line of defense against all contaminations? ✔✔ Prevention
To reduce dramatically all potential contamination, the most highly critical training for all
employees is ✔✔ Personal Hygiene
The best method for training employees how to clean a slicer is to how the skill and then
✔✔ Have them do it for you
The best supervisors set ✔✔ Personal examples
The FDA's food safety system is known as ✔✔ Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point
The HACCP management system is a ___ system that helps prevent problems before
they occur ✔✔ Proactive
How can a HACCP plan best be implemented ✔✔ By the commitment of the
management to the plan and by training employees.
Prerequisite programs, the foundation of a successful HACCP system, include all of the
following except ✔✔ Pesonnel Control
A properly implemented linear product flow and traffic control process is most effective
in minimizing ✔✔ Cross-Contamination
Of the five preliminary tasks management should complete before implementing a
HACCP plan, the first task is ✔✔ Assembling a HACCP team.
A HACCP plan that is developed totally by outside experts runs the risk of lacking ✔✔
Employee support
When deigning a diagram of the work flow process, it is important that the diagram be
✔✔ Clear, providing a simple outline of each major step in the process.
The success of HACCP implementation depends most heavily upon ✔✔ Employee
Before the HACCP team is ready to implement the seven principles of an HACCP plan,
they should verify the accuracy and completeness of the flow diagram by ✔✔
Performing an on-site review.
What are the initial responsibilities of the HACCP team? ✔✔ Develop an initial plan and
coordinate its implementation.
When developing and implementing a successful HACCP plan, teams never ignore ✔✔
Before implementing the HACCP plan, the team should develop an initial
implementation ✔✔ Flow Chart
Implementation of a HACCP plan involves all of the following except ✔✔ Voting on
Effectiveness of a HACCP system depends on ✔✔ Regular verification activities.
HACCP team members conducting a hazard analysis must be concerned mainly with
✔✔ Safety
After identifying potential hazards, the HACCP team conducts a hazard evaluation to
decide which potential hazards must be addressed in the HACCP plan based on all of
the following criteria except ✔✔ Dietary effects of the potential hazard
The term "control measure" refers to the fact tha ✔✔ Most food-related hazards should
be controlled.
When is a CCP decision tree used? ✔✔ After a hazard analysis
All of the following records are part of a HACCP except ✔✔ Employee training records.
Bacteria, viruses, parasites, natural toxins, and chemical contaminants are identified as
✔✔ Hazards
Which of the following vendors must fellow additional rules? ✔✔ Molluscan Shellfish
How many countries import seafood into the U.S.? ✔✔ 135
NOAA stands for ✔✔ National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Seafood plans that receive NOAA certification have good ✔✔ Quality
Seafood processors with official marks on products are ✔✔ Federally inspected
Histamine, which causes scombroid poisoning, is a(n) ✔✔ Chemical
Decomposition of fish is identified by ✔✔ Organoleptic techniques
A safe seafood seller should be ✔✔ Wearing disposable gloves, hair covering, and
clean clothes.
A load of fish arrives, and after a quick inspection, you know it is not fresh because ✔✔
It's flesh doesn't spring back when pressed.
Where should you consider buying seafood? ✔✔ Reputable sources.
If cooked fish is displayed next o raw fish ✔✔ Cross-contamination can occur
What guidelines should recreational fishers follow in order to prevent food-related
hazards? ✔✔ Fish in areas where the fish is safe for comsumption
A shipment of frozen fish arrives and there are froze and ice crystals on the outside of
the packaging. What do you know immediately? ✔✔ The fish has been thawed and refrosted.
Fresh fish brought to cook the next day can be safely kept ✔✔ In the refridgerator
If shellfish is alive it ✔✔ Will close up when the shell is tapped.
Unless it is cooked immediately, the best way to prepared frozen fish prior to cooking is
to defrost it ✔✔ Overnight in the refridgerator
What happens when cooked and uncooked seafood come in contact? ✔✔ Crosscontamination
A cooked shellfish's shell ✔✔ Opens
Hot seafood should be kept at ✔✔ 135F
You handle a lot of seafood and mushrooms on the job. The toxins you may encounter
pose a high risk of which kind of contamination? ✔✔ Chemical
What is the first step in the preliminary tasks management process completed before
implementing a HACCP plan? ✔✔ Assembling an HACCP team.
A trap has caught a mouse in your kitchen. What do you do? ✔✔ Check for biological
contamination from blood and dispose of any possible contaminated food.
You should call the local regulatory authority when you run into which of the following
problems? ✔✔ Water service interrupted for two hours.
Which problem would best be address by implementing linear product flow and traffic
control processes? ✔✔ Cross-contamination
You receive an order from a seafood processor whose products have official marks.
What does this mean? ✔✔ The seafood has been federally inspected.
A busy restaurant is short staffed, so Tom is tasked with the duties of two people. He
just trimmed steaks in record time and then hurries over to dice six potatoes with the
same knife. What should he do first? ✔✔ Clean and sanitize the knife.
You notice that raw fish is displayed next to cooked fish. What does this tell you? ✔✔
Cross-contamination can occur.
Selling which kind of seafood would mean that a vendor has to follow additional rules?
✔✔ Molluscan shellfish.
How far from the floor should a bottom shelf be to ensure proper protection for foods
during storage? ✔✔ 6 inches.
What is the point of using a brightly colored bandage for a cut on your finger? ✔✔ It is
easily found if it falls into food.
According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), each year how many
people become sick due to foodborne illnesses? ✔✔ Over 76 million people
According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), each year how many
people are hospitalized due to foodborne illnesses? ✔✔ Over 325,000 people
According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), each year how many
people die due to foodborne illnesses? ✔✔ Over 5,000 people
What are the two types of foodborne illnesses? ✔✔ Foodborne infection & foodborne
What type of foodborne illness is produced by the ingestion of living, harmful organisms
present in food? ✔✔ Foodborne infection
In foodborne infections, how are harmful organisms inside food not killed? ✔✔ Not
cooking food products to their required temperatures
What type of foodborne illness has a delayed onset meaning you do not get sick right
away? ✔✔ Foodborne infections
What are two bacteria most associated with foodborne infection? ✔✔ Salmonella and
E. Coli
What type of foodborne illness is produced by ingestion of bacterial toxins or
excrements that are present in food before it is consumed? ✔✔ Foodborne intoxication
What type of foodborne illness may occur from consuming foods that contain chemicals
from cleaning agents, pesticides, or certain metals? ✔✔ Foodborne intoxication
What type of foodborne illness may occur when leaving potentially hazardous food
products at room temperature, exposing it to the Temperature Danger Zone (TDZ)? ✔✔
Foodborne intoxication
What are waste or by-products of bacteria? ✔✔ Toxins
The symptoms of what type of foodborne illness have a rapid onset, meaning they occur
rapidly within a few hours? ✔✔ Foodborne intoxication
What are the two bacteria associated with foodborne intoxication? ✔✔ Staphylococcus
Aureus and Clostridium Botulinum
Poultry should be cooked to an internal temperature of how many degrees and for how
many seconds? ✔✔ 165 degrees F for 15 seconds
Ground beef should be cooked to an internal temperature of how many degrees for how
many seconds? ✔✔ 155 degrees F for 15 seconds
Pork should be cooked to an internal temperature of how many degrees for how many
seconds? ✔✔ 145 degrees for 15 seconds
What is WRSA? ✔✔ Wash, Rinse, Sanitize, Air dry
How many seconds do food preparers need to wash their hands for? ✔✔ 20 seconds
What are the four groups of people who are considered High Risk Populations? ✔✔
PIES (Pregnant, infants, elderly, people with impaired immune systems)
How many ounces of seafood and fish can a pregnant woman consume each week?
✔✔ 12 ounces
What are some foods pregnant women cannot eat? ✔✔ King mackerel, shark,
swordfish, hot dogs, luncheon meats, unpasteurized cheeses/milks, liver
What are the three dangerous types of bacteria to people with AIDS? ✔✔ Salmonella,
campylobacter, and listeria
Bacteria doubles every how many minutes? ✔✔ 20 minutes
Food contact surfaces should be cleaned every how many hours to prevent bacterial
build-up on the surfaces? ✔✔ Every four hours
All packaging material should be how many inches off the ground? ✔✔ 6 inches
What are the four categories of food contaminants? ✔✔ Biological, physical, chemical,
cross contamination
What type of food contaminant pertains to life and or living things? Some main
examples are bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi. ✔✔ Biological
What type of food contaminant are objects that can be seen with the human eye such
as nails, hair, and bandages? ✔✔ Physical
What type of food contaminant can occur if an employee prepares acidic foods (such as
lemons) using a copper pot? ✔✔ Chemical
What type of food contaminant is the transfer of pathogens or disease-causing microorganisms from one food to another? Food handlers who do not properly wash their
hands and immediately prepare the restaurant food are one example. ✔✔ Cross
What are the four major biological hazards? ✔✔ Bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi
What is the Temperature Danger Zone? ✔✔ 41-135 degrees F
What is the maximum accumulated time that food can remain the Danger Zone? ✔✔ 4
How are toxins killed? ✔✔ They cannot be killed with heat or cold.
What type of bacteria have the ability to change into forms that are very resistant to heat
and dry conditions? ✔✔ Spores
What type of bacteria is formed in improperly processed home canned foods; therefore
food from home cannot be purchased by a food service establishment? ✔✔ Spores
What type of bacteria is found in human intestines and other warm-blooded animals?
✔✔ E. Coli
What type of E.Coli can produce death in children and elderly people? ✔✔ O157: H7
E.Coli is commonly found in what types of food? ✔✔ Ground beef, raw fruits/veggies,
unpasteurized juices (i.e. apple cider)
What type of bacteria is especially found in poultry and eggs including their shells, in
human intestines, and in domestic and wild animals? ✔✔ Salmonella
How is salmonella killed in poultry? ✔✔ By cooking it to an internal temperature of 165
degrees F for 15 seconds
What type of bacteria can form spores and can grow without oxygen, making it a type of
anaerobic bacteria? ✔✔ Chlostridium botulinum
What type of illness can affect the central nervous system? ✔✔ Chlostridium botulinum
Clostridium Botulinum is found in? ✔✔ Soil, lakes, human intestines, fish, swollen cans,
vacuum packed foods, smoked meats
What is the process whereby foods are placed in containers and air is removed from the
package? ✔✔ Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP)
MAP products must be kept frozen at how many degrees or less? ✔✔ 41 degrees F
Listeria is found everywhere, but especially in what food products? ✔✔ Lunch and deli
Listeria can grow well at temperatures below what temperature? ✔✔ 41 degrees F
How do you prevent the spread of listeria inside the refrigerator? ✔✔ Keep all foods
If listeria contaminated foods are ingested by pregnant women, it can cause what? ✔✔
Abortions, stillbirths, and birth defects
Which disease is found in human intestines? Most foodborne illnesses caused by this
microorganism are the result of not washing hands after using the bathroom and then
touching ready to eat foods. ✔✔ Shigella
How is shigella most often transferred? ✔✔ Person to person
Shigella is most commonly found in ready to eat foods such as:? ✔✔ Beans, pudding,
raw oysters, deli meats, raw produce (spinach and strawberries)
What is the most common cause of foodborne illness? ✔✔ Staphylococcus aureus
What type of bacteria is found on the skin, nose, and mouth of 50%-70% of all people?
✔✔ Staphylococcus aureus
Staphylococcus aureus is easily transmitted by? ✔✔ Sneezing, coughing, scratching
skin, touching facial hair
The toxins from Staphylococcus aureus can induce vomiting in as little as how many
minutes? ✔✔ 30 minutes
What type of bacteria is found in soil where veggies and grains are grown? ✔✔ Bacillus
What type of bacteria forms spores and can be found on cooked rice that has been
improperly cooled or held at improper temperatures? ✔✔ Bacillus cereus
What type of bacteria is commonly found in raw, under processed, improperly handled,
and contaminated fish and shellfish? ✔✔ Vibrio
What bacteria requires salt to grow, and therefore is not found in still, clear waters or
raw meat or poultry? ✔✔ Vibrio
What is the acronym for the conditions for bacterial growth? ✔✔ FATTOM
What is the food condition for bacterial growth? ✔✔ Food that is high in protein such as
milk, meat, fish, eggs
What is the acid condition for bacterial growth? ✔✔ Adequate pH (4.6 - 7.5), they do
not like very acidic foods
What is the temperature condition for bacterial growth? ✔✔ 41-135 degrees F
What is the time condition for bacterial growth? ✔✔ Time to reproduce (at least 4
What is the oxygen condition for bacterial growth? ✔✔ Aerobic (requires oxygen),
anaerobic (does not require oxygen)
What is the moisture condition for bacterial growth? ✔✔ Foods with plenty of water (Aw
.85 or greater) Aw=Water activity
Some foods have a greater chance of foodborne contamination/potentially hazardous
foods (PHF) because of what three main characteristics? ✔✔ They are foods high in
protein, low in acidity, and have high moisture content
What does PAM stand for? ✔✔ Protein, Acidity, Moisture
What microorganism will cause illness, but does not reproduce on food? They only use
food as a means of transportation. ✔✔ Viruses
What are 100x smaller than bacteria, and can only reproduce in living cells, human
beings, plants, or anything that is alive? ✔✔ Viruses
What type of virus affects the liver, usually caused by poor personal hygiene and
improper washing of hands? ✔✔ Hepatitis A
What type of virus causes a yellowing of the skin or whites of the eyes (jaundice)? ✔✔
Heptatitis A
Hepatitis A symptoms can appear in how many days and last as long as how many
weeks? ✔✔ 14 days and last 6 weeks
Which virus lives in the human intestinal tract and is commonly transmitted through a
fecal-oral route or vomit-oral route? ✔✔ Norwalk/Norovirus
What type of organism lives within or feed off another organism or host? They are
usually larger than bacteria. ✔✔ Parasites
What type of parasite is found in pork? ✔✔ Trichinosis
A type of disease transferred by way of the circulatory system. ✔✔ Trichinella
How can you kill trichinella in pork? ✔✔ Cooking pork to 145 degrees F for 15 seconds
Parasites can be killed if the food is cooked well or if frozen at how many degrees for
how many days and hours? ✔✔ Frozen at -4 degrees F for 7 days or -31 degrees F for
15 hours
Parasite found in fish and seafood produces what type of disease? ✔✔ Anisakis
Cook fish to how many degrees? ✔✔ 145 degrees F
Which parasite is found mostly in bodies of contaminated water, making it one of the
most common sources of waterborne illness? ✔✔ Giardia
A type of seafood poisoning that is generally found in warm bodies of water and in
tropical predatory fish such as grouper, snapper, and barracuda. ✔✔ Ciguatera
The most common reported cause of seafood illness that comes from histamine toxins
which require anti-histamines for treatment. Symptoms are a swelling or rash around
the neck and chest, tingling or burning sensation around the mouth... ✔✔ Scombroid
Always store cooked foods ______ raw foods. ✔✔ Above
The best way to store foods in the fridge is in order of? ✔✔ Required cooking
Molds can be killed by heating foods to how many degrees for how long? ✔✔ 140
degrees F for 10 minutes
Yeasts can be killed by heating foods to how many degrees for how many minutes? ✔✔
136 degrees F for 15 minutes
Prepared foods can be stored in the fridge at how many degrees or below for a
maximum of how many days? ✔✔ 41 degrees F or below for a max of 7 days
Never use what kind of thermometers? ✔✔ Glass or mercury-filled thermometers
What type of thermometer should be used? ✔✔ bi-metallic, stemmed thermometers
Thermometers must be how long in length? ✔✔ At least 5 inches
Thermometers must measure between what temperatures? ✔✔ 0 and 220 degrees F
You may calibrate the thermometer using boiling water at how many temperatures or
crushed ice and water at what temperature? ✔✔ 212 degrees F or 32 degrees F
The first 2 inches of the thermometer (tip) to the dimple is called what? ✔✔ Sensing
The first stage of the 2 Stage Cooling Process is to cool food from what temperature to
what temperature within how many hours? ✔✔ 135 degrees to 70 degrees F within 2
The second stage of the 2 Stage Cooling Process is to cool food from what temperature
to what temperature within how many hours? ✔✔ 70 to 41 degrees with an additional 4
What is the minimum internal temperature and time for reheating foods/microwave
foods? ✔✔ 165 degrees for 15 seconds
What is the minimum internal temperature and time for beef roast, pork roast, ham? ✔✔
145 degrees for 3 minutes
What is the minimum internal temperature and time for eggs? ✔✔ 145 degrees for 15
When receiving foods, cold foods should arrive at what temperature or less? ✔✔ 41
degrees or less
When receiving foods, frozen foods should arrive at what temperature or less? ✔✔ 0
degrees or less
When receiving foods, hot foods should arrive at what temperature or higher? ✔✔ 135
degrees or higher
Shell-stock ID tags must be saved for how many days? ✔✔ 90 days
Since eggs are a PHF, they have to be received at what temperature? ✔✔ 45 degrees
or less
Keep all frozen foods between what degrees? ✔✔ 0 to -10 degrees F
Place dry foods in a storeroom between what temperatures? ✔✔ 50 and 70 degrees
What are 5 illnesses that are considered highly infectious? ✔✔ HESSN
Hepatitis A
Heat sanitizing involves placing cleaned equipment and utensils in hot water at how
many degrees for how long? ✔✔ 171 degrees for 30 seconds
Chemical sanitizing involves placing equipment and utensils in an approved chemical
sanitizing solution for a minimum of how many seconds at cool temperature? ✔✔ 60
Sanitizers are best used in temperatures above how many degrees but not above? ✔✔
above 75 degrees but not above 120 degrees
Approved chemical sanitizers are what chemicals? ✔✔ Chlorine, Iodine, Quaternary
Class A extinguishers are used for? ✔✔ Wood and paper fires
Class B extinguishers are used for ✔✔ grease and oil fires
Class C are used for? ✔✔ electric fires
No, homemade foods may not be sold or used in a public food service establishment
✔✔ Can homemade salad dressing be sold in public food service establishment?
Food is delivered within an acceptable temperature range ✔✔ During a delivery of
frozen products the manager on duty should check the?
Upon receipt and before use ✔✔ When should canned and vacuum-sealed products be
thoroughly inspected?
Using stock rotation so products are used in the order in which they are received ✔✔
What is FIFO
Salt ✔✔ What is not a TCS food?
165 degrees ✔✔ What minimum internal temperature should poultry, reheated meats
and stuffed meats be cooked to?
At room temperature ✔✔ How should food NOT be dethawed?
A metal scoop ✔✔ Which utensil should be used to dispense ice
135 Degrees ✔✔ Hot food must be held at a minimum internal temperature of what?
Galvanized Metal ✔✔ Which of the following materials are unacceptable for storing
acidic food?
A Cross-Contamination may occur ✔✔ What can happen if raw foods come into
contact with cooked ready to eat food?
Frequent and effective handwashing ✔✔ Which of the following is the best way to
prevent cross contamination?
Holding all potentially hazardous foods at 41 degrees or below ✔✔ Which of the
following procedures is acceptable in a public food service establishment?
Eating or smoking might contaminate their hands ✔✔ Employees are prohibited from
smoking and eating while at work because?
Raw Chicken ✔✔ What food is primarily associated with the bacteria Salmonella?
Allow the employee to work, UNLESS they have another communicable disease ✔✔
What is a acceptable practice when dealing with a food service worker who has HIV or
Wash the wound, use a water resistant bandage and cover the bandage with a single
use glove or finger cot ✔✔ What should you do if an employee has a minor cut?
Only in designated handwashing areas ✔✔ Which of the following is an acceptable
area for employee handwashing?
Single use disposable paper towels ✔✔ Which of the following is an acceptable method
for hand drying?
Human ears, skin, nose and throat of an otherwise healthy person ✔✔ What is the
source of Staphylococcus?
Placing raw meat on the top shelf in storage ✔✔ What has a higher risk of causing
cross contamination
Hairnet ✔✔ What is an acceptable hair restraint for employees?
Potable Water ✔✔ What is the proper liquid to use when washing vegetables prior to
peeling, cutting or cooking?
A metal stem thermometer inserted into the food ✔✔ Which is best for checking food
Disconnect the power ✔✔ Prior to cleaning heavy equipment employees should?
171 Degrees or hotter ✔✔ At what temperature will hot water effectively kill
microorganisms by itself?
50 to 99 PPM (Parts Per Million) ✔✔ At what concentration should chlorine sanitizer be
Before beginning a task and after each use ✔✔ When should food contact surfaces be
cleaned and sanitized?
Bottom Up ✔✔ How should glasses be stored?
Sewer Pipes ✔✔ Which of the following is not acceptable above food contact surfaces?
In sanitizing solultion ✔✔ Where should wiping cloths be stored after cleaning up a
155 Degrees for 15 seconds ✔✔ What temperature must ground beef be cooked to in
order to destroy dangerous pathogens?
Watermelon ✔✔ All of the following are common food allergens except?
Fish ✔✔ What food is commonly associated with Scombroid poisoning?
Keep leftover Marinara sauce on the counter overnight for the morning shift to use ✔✔
A ineffective way to prevent pests is
Closed and sealed tightly ✔✔ How should doors on dumpsters appear?
As sewage ✔✔ How should used sanitizing liquid be discarded?
A metal band free of stones ✔✔ Acceptable jewelry in the food preparation area?
A licensed pest control operator ✔✔ Who is allowed to spray pesticides
Sanitize ✔✔ What is the fourth step of proper cleaning and sanitizing procedures for a
3 compartment sink?
Waste-water or mop water must be discarded in a designated mopsink to prevent
contamination ✔✔ Where should waste-water/ Mop water be discarded?
Food Allergen Awareness ✔✔ Food Service Employees must be trained in
Critical Items ✔✔ Priority Items are now designated to be
Fully Cooked to recommended temperatures for 15 seconds ✔✔ Childrens Menu items
are required by the 2009 Food Code to be
Cut-Leafy Greens, cut melon and cut tomatoes ✔✔ Food Now considered TCS food
4 Hours ✔✔ TCS food cannot remain in the Temperature Danger Zone f0r more then
how many hours?
Botulism ✔✔ Illness usually associated with low acid or home canned foods
Temperature Control for Safety ✔✔ What does TCS stand for
41 degree to 135 degree ✔✔ Disease causing bacteria grow best between what
E. Coli (Escherichia) ✔✔ Found in raw and under cooked ground beef, contaminated
fresh produce and food products made with raw or unpasteurized milk or apple cider
Listeriosis ✔✔ Associated with raw or unpasteurized milk, cheese, other dairy products,
hot dogs and deli meats. Grows best in reduced oxygen environment and can be
harmful especially to pregnant women. Can cause miscarriage or stillbirth.
Shigellosis ✔✔ Bacteria transmitted in prepared salads (like potato, chicken, macaroni,
tuna, shrimp) raw vegetables (lettuce, sprouts), milk and other dairy products. Source is
human fecal contamination, water polluted by feces and insects that spread bacteria
such as flies.
Parasites ✔✔ Organism that grow, feed and are sheltered on or in another organism
Anisakiasis ✔✔ Illness associated with raw undercooked or improperly frozen seafood.
Giardia ✔✔ Caused by consuming water from a contaminated water source
Clean, Separate, Cook and Chill ✔✔ Food Safety can be maintained by following what
four basic steps?
Poor personal Hygiene ✔✔ Research has shown that a major cause of foodborne
illness is
41 degrees or lower ✔✔ The correct temperature of raw meat when received should
After Carefully inspecting and verifying that it is in good condition ✔✔ Produce
deliveries should be accepted when?
Whole and intact, in its original container provided that there are no stains ✔✔
Packaged foods must be received
Thawing foods must be stored on bottom shelves of refrigerated storage because they
can leak ✔✔ Where should thawing foods be stored?
165 degrees ✔✔ What must food cooked in a microwave be cooked to?
Every 2 hours ✔✔ Temperature of hot-held foods should be checked how often?
Should not be touched on the food contact surface ✔✔ When serving customers,
glasses, plates, and utensils
7 inches beyond the food ✔✔ Sneeze guards installed on a self-service display must
be installed 14 inches above the food counter and must extend at least how far?
Running and draining water ✔✔ Ice cream scoops must be stored in a dipper well with
microorganisms ✔✔ What does sanitizing reduce?
Hands ✔✔ When cleaning and sanitizing fixed equipment, it is important to maintain
clean what?
A designated handwashing sink ✔✔ When washing hands use only what?
backflow ✔✔ The air gap on a sink drain should be at least twice the diameter of the
outlet to prevent what?
food-grade ✔✔ Equipment must be made of non-absorbent, non-toxic, durable material
otherwise known as what?
Monitoring ✔✔ The step 4 in a HACCP plan is what?
A critical control point ✔✔ The last step in the flow of food that can prevent, control or
eliminate hazards is what?
Not been met ✔✔ A critical action is taken when a critical limit has what?
NASA ✔✔ HAACP was developed by who?
Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points ✔✔ What does HAACP stand for?
Calibration ✔✔ The technique used to test and correct the accuracy of thermometers
used for taking food temperature readings
A manager might ensure that food handlers know correct food safety procedures ✔✔
Scheduling training sessions that reinforce food safety methods
A food defense system is designed to ✔✔ Protect the food supply from intentional harm
By washing their hands each time before entering the prep area managers ✔✔
Reinforce behavior through modeling
A manager has been notified by the regulatory authority that the operation will be
investigated for a possible outbreak, What should the manager do? ✔✔ Cooperate with
the investigation
Ice used to cool food should be made from water that is ✔✔ Drinkable
As part of operations food defense program management should ✔✔ restrict access by
unauthorized personnel
The "T" in the alert food defense awareness program means ✔✔ Threat
What is one of the CDC food borne illness risk factors ✔✔ Holding food at
unacceptable temperatures
Managers must take which action when they suspect that a foodborne illness outbreak
has happened ✔✔ Contact the regulatory authority
New food handlers have been hired, what should the manager do before the new
workers start ✔✔ Provide the food handlers with training relating to their job duties
A food handler must be excluded if he or she is diagnosed with an illness caused by
what pathogen ✔✔ Salmonella typhi
If a cook has a sore throat and fever, the manager should require the cook to ✔✔ Avoid
working around food prep and serving areas
How can a food handler prevent cross contamination between loading dirty items into
the dishwasher and removing clean items from it ✔✔ Wash hands with soap and hot
water between loading and unloading items
A food handler misses work because a roommate is diagnosed with an illness caused
by shigella spp what does a manager do ✔✔ restrict the food handler from working with
Which type of jewelry is allowed in kitchen ✔✔ Plain ring
A food handler becomes sick at work and starts vomiting, the food handler ✔✔ stop
work immediately and leave
Who should make sure food handlers understand their responsibility to report illnesses
✔✔ the manager
A line cook arrives at work with a sore throat, what should happen ✔✔ The manger
should allow the cook to work in non food areas
A food handler may continue to work with food if the food handler has ✔✔ Hives
Which food handler activity can contaminate food ✔✔ Chewing gum while in a prep
Which illness requires a food handler upon diagnosis to immediately notify a manager
✔✔ Hepatitis A
Correct handwashing is recommended to prevent the outbreak of which foodborne
illness ✔✔ Common cold
To avoid cross contamination cooks should wear ✔✔ Clean apron
Dry storage shelving must be ✔✔ Installed 6 inches above the floor
A delivery of rice boxes should be rejected if the ✔✔ Box bottoms are water stained
Reduced oxygen packaged food that exceeds its use by date should be ✔✔ Thrown
out in the correct manner
Shell stock tags are required to ✔✔ Kept attached to the container until its empty
Cold TCS food must be received at a temperature no higher than' ✔✔ 45 degrees
The last oyster from a batch is used on October 1st what should go on the tag ✔✔ the
date it sold
Dairy products other than milk should be received at or below ✔✔ 41 degrees
Why should you never use empty bleach buckets to transport food ✔✔ Chemical
residue is difficult to remove
What is the correct procedure for delivering prepped hot food off site ✔✔ Maintain hot
food temperature above 135 degrees
Shell eggs must be stored at or below which temperature ✔✔ 41 degrees
What happens with a shipment of shuck shell fish if its delivered at 50 degrees ✔✔
Reject it and set it to the side
A food handler preps potato salad on 5/5 using precooked food items. The eggs cooked
on 5/2 and the potatoes on 5/3, what date should be on the throw away label ✔✔ 9th
Key drop deliveries are allowed when ✔✔ Suppliers are exempt from regular receiving
Glass from a broken light bulb in food is an example of ✔✔ Physical contaminate
Which human disease is transmitted to others through food ✔✔ Hepatitis A
rapidly cooling TCS foods with how many hours ✔✔ 2
Before adding hot TCS food to a steam table the food temperature ✔✔ 135 degrees
For food safety a steak must be cooked to which minimum internal temperature for 15
seconds ✔✔ 145 degrees
chicken pasta salad prepared on 4/10, must be thrown away by ✔✔ 4/15
Which foods are common food allergens ✔✔ Soy and wheat
Protective shields should be placed on light fixtures to ✔✔ Prevent broken glass
contaminating food surfaces
Why must shell stock tags be kept ✔✔ To link a foodborne illness outbreak to the shell
A food handler with norovirus can report back to work ✔✔ After local regulatory
authority approval and medical clearance
What is the maximum number of hours that hot food can be held ✔✔ 4 hours
Which type of eggs are safe for service in a hospital ✔✔ Pasteurized
Hot held Cooked rice minimum temperature is ✔✔ 135 degrees
Correct sequence when cleaning in a three compartment sink ✔✔ Wash, rinse, sanitize
Before putting raw beef on menu the kitchen should have ✔✔ A special prep area in
the kitchen for this dish only
When can a food handler scoop ice cream in a cone without gloves ✔✔ Never
Why should customers be informed of raw or undercooked TCS food on menu ✔✔
Foodborne illness
Hot holding equipment must maintain TCS food at a minimum temperature ✔✔ 135
Tuna salad served at min temperature of 70* at 1pm should be thrown out by what time
✔✔ 7pm
Which way to prevent contamination of hot food in a self service area ✔✔ Provide fresh
plates for return visits
Serving utensils are used ✔✔ To keep food handlers bare hands off of the food
Which item may a customer reuse at a self service area ✔✔ drinking glass
The purpose of a sanitizer test kit ✔✔ To check the concentration of a chemical
A food handler vomits while prepping food, what should happen ✔✔ the manager
should apply strict cleaning & sanitizing procedures
which method is best for ensuring the correct concentration of a chemical solution in a
sink ✔✔ test by using an appropriate strip
sanitized pots and pans should be stored inverted ✔✔ prevents possible contamination
after a new piece of food prep equipment is installed the manger should ✔✔ review the
master cleaning schedule and make changes if necessary
spray bottles of cleaning chemicals should be stored ✔✔ bottom shelf below and away
from food and utensils
where should cloth towels be kept between uses ✔✔ in sanitizing solution
what should be done first before using the 3 compartment sink to wash dishes ✔✔
clean and sanitize sinks and drain boards
what is the correct way to dry dishes ✔✔ air dry
sanitizer spray bottles are placed above condiments what should happen ✔✔ move
spray bottles to the chemical storage shelf
the best place to store cleaning chemicals ✔✔ separate storage closet
if stationary equipment is not sealed to a base, it must be how many inches off of the
floor ✔✔ 6 inches
What happens to a board that can no longer be cleaned and sanitized because it has
deep stratches ✔✔ Resurface or discard it
A ventilation system is important ✔✔ Prevents the buildup of grease and condensation
on walls and ceilings
A correctly designed and installed air curtain can be used to prevent ✔✔ Prevent pests
from entering the operation
What is one way to prevent backflow ✔✔ Use an appropriate placed air gap
What should be at a handwashing sink ✔✔ Hot & cold running water, soap, sanitizer, a
way to dry hands, a garbage container, and a sign to wash hands before returning to
A restricted use pesticide shall be applied only by the ✔✔ Pest control operator
The most likely cause of grease accumulation ✔✔ Ventilation system is not working
The space between the faucet and the flood rim of the sink is the ✔✔ Air gap
Openings around pipes that enter the operation from outside should be ✔✔ Filled with
Backup of sewage in the prep area or a serious pest infestation are contaminants that
✔✔ Are grounds for immediate closure of an operation
Hand drying is an important part of handwashing process because it ✔✔ Can reduce
the number of bacteria on hands
How should food handlers keep their fingernails ✔✔ Short, clean, and unpolished
Bags of flour delivered with tears in the package should be ✔✔ Returned to the
Cold held fresh beef must be received at a temperature no higher than ✔✔ 45 degrees
TCS foods cooked in a microwave should be ✔✔ Stirred or rotated halfway through
The most important factor in monitoring food stored under refrigeration is the ✔✔ Air
temperature of the cooler
A consumer advisory is required when ✔✔ Items contain a major food allergen
Poisonous or toxic materials should be stored ✔✔ Away from foodservice items
When should a master cleaning schedule be reviewed for updates ✔✔ With every
change in procedure or equipment
Individuals who deliberately contaminate food can be accused of ✔✔ food tampering
Who is responsible for ensuring that staff members are informed about food allergies
✔✔ the person in charge
The hair, nose, throat and infected cuts of an average healthy person carry ✔✔ may
carry staphylococcus
Food handlers should wash their hands between ✔✔ changing tasks
single serve items must be received ✔✔ in undamaged original package
garage containers used by an operation should be ✔✔ leak proof water proof and easy
to clean
outside garbage containers must be ✔✔ sealed with tight fitting lids
viruses such as norovirus and hepatitis A are directly related to contamination ✔✔
Which item should be removed from the breakfast menu at a nursing home ✔✔
poached eggs
equipment used to process TCS food in a refrigerated room held at 41F or below can be
cleaned every ✔✔ 24 hours
An infrared thermometer is best used to measure the temperature of ✔✔ surface
What is the maximum number of days that potato salad may be kept if it remains at a
temperature of 41F or lower? ✔✔ 7
A foodborne illness outbreak occurs when how many people or more become ill after
eating the same food ✔✔ 2
Before food handlers enter the prep area, the person in charge should make sure that
all food handlers are wearing clean uniforms and have ✔✔ hair restrained
it is important to frequently clean dumpsters inside and out because this practice ✔✔
controls pests
what must a food handler use to determine the concentration of sanitizing solution? ✔✔
test kit
in order to prevent food contamination a food handler must ✔✔ frequent handwashing
a food handler working in a self-service area should ensure that cold food is being held
at which temperature or lower ✔✔ 41
the last job of the shift is putting away cleaning tools and supplies. The tools are
cleaned, the broom is hung on a hook and the mop is stored in a bucket in supply
closet. Which is performed incorrectly? ✔✔ mop
Tabletop foodservice equipment on legs should have a space between the base of the
equipment and the tabletop of at least ✔✔ 4
to make cleaning easier, the area where floors and walls meet should be ✔✔ coved
a consumer advisory is required when serving ✔✔ stuff shrimp
food contamination is most likely to happen when food handlers ✔✔ chew tobacco
and/or smoke
Which organization requires Safety Data Sheets to be kept in a location accessible to all
employees ✔✔ OSHA
Seafood must be cooked to a minimum internal temperature of ✔✔ 145
What is the max number of days that sliced roast beef can remain in fridge at 41F or
below before it must be discarded ✔✔ 7
The person in charge of a food establishment may choose to accompany the health
inspector during an inspection in order to ✔✔ to learn
In an operation hand antiseptics that are approved by the FDA should be applied to
hands ✔✔ after washing hands
the temperature of the wash water in a 3 compartment sink should be maintain at a min
of ✔✔ 110
which item can be re-served to customers ✔✔ unopened prepackaged food items
which action could lead to cross contamination ✔✔ touching food items before washing
an illness cause by what pathogen must be reported to the regulatory authority ✔✔
a food handler must remove what item before working with food ✔✔ medical bracelet
an acceptable method of cooling food is to ✔✔ stirring food while container is in an ice
the group responsible for the inspection and grading of meat is the ✔✔ USDA
a cook checks the temperature of soup being held for service and its 130F. The cook
reheats the soup to 165F. This is an example of ✔✔ corrective action
mineral buildup has formed on the steam table. which cleaning agent would be beat
remove it ✔✔ delimer
where should cleaning supplies be stored ✔✔ away from food prep areas
reviewing video surveillance is part of which ALERT Food defense Awareness step ✔✔
the agency responsible for inspecting operations that ship food to other states is the ✔✔
Which delivery must be rejected ✔✔ Unpasteurized grade A milk.
the maximum internal receiving temp for fresh poultry is ✔✔ 41
the only completely reliable backflow or backsiphonage prevention method is a ✔✔
vacuum break
storing lemonade in a pewter pitcher can result in ✔✔ chemical poisoning
a food handler is slicing roast beef continuously for 6hrs. After 4hrs the roast beef is
removed and set aside which slicer is properly cleaned. What is the most serious risk of
this procedure ✔✔ time temperature abuse of roast beef
a recent delivery of eggs has been recalled in response to a foodborne illness outbreak.
the manager should ✔✔ pull all eggs box them up and label DO Not USE
to which minimum internal temperature should gravy be reheated in a microwave ✔✔
safety date sheets must be ✔✔ placed where everyone can see them and use them in
an emergency
when a food recall occurs, this operation must ✔✔ discontinue use of item
Define foodborne illness. ✔✔ a disease transmitted to people by food
When is a foodborne illness considered an outbreak? ✔✔ when 2 or more people have
the same symptoms after eating the same food
What food saftey challenges do operations face? ✔✔ time pressure, potentially unsafe
supplies, high risk populations, and staff related challenges
What does a foodborne illness cost? ✔✔ guests and operations
After a foodborne illness, what may an operation experience? ✔✔ negative publicity,
decreased business, lawsuits, legal fees, increased insurance premiums, and personnel
What are the types of contaminants that threaten food safety? ✔✔ biological, chemical,
and physical
Which type of contaminant poses the greatest danger? ✔✔ biological contaminants
What can happen if a food handler does not follow the correct procedures? ✔✔ they
can threaten the safety of food
How can a food handler threaten the safety of food? ✔✔ by failing to cook the food
enough, holding food at incorrect temperatures, contaminating equipment, and
practicing poor personal hygiene
When has food been time temperature abused? ✔✔ when it has stayed too long at
temperatures that are good for the growth of pathogens
How can pathogens be spread to food? ✔✔ if equipment has not been cleaned and
sanitized correctly between uses
Define cross contamination. ✔✔ when pathogens are transferred from one surface or
food to another
What find of food do pathogens grow well in? ✔✔ TCS food
How can the growth of pathogens be prevented in food? ✔✔ by giving the food time
and temperature control
What groups of people are considered high risk? ✔✔ young children, the elderly,
people with cancer or on chemotherapy, people with HIV/AIDS, transplant recipients,
and people on certain medications
What are important prevention measures to keep food safe? ✔✔ controlling time and
temperature, preventing cross contamination, practicing good personal hygiene,
purchasing from approved, reputable suppliers, and cleaning and sanitizing items
What conditions do bacteria need to grow? ✔✔ FAT TOM- food, acidity, temperature,
time, oxygen, and moisture
What temperatures are in the temperature danger zone? ✔✔ 41 F to 135 F
What can some bacteria change into? ✔✔ spores
Why do some bacteria change into spores? ✔✔ to preserve themselves when lacking
What can bacteria produce in food? ✔✔ toxins that can make people sick
What is the leading cause of foodborne illnesses? ✔✔ viruses
What cannot grow in food? ✔✔ viruses
What can viruses survive? ✔✔ refrigeration and freezing temperatures
What can help prevent the spread of viruses? ✔✔ good personal hygiene
What do parasites need to survive? ✔✔ to be in another animal
What can parasites contaminate? ✔✔ food and water
What kind of water is often contaminated by parasites? ✔✔ water used to irrigate
How can foodborne illnesses caused by parasites be prevented? ✔✔ by purchasing
products from approved, reputable suppliers
What are example of fungi? ✔✔ mold and yeast
What does fungi do? ✔✔ spoil food
What can some molds produce? ✔✔ harmful toxins
What should be done with food that has mold? ✔✔ it should be discarded unless the
mold is a natural part of the product
What can spoil food quickly? ✔✔ yeast
What should be done with food spoiled by yeast? ✔✔ it should be thrown out
What can be a natural part of a fish? ✔✔ fish toxins
How can fish become toxic? ✔✔ when fish eat smaller fish containing the toxin
How can shellfish, such as oysters, become contaminated? ✔✔ when they eat marine
algae that have a toxin
What is the most important prevention measure for seafood toxins? ✔✔ purchasing
products from approved, reputable suppliers
How are foodborne illnesses linked with mushrooms caused? ✔✔ by eating toxic wild
mushrooms collected by amateur hunters
What can naturally occuring plant toxins cause? ✔✔ foodborne illnesses
When can physical contamination occur? ✔✔ when foreign objects get into the food
and when natural objects are left in food
How can physical contamination be prevented? ✔✔ closely inspect the food you
receive and take steps to make sure food will not become physically contaminated
during its flow through your operation
How can chemical contamination be prevented? ✔✔ use only utensils and equipment
that are made for food handling, store chemicals away from food, utensils, and
equipment used for food, and follow chemical manufacturers' directions for use
How can deliberate contamination be prevented? ✔✔ make food very difficult to tamper
What does a food defense program address? ✔✔ where food can be at risk
Who should be aware of the most common food allergens? ✔✔ managers and staff
What are the most common food allergens? ✔✔ milk, eggs, fish, crustacean shellfish,
wheat, soy, peanuts, and tree nuts
What should service staff be able to tell guests about? ✔✔ menu items that contain
potential allergens
What does kitchen staff need to make sure of? ✔✔ that allergens are not transferred
from food containing an allergen to good being served to a guest
When do food handlers pose a greater threat for contaminating food? ✔✔ when they
have a foodborne illness, wounds or boils that contain a pathogen, contact with
someone who is ill, go to the bathroom and do not was their hands, touch themselves,
wearing or touching a dirty uniform, coughing or sneezing into their hands, spitting in the
operation, and has symptoms of a foodborne illness
What symptoms make a food handler unable to work around food? ✔✔ sneezing,
coughing, vomiting, diarrhea, or jaundice
What parts of their body could a food handler touch that they should not when working
with food? ✔✔ their scalp, hair, nose, ear,s pimple, or wound
What kind of sink must hands be washed at? ✔✔ a sink designated for hand washing
What must be cared for and washed correctly? ✔✔ hands
When must hands be washed? ✔✔ before preparing food, working with clean
equipment and utensils, putting on single use gloves, after returning from the restroom,
and starting a new task
What should never be used in place of hand washing? ✔✔ hand antiseptics
When must single use gloves be worn? ✔✔ when handling ready to eat food
What should be done before putting on gloves? ✔✔ wash hands
What should one ensure when using single use gloves? ✔✔ that they are the correct
What should you avoid when putting on gloves? ✔✔ touching them
When should gloves be changed? ✔✔ if they are dirty or torn, before starting a new
task, after an interruption of your task, after handling raw meat, seafood, or poultry, after
4 hours of continuous use, and before handling ready to eat food
What should you never do if you are serving a primarily high risk population? ✔✔
handle ready to eat food with bare hands
What should food handlers do before going to work? ✔✔ shower or bathe
What must food handlers do before handling food or working in prep areas? ✔✔ put on
clean clothes and a hair restraint and remove jewelry from hands and arms
What should be done with aprons when staff members leave the prep area? ✔✔ they
should always be removed and stored away
What must be done if a staff member has a wound or boil? ✔✔ it must be covered
What should food handlers never do in food prep or service areas, or areas designated
for cleaning? ✔✔ eat, smoke, or chew gum
What are staff required to report to management? ✔✔ health problems
What should managers watch for? ✔✔ staff illnesses
Who must managers exclude or restrict? ✔✔ food handlers who have certain
symptoms or medical conditions
Define the flow of food. ✔✔ the path food takes in your operation from purchasing to
What are the major concerns during the flow of food? ✔✔ cross contamination and time
temperature abuse
How can cross contamination be prevented? ✔✔ keep ready to eat and raw food
separated, use separate equipment for each type food, and clean and sanitize all work
surfaces, equipment, and utensils before and after each task
What should be done if separate equipment cannot be used? ✔✔ prep ready to eat
food, and raw meat, poultry, and fish at different times
What minimizes the chances of contamination? ✔✔ prepping ready to eat food first and
buying food items that do not require much preparation or handling
What is the range of 41 F and 135 F called? ✔✔ the temperature danger zone
How can time temperature abuse be avoided? ✔✔ by having policies and procedures
that include monitoring food and recording temperatures and times, making sure the
correct types of thermometers are available, using timbers to check how long food is in
the temperature danger zone, and making sure food handlers know what to do if time
and temperature standards are not met
What is the most important tool you can use to prevent time temperature abuse? ✔✔ a
What should be done to thermometers before and after each use? ✔✔ they should be
cleaned and sanitized
When checking food temperatures, where should the thermometer stem or probe be
placed, and what should be done next? ✔✔ into the thickest part of the food and take
another reading in a different spot
Before recording the temperature of a food, what should you wait for? ✔✔ for the
thermometer reading to steady
When using a bimetallic stemmed thermometer, how should it be placed in the food?
✔✔ put it into the food from the tip to the end of the sensing area
When is the only time glass thermometers should be used with food items? ✔✔ it they
are enclosed in shatterproof casing
What should be done to thermometers to keep the accurate? ✔✔ calibrate them
What are the methods for calibrating thermometers? ✔✔ the ice point method and the
boiling point method
Who should food be purchased from ✔✔ approved and reputable suppliers who have
been inspected and meet applicable local, state, and federal laws
What must be done with deliveries immediately upon arrival? ✔✔ they must be
inspected by designated staff
What must a staff member have to inspect delivered foods? ✔✔ training to follow food
safety guidelines and the proper tools
When inspecting delivered items, what should you start with? ✔✔ inspecting the overall
condition of the delivery trucks
What should you do when inspecting delivered food? ✔✔ count quantities, check for
damage, look for items that may have been repacked or mishandled, spot check
weights, and take sample temperatures of all TCS food
When inspecting delivered food, what should you make sure of? ✔✔ that the food is
received at safe temperatures
What temperature should cold TCS food be received at? ✔✔ 41 F or lower, unless
otherwise specified
What temperature should hot TCS food be received at? ✔✔ 135 F or higher
How should frozen food always be received? ✔✔ frozen
Regarding paperwork, what should you make sure of when inspecting delivered foods?
✔✔ that the items are labeled correctly and have the correct documentation and
What should packing do? ✔✔ protect food and food contact surfaces from
How should packaging appear? ✔✔ intact and clean
What should be ensured of food quality? ✔✔ that it is acceptable and meets your
operations standards
What should be done when food items are recalled by manufacturers? ✔✔ identify
these items, remove them from inventory, secure them in an appropriate location, and
mark the so staff does not use or discard them
When must key drop deliveries be inspected? ✔✔ as soon as staff arrive
What must be ensure of key drop deliveries? ✔✔ that they are from approved
suppliers, are placed in the correct storage location, are not contaminated, and are
honestly presented
What can be a sign that food has been time temperature abused and is unsafe? ✔✔
poor food quality
What should be defined with your suppliers? ✔✔ specific safety and quality criteria for
the food regarding its apprentice, texture, and odor
What must be labeled? ✔✔ any item not stored in its original container
What must labels include? ✔✔ the common name of the food or a statement that
clearly and accurately identifies it
If a TCS food is prepped in house and will be stored longer than 24 hours, what should
be printed on the label? ✔✔ the date
After how many days in storage must a TCS food be discarded? ✔✔ 7 days
What temperature should a TCS food be stored at? ✔✔ 41 F
What information must be labeled on food that is packaged in the operation and sold to
the customers for home use? ✔✔ the food name, quantity, ingredients, artificial colors
and flavors, chemical preservatives, major allergens, and the manufacturer's, packer's,
or distributor's name and place of business
Where should food, linen, and single use items be stored? ✔✔ designated storage
areas, away from walls
How high off the ground must storage shelves be? ✔✔ 6 in
Why should stored food items always be rotated? ✔✔ so that older items are used first
What should be done with TCS foods? ✔✔ randomly sample the internal temperature
of stored food, and follow storage and maintenance guidelines
Why should you follow storage and maintenance guidelines ? ✔✔ to ensue coolers and
freezers can function properly
When storing ready to eat food, what should it be stored above? ✔✔ raw meat, poultry,
and seafood
What food items may have special storage requirements? ✔✔ meat, poultry, fish,
shellfish, eggs, fresh produce, ROP food, UHT and aseptically packaged food, canned
food, and dry food
When preparing food, how can cross contamination and time temperature abuse be
prevented? ✔✔ prepping food in small batches, keeping workstations, cutting boards,
and utensils clean and sanitized, only removing food from the cooler as you can prep in
a short period, returning prepped food that is not going to be immediately cooked to the
cooler, following guidelines for the use of additives, and thawing food correctly
When should additional prep guidelines be followed? ✔✔ when handling specific food
items, handling ice, and when using preparation practices that require a variance
When should food be thrown away? ✔✔ when it has become unsafe and cannot
become safely reconditioned, and if it has not been presented honestly
How should frozen foods be thawed? ✔✔ in the cooler, under running water, in a
microwave, or as part of the cooking process
How should food never be thawed? ✔✔ at room temperature
Operations that parcook food must have what? ✔✔ written procedures to explain how
food cooked this way will be prepped and stored
Who must approve parcooked food procedures? ✔✔ the regulatory authority
How should food be reheated and cooked? ✔✔ at required minimum internal
temperatures for a specific amount of time
What internal temperature and time should TCS foods that will be hot held be reheated
at? ✔✔ 165 F for 15 seconds
What should be ensured when reheating food? ✔✔ that it reaches the required
temperature within 2 hours
What temperature must meat, seafood, poultry, and eggs be reheated at? ✔✔ 165 F
What is the process of reheating meat, seafood, poultry, and eggs? ✔✔ cover the food,
rotate or stir it halfway through, let the food stand for at least 2 minutes, then check the
temperature in at least 2 places
What must a menu tell guests? ✔✔ when a TCS food is served raw or undercooked
What must you advise guests who order food that is raw or under cooked? ✔✔ there is
increased risk of a food foodborne illness
What does the FDA advise against offering on children's menus? ✔✔ raw and
undercooked food
What should operations that mainly serve high risk populations never serve? ✔✔ raw
seed sprouts, raw or under cooked eggs, meat, or seafood, and unpasteurized milk or
At what temperature must TCS foods be cooled from and within how long? ✔✔ 135 F
to 70 F, within 2 hours
After the first 2 hours, at what temperature must a TCS food be cooled from and within
how long? ✔✔ 70 F to 41 F or lower, within the next 4 hours
How can you make food cool faster? ✔✔ by reducing its size
How often should the internal temperature of TCS foods be checked? ✔✔ every 4
What are examples of temporary units? ✔✔ catering, mobile units, and vending
What must temporary units keep food safe from? ✔✔ weather, dirt, and pests
What must mobile units have to operate? ✔✔ a special permit or license to operate
How often should the shelf life of food in vending machines be checked? ✔✔ daily
Define active managerial control. ✔✔ the manager's responsibility to control the risk
factors of foodborne illness
Define public health interventions. ✔✔ recommendations from the FDA for controlling
the common risk factors for foodborne illness
What is the purpose of the HACCP plan? ✔✔ to identify significant biological, chemical,
or physical hazards at specific points within a product's flow
What are examples of highly specialized food processes that can be a serious health
risk if procedures are not followed? ✔✔ curing food and smoking food
What is the reason behind curing or smoking food? ✔✔ to extend shelf life
In the event of a crisis, what should your written plan focus on? ✔✔ preparation,
response, and recovery
What should be identified in each phase of your written crisis plan? ✔✔ resources
needed and procedures to be followed
Who must approve plans for new construction or extensive remodeling? ✔✔ the local
regulatory authority and the local building department
When choosing flooring, wall, and ceiling materials, what should you ensure? ✔✔ that
they are smooth and durable
Why should you choose smooth and durable flooring, wall, and ceiling materials? ✔✔
so it is easier to clean
What should be smooth, nonabsorbent, and easy clean? ✔✔ equipment that will come
in contact with food
What are the requirements of floor mounted equipment? ✔✔ that the legs are at least 6
in. off the ground or it is sealed to a masonry base
What are the requirements of tabletop equipment? ✔✔ that they are put on legs at least
4 in. high or are sealed to the counter top
Where are hand washing stations required? ✔✔ in areas used for food prep, service,
and dishwashing
What should hand washing stations include? ✔✔ hot and cold running, drinkable water,
soap, a way to dry hands, a sign to remind staff to wash hands, and a garbage
container if paper towels are provided
Define backflow. ✔✔ the reverse flow of contaminants through a cross connection into
a drinkable water supply
How can backflow be prevented? ✔✔ by vacuuming breakers, an air gap, double
checking valve backflow preventers, and reduced pressure zone backflow preventers
What is the best way to prevent backflow? ✔✔ an air gap
What are the requirements of garbage containers? ✔✔ they must be leak proof, water
proof, and pest proof
What does cleaning do? ✔✔ remove food and other dirt from a surface
What does sanitizing do? ✔✔ reduce the number of pathogens on a surface to safe
What must surfaces be sanitized with? ✔✔ hot water or a chemical sanitizing solution
What are the categories of cleaners? ✔✔ detergents, degreasers, delimers, and
abrasive cleaners
How often should food contact surfaces be cleaned? ✔✔ after every use
What is the process of cleaning and sanitizing? ✔✔ remove food from the surface,
wash and rinse, sanitize, then allow the surface to air dry
Before using chemicals, what should be done to the food around them? ✔✔ it should
be covered or removed from the area
What does an IPM program do? ✔✔ uses prevention measures to keep pests from
entering the operation and control measures to eliminate any pests that do get inside
What kind of environment do roaches live and breed in? ✔✔ dark, warm, and moist
What are signs of roaches? ✔✔ a strong, oily odor, droppings that look like grains of
pepper, and egg cases
What are signs of rodents? ✔✔ droppings, tracks, holes, nesting materials, and signs
of gnawing
What are PCOs trained to do? ✔✔ determine the best pesticide for each pest and how
and where to apply it
What are the levels of government control regarding food safety in the US? ✔✔ federal,
state, and local
At what levels is the FDA Food Code written and enforced? ✔✔ state and local
How can a staff's food safety training needs be identified? ✔✔ by testing their
knowledge, observing their performance, and noting their areas of weakness
The preservation technique that attempts to remove moisture is: ✔✔ Dehydration
Before you prepare a new raw animal food on a cutting board, you must ✔✔ clean,
rinse and sanitize
High standards for food safety will improve the quality of food served. It will also
improve tips, bring repeat customers, and ✔✔ reduce the chance for lawsuits
It is a good idea to learn about a food supplier's warehouse practices. The best way to
gather the information is to ✔✔ visit and inspect the warehouse
Why is jewelry inappropriate to wear in the kitchen? ✔✔ Both b and c.
It can harbor bacteria.
It can catch on equipment.
How long must you immerse equipment and utensils in a non-chlorine sanitizing
solution? ✔✔ 30 seconds
An organism that lives in or on another organism, often with harmful side effects, but
without benefits is a: ✔✔ Parasite
When kitchen workers are preparing food it is very important to mark any food that will
be held for more than 24 hours. Health inspectors want to see that no potentially
hazardous (TCS) foods are kept more than ✔✔ 7 days
It is important that food servers are trained to know food ingredients because: ✔✔ They
will need to help customers who have food allergies
Anne has been asked to receive the food order at the loading dock from the restaurant's
food distributor. What is a good idea for Anne to have with her before she meets the
delivery person? ✔✔ An apron to keep her clothes clean
In order for pests to feel comfortable and survive well in a food facility they need access
to ✔✔ warmth and shelter
When cleaning and sanitizing dishes, employees should _______ before sanitizing
them. ✔✔ rinse the dishes
The most important and most effective way to control pests in a food establishment is to
✔✔ keep the facility clean
Which one of the following food contaminations is usually associated with undercooked
chicken? ✔✔ Salmonella
If a health inspector comes for a health inspection and there is no manager present, the
employee on duty should ✔✔ allow the inspector to come in and do the inspection
Improper hot holding and improper cooling are both examples of ✔✔ temperature
When employees are asked to use chemicals for cleaning, they should always be sure
to ✔✔ ? mix chemical solutions to the proper strength
The ideal temperature for dry goods storage is: ✔✔ 50-70 degrees F
What should you do to prevent cross-contamination when using cutting boards? ✔✔
Use separate cutting boards for raw and cooked food
If an employee comes to work with a bandaged cut, he/she should do which of the
following? ✔✔ All of the above (below here).
Report the cut.
Wash the cut.
Put the company bandage on the cut.
If you are preparing a tuna salad using canned tuna, what temperature does it need to
be cooled to within 4 hours? ✔✔ 41 degrees F
Soil and dirt, with their contaminants are the least concern to someone buying and
using fresh fruits or vegetables if ✔✔ they are prewashed and packaged before
Which agency publishes the food code? ✔✔ FDA
What is the best kind of cleaning agent to use for cleaning burned-on grease? ✔✔ ?
Abrasive cleaner
Checking the dining areas of an eating establishment for evidence of flaking paint,
broken light bulbs, and wood damage will reduce the chances of: ✔✔ Physical
When an employee is taking action to kill microorganisms on cleaned surfaces, this is
referred to ✔✔ sanitizing
Which one of the following conditions in an outside waste disposal area needs to be
corrected IMMEDIATELY? ✔✔ ? Containers without covers
It is possible for anyone to get sick with a foodborne illness, but of the following, who is
the most likely to become ill? ✔✔ A 4-year old
If a customer comes into a restaurant and has a food allergy, there is a 90% chance in
the United States that the allergy would be to one of eight different foods, including ✔✔
During an inspection, health inspectors will sometimes ask employees questions. They
do this because they want to know ✔✔ if the employee is properly trained
When storing raw meat and poultry in a cooler, they should be stored _______ other
foods. ✔✔ below
Why is it important to change the sanitizing water when it gets dirty or has organic
matter like food debris in it? ✔✔ Both a and b are correct.
The effectiveness of the sanitizer can be lessened.
Food debris in the water can cross-contaminate.
Pests can cause what kind of contamination? ✔✔ All of the above.
Proper lighting is very important for all parts of a food operation. Which of the following
is approved to keep light bulbs from shattering and contaminating a kitchen? ✔✔ All of
the above.
Shatter proof glass
In order to make sure it is possible to clean the floors under shelving units in food
establishments, the shelves must be at least _______ above the floor. ✔✔ six inches
All of the following bacteria can cause foodborne illness EXCEPT: ✔✔ Aciohpilus milk
Jennifer is working in a hot kitchen and doesn't want to become dehydrated. She grabs
a liquid measuring cup, fills it with water and ice, and brings it back to her work station
to drink while she is working. What about this practice is incorrect? ✔✔ The container
she is drinking from is not covered.
All of the following are Time/Temperature Control for Safety (TCS) EXCEPT: ✔✔
Processed garlic oil mixtures
A food business such as a restaurant must be certain to purchase their food products
from a _______ source. ✔✔ reputable
John is preparing lentils for the meal service. He pours the lentils from the package into
the pot and adds water and the spices from the recipe. He cooks them for 30 minutes,
but later that night there is a complaint from a patron. What physical contaminant might
be in the lentils? ✔✔ A piece of ROCK
Which of the following statements is not true about thermometers and temperature
taking? ✔✔ Every kitchen employee should have a thermometer with them.
The viral infection Hepatitis A can be most effectively controlled if: ✔✔ All food
personnel practice personal hygiene, such as thorough handwashing.
The CDC (Centers for Disease Control) has identified five contributors to foodborne
illness. Which of the following is one of the top five contributors? ✔✔ Meats not cooked
to their proper temperature
Whenever a trap has sprung and caught a pest, you will want to: ✔✔ Check for
biological contamination from blood and dispose of any possibly contaminated foods.
If all proper hand washing steps are followed, how long should the entire process take?
✔✔ At least 20 seconds
A food handler's duties regarding food safety include all of the following practices
EXCEPT: ✔✔ Periodically test food for illness causing microorganisms
What is the most direct cause of customer loyalty? ✔✔ High food safety standards
What is the best way to prevent poor food safety? ✔✔ Employee training
Which one of the following duties is management's responsibility to ensure food safety?
✔✔ Preventing infected employees from contaminating food.
All of the following are the most common Critical Control Points (CCPs) EXCEPT: ✔✔
Customer service
Which agency publishes the food code? ✔✔ fda
Which one of the following steps is NOT one of the seven HACCP steps? ✔✔ create a
cost analysis
Creation of which one of the following quality programs is a management responsibility?
✔✔ assurance
Local health codes establish requirements for all of the following subjects EXCEPT ✔✔
price controls
Why must the manager sign the inspection document after the inspector has completed
the investigation? ✔✔ To confirm that the inspection has taken place.
An organism that lives in or on another organism, often with harmful side effects—but
without benefits is: ✔✔ parasite
The viral infection Hepatitis A can be most effectively controlled if: ✔✔ All food
personnel practice personal hygiene, such as thorough handwashing.
What is the easiest way to recognize foods contaminated with spoilage bacteria? ✔✔
Changes in color and smell
Which one of the following situations would MOST LIKELY promote bacterial
contamination? ✔✔ Touching raw chicken and then cooked chicken without changing
One of the most important reasons for using only reliable water sources is to reduce ✔✔
The number of parasites, such as Cyclospora Cayetanensis, that can infest foods.
Which bacteria cause the greatest harm in the food industry ✔✔ pathogenic
All of the following bacteria can cause foodborne illness EXCEPT: ✔✔ Acidophilus milk
Which one of the following food contaminations would be suspected if the end of a can
of tomatoes had begun to swell ✔✔ botulism
Which one of the following food contaminations is usually associated with undercooked
chicken ✔✔ salmonella
Which one of the following food contaminations is best prevented by cooking to safe
temperatures ✔✔ e. coli
Contamination of food items by other living organisms is known as ✔✔ biological
Because they are living organisms, which one of the following methods would be both
effective and safe to help reduce pathogenic contaminants in food? ✔✔ heat
Perhaps the most common vehicle of contamination in the food industry is ✔✔ hands,
so they should be washed often
The contamination results from the spread of bacteria from meat to vegetables is called
✔✔ cross
Which one of the following contaminants is a physical contaminant? ✔✔ hair
You notice a food handler trim excess fat from a T-bone steak and then move toward a
bowl of potatoes to begin peeling them with the same knife. What action should you
take ✔✔ Caution the food handler that she must clean and sanitize her knife.
An employee brings you a bag of oatmeal in which he has found black specks. What is
the MOST LIKELY cause of those specks? ✔✔ Pests have gotten into the bag and left
waste secretions in the oatmeal.
Checking the dining areas of an eating establishment for evidence of flaking paint,
broken light bulbs, and wood damage will reduce the chances of ✔✔ physical
Toxins from seafoods, mushrooms, and molds present the greatest potential for ✔✔
Although all of the following methods will promote the prevention of food contamination,
which one has the most continuous effect? ✔✔ Educating employees about clean,
responsible, and legal food handling.
Food preservation does all of the following EXCEPT ✔✔ promotes the growth of
In degrees Fahrenheit, what is the temperature range of the Danger Zone? ✔✔ 41 to
Reheated food items must be heated for a minimum of 15 seconds to at least ✔✔ 165
The preservation technique that attempts to remove moisture is ✔✔ dehydration
"Chilling" is most commonly practiced by ✔✔ commercial food distributers
All of the following are Time/Temperature Control for Safety Foods Except ✔✔
Processed garlic mixtures
Bacterial contamination can spread quickly because if the conditions are right, bacteria
can multiply in ✔✔ 10 to 20 minutes
It is important that food servers are trained to know food ingredients because ✔✔ they
will need to help customers who have food allergies
The best temperature for short-term refrigeration storage is ✔✔ 34 to 40
Which preservation technique involves heating foods to mild temperatures and then
cooling them down immediately ✔✔ Pasteurization
You see that the food handler you assigned to prepare the salad has a small cut on her
hand. You should: ✔✔ Have her put a watertight bandage over the cut and wear gloves
Gabe fries chicken at Country Boy Restaurant. Gabe wears gloves as he preps the raw
chicken in flour. Today during the lunch rush, you tell him to fill chicken orders for
impatient customers. Gabe immediately begins putting cooked chicken in boxes and on
plates. What are the hazards created by Gabe's actions, and what action should you
take? ✔✔ Although he is wearing gloves, Gabe has created a cross-contamination
hazard by touching raw chicken and then touching cooked chicken. You should stop
Gabe, dispose of any orders he has just filled, and then have Gabe wash his hands and
change gloves before continuing to fill orders.
You have a staff that is thoroughly trained in proper hand washing; however, in which
one of the following situations would you need to speak to an employee ✔✔ You are in
the dining area and you see a salad bar attendant pet a service animal
If all proper hand washing steps are followed, how long should the entire process take
✔✔ at least 20 seconds
Because of the risk of spreading Staphylococus aureus, which area of their bodies
should employees be trained to avoid touching ✔✔ mouth, nose, and throat
Why should you stock only brightly colored bandages for first aid supply ✔✔ So they
can be easily found if they fall into food
Near the end of an interview with a person you have decided to hire, she discloses to
you that she is infected with HIV. What actions should you take? ✔✔ Consider her to
be a disabled person and continue with your decision
Corrective action needs to be taken immediately if you see a food handler ✔✔ Using
hand sanitizer instead of washing their hands
The most important reason for having food handlers wear hair restraints is to ✔✔
prevent food handlers from contaminating their hands by touching their hair
If an employee is properly trained, he should be able to demonstrate all of the following
competencies except ✔✔ identify by price and quality the most desirable suppliers
An effective way to choose reputable suppliers is to ✔✔ visit their warehouses
Which of these food items upon receiving should be given priority in storage ✔✔ frozen
A shipment of frozen fish arrives at your food establishment. You see that the outside
bottoms of the shipping cartons have too much ice and the fish fillets held within the
cartons have brown edges. These are signs of ✔✔ thawing and refreezing
Employees trained to receive foods properly will complete all of the following steps
except ✔✔ not- check order completion
Your latest shipment of chicken has some items with USDA stickers and some items
with USDA GRADE stamps. What is the difference in these items ✔✔ Stamps mean
the chicken's quality has been rated
The best place to store grains to reduce the risk of cross-contamination is ✔✔ Next to
the canned peaches
Rotating stock so that the oldest items move first is often referred to as ✔✔ FIFO- first
in, first out
Labels should include all of the following except ✔✔ not- the best way to store the food
To ensure proper protection for foods during storage, the bottom shelf should be ✔✔ At
least six inches off the floor
According to the Food Code, proper food labels should NOT contain ✔✔ not- the
period of time ready-to-eat foods were refrigerated before being frozen
Cross-contamination has occurred when ✔✔ the same unwashed gloves are used to
handle different meats
Sanitization can be done by all of the following except ✔✔ air drying
Which of the following steps comes last ✔✔ air dry
If steam is used to sanitize, it must be at ✔✔ 200 for 5 minutes
It is very important to sanitize all of the following items except ✔✔ hair
The presence or growth of microorganisms is a type of ✔✔ biological hazard
To prevent cross-contamination, you should take immediate corrective action if you
notice a receiving employee did not ✔✔ wash off rubber boots before entering food
storage areas
Food surfaces and equipment are not fully cleaned and sanitized until ✔✔ they have
been allowed to air dry completely
Most of your cooking equipment is copper and your utensils are silver, so which
sanitizer would you not want to use ✔✔ iodine-based
Which one of the following conditions in an outside waste disposal area needs to be
corrected immediately ✔✔ containers without covers
Pest infestations must be controlled for all of the following reasons EXCEPT: ✔✔ They
tend to be overlooked by loyal employees who know the food is good.
A food preparer brings you a bag of rice with a few black things among the grains. You
suspect mouse droppings, but you are not sure. What should you do? ✔✔ Dispose of
the bag and check all other bags in storage.
The best eradication method for a major infestation is ✔✔ chemical
Which method is the best for the prevention of pest infestations? ✔✔ Regular cleaning
and monitoring
Since pests are living organisms requiring four basic needs for survival, which one of
these needs, if their access to it is eliminated, will drastically reduce pests in your
establishment ✔✔ food
Employees must be trained to notice signs of pests, which include all of the following
EXCEPT: ✔✔ Traps that have not been tripped, bait that has not been eaten, but it
Whenever a trap has sprung and caught a pest, you will want to: ✔✔ Check for
biological contamination from blood and dispose of any possibly contaminated foods.
Where should you put pest baits and bait stations to prevent chemical contamination
from rodenticides ✔✔ outside
Maintaining an integrated pest management program (IPM) best serves ✔✔ Business
Should you become aware of a pest problem in your establishment, all of your
measures to eradicate the pests should conclude with ✔✔ Schedule regular, routine
visits from the pest control operators (PCOs).
Which one of the following situations requires management to contact the local
regulatory authority? ✔✔ Water service interrupted for two hours
All toilets in a food service establishment must have ✔✔ hot running water
A well-designed building should have all the following except ✔✔ locker rooms with
Which one of the following materials must not be used in the construction of food
preparation and storage areas ✔✔ indoor/outdoor carpeting
Which of the following types of floors are least suited for food prep areas ✔✔ floors
made of hard, non-porous material
For which one of the following purposes is non potable water approved ✔✔ mopping
Which area is not required to have a conveniently located hand washing facility ✔✔
food storage
If all of the following items were stored on the same rack on the same wall, which item
would be stored closest to the ground ✔✔ beef
Effective ventilation systems ✔✔ minimize odor
It is important that all wooden utensils be ✔✔ made of maple or close-grained
The HACCP system has seven principles ✔✔ 1. Conduct a hazard analysis
2. Determine the CCPs
3. Establish critical limits
4. Establish monitoring procedures
5. Establish corrective actions
6. Establish verification procedures
7. Establish record keeping and documentation procedures
Which of the following steps is one of the seven HACCP principles ✔✔ determine the
The purpose of a hazard analysis is to ✔✔ examine work areas for potential dangers
Critical control points are hazards that can be ✔✔ controlled or eliminated
Critical limits set ✔✔ minimum standards for processes
Once CCP limits have been determined, the next step is to establish a ✔✔ monitoring
To ensure the success of any HACCP, management must ✔✔ educate employees
What is the first line of defense against all contaminations ✔✔ prevention
To reduce dramatically all potential contamination, the most highly critical training for all
employees is ✔✔ personal hygiene
The best method for training employees how to clean a slicer is to show the skill and
then ✔✔ have them do it for you
The best supervisors set ✔✔ personal examples
The FDA's food safety system is known as ✔✔ Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point
The HACCP management system is a ____ system that helps prevent problems before
they occur ✔✔ Proactive
How can a HACCP plan best be implemented ✔✔ By the commitment of the
management to the plan and by training employees
Prerequisite programs, the foundation of a successful HACCP system, include all of the
following except ✔✔ personnel control
A properly implemented linear product flow and traffic control process is most effective
in minimizing ✔✔ cross-contamination
Of the five preliminary tasks management should complete before implementing a
HACCP plan, the first task is ✔✔ assembling an HACCP team
A HACCP plan that is developed totally by outside experts runs the risk of lacking ✔✔
employee support
When designing a diagram of the work flow process, it is important that the diagram be
✔✔ clear, proving a simple outline of each major step in the process
The success of HACCP implementation depends most heavily upon ✔✔ employee
Before the HACCP team is ready to implement the seven principles of an HACCP plan,
they should verify the accuracy and completeness of the flow diagram by ✔✔
performing an on-site review
What are the initial responsibilities of the HACCP team ✔✔ develop and initial plan and
coordinate its implementation
When developing and implementing a successful HACCP Plan, teams never ignore ✔✔
Before implementing the HACCP plan, the team should develop an initial
implementation ✔✔ time line
Implementation of a HACCP plan involves all of the following EXCEPT ✔✔ voting on
Effectiveness of a HACCP system depends on ✔✔ regular verification activities
HACCP team members conducting a hazard analysis must be concerned mainly with
✔✔ safety
After identifying potential hazards, the HACCP team conducts a hazard evaluation to
decide which potential hazards must be addressed in the HACCP plan based on all of
the following criteria EXCEPT ✔✔ dietary effects of the potential hazard
The term "control measure" refers to the fact that ✔✔ Most food-related hazards should
be controlled.
When is a CCP decision tree used ✔✔ After a hazard analysis
All of the following records are part of a HACCP except ✔✔ employee hiring records
Bacteria, viruses, parasites, natural toxins, and chemical contaminants are identified as
✔✔ hazards
Which of the following vendors must follow additional rules? ✔✔ Molluscan shellfish
How many countries import seafood into the U.S.? ✔✔ 135
NOAA stands for ✔✔ National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Seafood plants that receive NOAA certification have good: ✔✔ quality
Seafood processors with official marks on products are ✔✔ federally inspected
Histamine, which causes scombroid poisoning, is a(n) ✔✔ chemical
Decomposition of fish is identified by ✔✔ organoleptic techniques
A safe seafood seller should be ✔✔ Wearing disposable gloves, hair covering, and
clean clothes.
A load of fish arrives, and after a quick inspection, you know it is not fresh because ✔✔
Its flesh doesn't spring back when pressed.
Where should you consider buying seafood ✔✔ reputable sources
If cooked fish is displayed next to raw fish ✔✔ cross-contamination can occur
What guidelines should recreational fishers follow in order to prevent food-related
hazards ✔✔ Fish in areas where the fish is safe for consumption.
A shipment of frozen seafood arrives and there are frost and ice crystals on the outside
of the packaging. What do you know immediately? ✔✔ The fish has been thawed and
Fresh fish bought to cook the next day can be safely kept _______. ✔✔ in the
If shellfish is alive it: ✔✔ Will close up when the shell is tapped.
Unless it is to be cooked immediately, the best way to prepare frozen fish prior to
cooking is to defrost it: ✔✔ overnight in the refrigerator.
What happens when cooked and uncooked seafood come in contact ✔✔ crosscontamination
A cooked shellfish's shell ____ ✔✔ opens
Hot food should be kept at ____ ✔✔ 135
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