ATI Pharmacology Proctored Exam (5 Versions,Updated-2020-2021)(Questions-Answers)
ATI Pharmacology Proctored Exam (5 Versions,Updated-2020-2021)(Questions-Answers) ATI RN Pharmacology Proctored Exam (5 Versions,Updated-2020-2021)(Questi ons-Answers)
Proctored Exam
7 Latest Versions
Version 1
7. A nurse is providing teaching to a client who was recently diagnosed as HIV positive.The
client is beginning medication therapy with zidovudine (Retrovir). Which of thefollowing
statements should the nurse include in the teaching. (Select all thatapply.)
o Must be taken with other
retroviralmedicines.o Has few adverseeffects
o Cures an HIVinfection
o Prevents you from transmitting the HIVinfection
o Increases CD4+ cellcount
8. A nurse is assessing a school age client who is experiencing seizure activity and isprescribed
diazepam (Valium) IV. The nurse should should clarify the order if the client is receivinga
continuous infusion of which of the followingIV:
o Lactated Ringerssolution
o 0.9% Sodium chloride with 100 units of regularinsulin
o 0.9% sodiumchloride
o 0.9% Sodium chloride with 20 mEq of potassiumchloride
9. A nurse is assessing a client who is taking enalapril (Vasotec) for congestive heartfailure.
Which of the following indicates an expectedfinding?
o Activitytolerance
o Orthostatichypotension
o Loss of strength
o Increase in bloodpressure
10. A child with cerebral palsy is prescribed Baclofen (Lioresol). Which of thefollowing
therapeutic effects should the nursemonitor?
o Increased urineoutput
o Increasedenergy
o Decreased anxiety
o Decreased spacity
11. Clinical findings of a client who has a prescription for lithium carbonate (Lithobid).For
which reasons should the nurse withhold the medication and notify theprovider?
o Lithium level 1.0mEq/L
o Potassium at 3.7mEq/L
o Sodium at 143mEq/L
o Lithium level 2.5mEq/L
12.The nurse is caring for a client who has tuberculosis and is being treated withcombination
medication therapy. To test the effectiveness of the treatment, the nurse shouldperiodically
monitor which of the following laboratoryresults.
o TT
o ESDrate
o Sputumculture
13. A nurse is caring for a client who is taking amoxicillin (Amoxil) and isexperiencing
adverse effects. Which of the following instructions should the nurse give to thisclient?
o “Stand up slowly after taking thismedication.”
o“Monitorforincreasedurineoutput.” o
“Take this medication with asnack.”
o “Administer the medication atbedtime.”
14. A nurse is reviewing the medication administration record for a client whohas
metastatic cancer and a fentanyl (Duragesic) transdermal patch for pain. The client reports apain
level of 10 on a scale of 0 to 10. Which of the following medications should the nurseanticipate
o Hydromorphone(Dilaudid)
o Butorphanol(Stadol)
o Alprazolam(Xanax)
o Carbenezepine(Tegretol)
15. A nurse is caring for a client with PCA Morphine Sulfate. Which of thefollowing
statements is nottrue?
o "I will not receive any pain medications during the lockoutperiod"
o "I should push the button when the pain becomessevere"
o "I will be asked to rate my painoccasionally"
o "I don't have to worry about getting an overdose of themedication"
16.A nurse is caring for a client who is to receive a series of allergy tests. The nurseshould
instruct the client to avoid which medications for up to 4 weeks before theprocedure?
o Acetemetaphen(Tylenol)
o Diphenhyramine(Benadryl)
o Albuterol(Accuneb)
o Psuedoephedrine hydrochloride(Sudafed)
17. A nurse administered meperidine (Demerol) intramuscularly to a client with anankle
fracture. Which of the following actions should the nurse takenext?
o Assesstheclient‟srespiratorystatus
o Document on the clients medicationrecord
o Reassess the client's painlevel
o Check the client's bloodpressure
18. A nurse is caring for a client who has an order for clozapine (Clozaril) 350 mg PO daily.The
nurse should recognize that which of the following findings is a side effect of thismedication?
o WBC 8,000mm3
o Serum sodium 136mg/dL
o Fasting blood glucose of 220mg/dL
o Weight loss of 2.26 kg (5 lb) in 2weeks
19. A client with diabetes mellitus is admitted to the medical unit. The client has routinebeforebreakfast prescription for 8 units of regular insulin and 18 units ofNPH. The primarycare
provider adds an additional dose of Regular insulin based on thefollowing:
Blood Glucose Regular InsulinDose
121 to 150 2 units
151 to 180 4 units
201. 200 6 units
201 to 250 8 units
> 250 Callprovider
The client‟s pre-breakfast glucose is 192 mg/dl. Which dosage of insulinshould
the nurseadminister?
o 8 units of Regular, 18 units ofNPH o
8 units of Regular, 24 units ofNPH o
14 units of Regular, 18 units ofNPH o
14 units of Regular, 24 units ofNPH
20. A nurse is caring for a client who has a new prescription of zolpidem (Ambien) 10 mgby
mouth. Which comments by the client indicates understanding regarding thismedication?
o“Iwilltakemymedicationatbedtime.” o “I
will take this medication withfood.”
o “I will stop taking this medication in 1 week, so I don‟t getaddicted.”
o “I will take vitamin C to increase the effectiveness of thismedication.”
21. A nurse is monitoring a client who is taking fosinopril (Monopril). The nurseshould
understand that this has a beneficial effect on which of the bodysystems?
o Gastrointestinal
o Pulmonary
o Reproductive
22. A nurse is assessing a client who is taking naproxen (Naprosyn). Which of the followingis
an expected outcome for this client?
o Increasedappetite o
Reducedbleeding o
Improvedbreathing o
23. A nurse is providing teaching to a client who just started taking lithium (Eskalith). Whichof
the following statements indicates that the client understands theteaching?
o „Ishould inject this medicationsubcutaneously.‟
o “I should expect to feel better in just a fewdays.”
o“IshouldcallmydoctorifIdevelophandtremors.” o “I
should take this medication on an emptystomach.”
24.A nurse is administering verapamil (Calan) to a client via IV bolus. The nurse shouldmonitor
for whichoutcome?
o A rapid increase inaPTT.
o A sudden increase in heartrate.
o A sudden decrease in heartrate.
o A rapid decrease ofaPTT.
25.A nurse is caring for a client who has rheumatoid arthritits. The client isprescribed
methotrexate (Rheumatrex). Which of the following should the nurse instruct the clientto
monitor and report to theprovider?
o Sorethroat
o Urinaryretention
o Constipation
o Insomnia
26.A nurse is caring for a client who has been prescribed Ceftriaxone (Rocephin). Thenurse
notes that the client‟s chart lists a penicillin allergy. Which of the following actions shouldthe
nurse takefirst?
o Notify the provider that the client is allergic to themedication.
o Teach the client about signs of allergic response.
o Question the client about previous allergicreactions.
o Administer the medication and monitor the client for allergicresponse.
27.A nurse is teaching a client who has decided to quit smoking about using anicotine
transdermal system (Nicotrol). Which of the following instructions should the nurseinclude?
o Cleanse the skin with alcohol before applying thepatch.
o Moisten the patch and hold it against the skin until itadheres.
o Apply the patch first thing in the morning and remove it atbedtime.
o Place the patch in the same skin area for the duration of thetreatment.
28. A nurse is caring for a client who has been taking furosemide (Lasix) for 3 days to treatheart
failure. Which of the following findings indicate that the medication iseffective?
o Reduced levels ofHDL
o Potassium within the expected referencerange
o Clear lungsounds
o Increased level ofconsciousness
29. A client is questioning the nurse about why she is receiving frequent doses of IVantibiotics.
Which of the following responses by the nurse isappropriate?
o It helps to maintain a steady druglevel
o It helps to prevent the emergence of drug-resistantbacteria
o It decreases the risk of an allergicreaction
o It decreases the length of necessarytreatment
30. A female adult client is scheduled to start a prescription for azathioprine (Imuran) foractive
Rheumatoid Arthritis. The nurse should inform the client about the need for which ofthe
following diagnostic tests priormedication?
o Erythrosedimentationrate
o Bone densityscan
o Electrocardiogram
o PregnancyTest
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