NUR 2502 / NUR2502 Exam 1 Study Guide: Multidimensional Care III / MDC 3 Exam 1 Study Guide / Rasmussen College ( 177 Q&A )

MDC 3 Exam 1 1. Non-invasive breast cancer - Ductal Carcinoma in situ (DCIS) -Remain in duct, none in fatty breast tissue Lobular Carcinoma in situ (LCIS) -Contained in lobules -High risk of becoming invasive 2. Invasive breast cancer - Infiltrating ductal carcinoma -Most common type of breast cancer -Grows into surrounding breast tissue -Most common metastasis sites are bones, brain, liver, & lung Inflammatory breast cancer (IBC) -Diffuse erythema -Peau d'orange -Breast pain & rapidly growing lump -Hard to successfully treat 3. Breast Cancer modifiable risk factors - -Postmenopausal obesity -Alcohol consumption -Lack of breastfeeding -Use of postmenopausal HRT 4. Breast cancer non modifiable risk factors - -Increased age -Family history -Early menarche, nulliparity, late menopause -Mutations in BRCA1&2 5. Nursing Interventions for surgical treatment of Breast cancer - Pre-op: - Complementary and integrative health-vitamins, diets, and herbal therapy Post-op - 6. AC-T - Chemotherapy regimen used in treatment of breast cancer 7. LH-RH agonists - Inhibits the production of estrogen in the ovaries, limiting availability to tumors 8. Trastuzumab - Targets specific characteristics of cancer cells: protein, enzyme, etc Less likely to harm normal healthy cells and has fewer side effects 9. Tamoxiflin - Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (SERM) Blocks estrogen in women with hormone-receptor positive breast cancer Reduces the chance of cancer coming back by 1/2 10. Fibroadenoma - BENIGN Mass of connective tissue unattached to surrounding breast tissue Tumors are oval, freely movable, rubbery, and vary in size s/s: -Lumps -Pain -Nipple changes 11. Fibrocystic Breast Condition - disorder characterized by benign cysts in one or both breasts s/s: breast pain tender lumps swelling (often b4 menses) Treatment: -Analgesics -limit salt before menses -Reduce or eliminate dairy and caffeine -Wear supportive bra 12. Uterine Leiomyoma - a benign, smooth muscle tumor of the uterus; may also be referred to as a fibroid or uterine myoma Intramural: -contained in uterine wall Submucosal: -Protrude in uterine cavity Subserosal: -Protrude through outer surface of uterine wall s/s: - HEAVY VAGINAL BLEEDING -painful intercourse - LARGE ROUNDED ABDOMEN -Painful esp during periods 13. Uterine Leiomyomas Dx - -Pelvic exam

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Category Exam (elaborations)
Release date 2021-09-13
Pages 33
Language English
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