MDC III Exam 2
1. Head and neck cancer s/s
- Lumps in mouth, throat, and neck
Difficulty swallowing
Color changes in mouth or tongue
Oral lesions that do not heal in 2 weeks
Persistent, unilateral ear pain
Persistent oral bleeding
Numbness of mouth, lips, or face
Change in fit of dentures
2. Laryngectomy post op care
- Airway maintenance, wound care, hemorrhage, pain management, speech therapy
3. Laryngectomy
- surgical removal of the larynx (voice box)
4. Causes of nose and sinus cancer
- Exposure to wood dust, leather, flour, nickel, chromium, mustard gas, radium
5. What may indicate skull fracture
- CSF leakage
6. Surgical management for nose fracture
- Closed reduction, rhinoplasty, or nasoseptoplasty
7. Epistaxis emergency s/s
- Posterior nasal bleeding
8. Epistaxis patient care
- Humidification, oxygen, bedrest, antibiotics, pain meds
9. Facial trauma s/s
- Stridor, SOB, anxiety, hypoxia, decreased O2 saturation, cyanosis, LOC
10. Le Fort fracture I
- Nasoethmoid complex fracture
11. Le Fort fracture II
- Maxillary and nasoethmoid complex fracture
12. Le Fort fracture III
- Combination of I & II plus orbital-zygoma fracture; often called craniofacial disjunction
13. How long does an episode of apnea occur in sleep apnea?
- 10 seconds to greater than 1 minute
14. Sleep apnea risk factors
- Obesity, oropharyngeal edema, hypothyroidism, short neck, enlarged tonsils, smoking,
alcohol, sedative use
15. Sleep apnea complications
- HTN, stroke, cognitive deficits, weight gain, DM, pulm disease, CV disease, daytime
sleepiness, inability to concentrate
16. Sleep apnea s/s
- Waking up tired, loud snoring, morning headache, daytime somnolence, irritability,
personality changes
17. Sleep apnea diagnostic testing
- ABG, TSH levels, sleep study
18. What can cause airflow blockage in the nose, mouth, pharynx, or larynx
- Trauma, masses, burns, foreign bodies
19. Asthma
- Intermittent and reversible airflow obstruction affecting airways only, not alveoli
20. Asthma s/s
- Wheezing, increased RR, increased cough, use of accessory muscles, "barrel chest",
long breathing cycle cyanosis, hypoxemia
Category | Exam (elaborations) |
Release date | 2021-09-13 |
Pages | 11 |
Language | English |
Comments | 0 |
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